Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up , i should have gone with Donkey 420s advice in this thread about Coolhouse Hydro in Ft.Worth,i went over there a week ago,and im still freaked out about it.i went in and made my purchase ,$30"emergency",no chit chat no nothin.Then the dude starts tring to sell me some Advanced Nutrients wich i have never seen in Texas,just assumed they were illeagle seeing as how they are made for marijuana,then i noticed he had drying racks and "bud trimmers" what the hell?Hydro Expo never carried that stuff and at least the dude at Ivey Leuge looks as scared as me to be there.im hopeing its just healthy parinoia.


Well-Known Member
i do stil have a few out, two that i pollinated and one sensimilia. there doing just fine and its hit 32 degrees already one night and theyre still doing fine. and im h-tine
I chopped mine before thanksgiving thinking it was gonna be cold like last year.
Dad says it makes all the 'sap' go to the trunk. Maybe, Maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up , i should have gone with Donkey 420s advice in this thread about Coolhouse Hydro in Ft.Worth,i went over there a week ago,and im still freaked out about it.i went in and made my purchase ,$30"emergency",no chit chat no nothin.Then the dude starts tring to sell me some Advanced Nutrients wich i have never seen in Texas,just assumed they were illeagle seeing as how they are made for marijuana,then i noticed he had drying racks and "bud trimmers" what the hell?Hydro Expo never carried that stuff and at least the dude at Ivey Leuge looks as scared as me to be there.im hopeing its just healthy parinoia.
Lets put in Job Apps...Arnt we qulified?

In the resume

Hydroponic experience
Muntantlizzard can be found on rollitup.com"

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
FYI - I had a job offer from a hydro store...and he specifically told me that "when I was ready to stop being a customer, give him a call". You read between the lines. Needless to say, I'm still a custy and not employed with em lol.

Beware the scrutiny!
Whats up all? Fairly new to the site. Coming to you from North Texas. I'm planning on doing a guerrilla grow this coming Spring, but won't be able to start my seedlings indoors due to living in a dorm. Any tips on starting seedlings on site? I was thinking of some sort of shelter with a humidity dome.
Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
do you need the number or the address, there is one out south, or just go to brite ideas, you will be very happy with the move