Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
You are right, they probably would take your money. I guess it doesnt really matter does it? I dont know anyone stupid enough to apply for them in the first place. So you shouldn't have to wait in line too long if you decide to go.
What up guys? The Marley Fest was the SHIT! On Friday we were the second group in line Woo hoo.. We had the biggest Tent and the best looking girls! And got fucking rained on but it wasn't bad on Friday.. I ate a eight of shrooms on friday and another on saturday. Now saturday sucked we didn't get there early enough due to excessive binge drinking through out the night before..lol.. There was alot more people on saturday but it was a rain out. I think they only played two songs before it started pouring down, then it took a damn hour to get 2 miles down the road.. But overall it was badass.. I took a bunch of pics I will post up when I have more time.

Hey guys I heard Tyler, Texas has decriminalize Marijuana.. Anybody know any truth behind this?

I will post pics real soon.. Sorry to all the people on here I was suppose to me out there, my damn cell phone had got dropped in the mud sometime on friday..:(

But next year I am selling clones out there...


Active Member
I wanted to go to marley fest this year, but the money situation just didn't pan out right. Sucks that it rained though man..


New Member
Sat was fun, was trying to find a tent with something RIU but after the first blunt (totally dipped in promethezyne) I gave up and chilled in the midde by the stage (huge orange umbrella; easy to spot haha).

Glad the rain came late in he day.


Well-Known Member
Tyler is in my neck of the woods... Hadnt heard anything about it. I know its against the law to sell alcholol in Tyler... I'd trade beer for pot any day.


Active Member
Marly rocked rained on saturday morning waitin in line was blowed outa my mind left 10min befor rain about 6:00 heard sunday they dident open doors till 2 due to mudd. anyone going to eeyors birthday? heard you can smoke out there true?


Well-Known Member
I am way too high to be learning new shit. But I am figuring it out as I go. If change is supposed to be so good, why do I hate it so much?


Active Member
I got a question for you guys in Texas. How much does your good outdoor pot go for around these parts? I mean, theres so much damn mexican shwag. Im talking about good, outdoor sensimillia. I know how much indoor goes for, but Im curious about outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Nobody has anything to say about the prices of good outdoor pot in texas?
That would depend entirely on the pot. Bag seed, or high dollar genetics? Good organic nutes or Miricle Gro? Well tended, or left to grow on its own? Just like indoor weed, it is hard to put a price on it until you see and smoke it. I have seen it go for as little as 500 dollars a pound all the way up to over 3000. That doesnt narrow it down much, but it gives you an idea of the variables that can affect prices. One other thing I forgot is supply and demand. The more weed there is in town, the less it seems to go for.


Active Member
Im wondering that if it isnt what people around here call 'dro' qaulity, if people will pay anything more than 80 an ounce. That seems to be all thats around here. 'Dro' And reggie. No in-betweens really.