Ten foot cages for my HUGE 100 gallon trees !! First attempt at trees going GREAT !!!


Well-Known Member
how long until you rekon theyre gunna begin flower?
and can you take a photo with some form of scale in there?? having a hard time comprehending how big they are.....
Should flower mid Aug. Being Sativa dom they might flower later Aug not sure. Yeah need to get a pic with me in it or something. Those Stakes are 10 footers with about a foot in ground.
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UPDATE PLEEEASE and thank you:mrgreen:
Well due to fog and cooler weather the plants really slowed down. Probably only about a foot taller then last pics. The three large Blue Dreams arent showing flower yet but 75% of my other plants are in bloom or full bloom. I'd guess 2 weeks in on most and 3 weeks on a few others which is early. Shouldnt look like that until mid Aug. So I lost some serious growth potential on a lot of them. The nodes on the BDs are getting closer so they look like they may have switched just no real hairs popping out yet. If we get some good heat I think they could go back to full veg. F*cking wierd thing is , my BC Big Bud plant that I tossed out from full 24 hours light as a throw away mom is still in full veg and is getting HUGE ... It gets a lot less direct sun light then the other plants as well.... WTF ? Would have thought the Sativas would be a lot less prone to going to bloom early. All my Cheese, Agent Orange, Pot Of Golds have definitely switched. A couple smaller Blue Dreams have as well.

I'll get some more pics up soon.


That is a truly beautiful thing! Seriously, Good work! Happy to see the big bud out there. Wouldn't be surprised to see it out yield the ones in the 100G >:) haha. Anyway.. Good luck and have fun!


Active Member
outstanding "little" garden you've got there! plus rep for the chutzpah to grow big... man you'll be trimming for days and days and days... enjoy! that will be a headstash that even the most dedicated among us would envy...


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I appreciate the support. Been a lot of work .

That BC Big bud is a LOT bigger then the last picture now. I'd say its not far off the mass of the Blue Dreams. Tossed it out on the deck in the crappiest spot for light in a 3 gallon, then thought it would need a 15 gallon. Kept expecting it to go full bloom and it didnt. Went out in mid may from full 24 hour light schedule. Got so damn big in the 15 gallon I said F*ck it and did the 65 gallon. Now it has overgrown that container !! It is going to need some very creative cage work as well. Huge branches already falling over in spots with ZERO bud on them ! Too bad the BC Big Bud has almost no taste and smell to it =( . Huge buds though. I have a couple Salmon Creek Big Buds that are outstanding quality in every possible way but both seemed to have gone early bloom on me so I only expect a few zips each on them.

Need to get the camera out there again this week . Have a Cheese that got really huge width wise with TONS of bud sites. Is about 2-3 weeks into bloom but still looks like it could produce very well. Good sized Casey Jones in 45 gallon that is going strong. One monster Pot of Gold in 45 gal but also a couple weeks into bloom. Agent Orange in 65 gal that seems to have just switched but plenty big so no worries. One bizarre super droopy Lemon Thai Skunk that is in a 100 gallon and has gotten quite large and is in full veg still probably 7 feet tall and as many wide. really tried hard to keep from early bloom this year but still had a lot of issues. Used CFLs in the morn (4 AM) to give them extra light but seems they only helped the side they were next to to stay in veg. Strange. Be interesting to see how it all turns out this year. Will be a real mix I think.


Well-Known Member
If you look at the first page the same 10 foot bamboo pole in the back is in all three sets of pics. Plants are now about a foot above. Should have been a good 2+ feet above but the halt in veg sure slowed things down.


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot I have a Fruity Chronic that ended up getting pretty big in veg (45 gal) and hasnt really switched yet. Excited about that one. In SOG 4 per SQ foot single colas they can yield 32 grams dry so far and that is with no CO2 ! Cant imagine how big the buds could get outdoors =)


Well-Known Member
A few more.

Here is the same Blue Dream a few weeks ago when I first pulled down a lot of the branches. You can see in the second pic how it really filled in. Last pics are my freak BC Big Bud I almost tossed. One pic i a few weeks ago and the last one is a few days ago. Thing is massive. Already needs supports for its branches and its not even in bloom yet. A branch about 2 inches thick split and I had to duct tape and stake it. Need to get working on a cage for this sucker ASAP since it just started to bloom !!

BC Big Bud just starting to go back to veg again on 7/18

And again a few days ago!!



Well-Known Member
i subscribe cause damn son. you make a mother fucker jealous. lol. wish i was ur neighbor. oh boy do i wish. lol.

stay toasty my friends.....