• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Texas Man Gets 35 Years For Pot Possession


Active Member
oh wow I forgot about those previous felonies so he officially has about 5 felonies on his record right now... he got off fuckin easy IMO


Well-Known Member
Quick question, wasn't America founded on the belief that the people rule themselves? The thing I don't understand the most is, why do non-believers have to open their mouths and talk down on something they don't want to have any part of? I mean it's not affecting them in any way, they act like we "stoners" do nothing but get high 24/7 and cause havoc throughout our towns. Discrimination plain and simple. I didn't vote for any candidate running for president past election due to I didn't have faith in any one of the "potential candidates". That being said, our president-elect President Obama was elected by the people with the hope for "Change". It takes longer than a year to see Change in an economy and a nation that has been down for the past years, but in my honest opinion I don't feel a change beginning at all I actually feel we are still headed down a devastating path for total government fall out. Valid points to be noted* Individuals have talked on this thread about the states loss of power because of federal step ins. You think they are the only ones who have these thoughts? Americans have always had the beliefs of freedom en-stilled in them, that's why our forefathers created this nation and our ancestors sought after this land. History repeats itself time and again. Patterns occur and happen for a reason. Wars happen because of two things, One sides hunt for power and greed and the other side's mission of change and prosperity of a better lifestyle. If we as the people don't stand back up for ourselves like our fathers before us did, we are going to be controlled whether you like it or not. The reason nothing changes is because the people have fear. They let the top dogs tell them how its going to be and roll with it. Like i stated before, individuals who oppose the decriminalization of marijuana continue to keep it that way because they open their mouths up more than the "people" who it actually effects do. Life is all about a debate. Who ever gets the last word in has their way. Do not allow fear and repression to compromise who YOU are. You get caught with something and feel you're not in the wrong per-say, an ounce, two, maybe four or more and you're not illegally distributing it; for it is a worse crime to solicit the use of illicit drugs, then by all means cause commotion over it, get the media involved, because if you do that and catch the public's eye and one's who are too scared before to do what you have done, with have the faith and courage to start to stand up for what they believe in because they are followers. 1 out of every 10 people Lead, statistically speaking. This movement needs an activist that wants active change for his fellow believers, not that stand still government run around stuff. African-Americans were recognized by this country after years of unjust behavior and reactions, because someone one day decided to make a simple choice, i.e. Rosa Parks, not saying this was the sole cause for integration but it was a small action that played a bigger part. That's all that needs to happen then the band wagon will form.

*Off topic I need to shoot around some ideas with someone about ventalition of my grow cab *
anyone interested.

Load another. Fire. That. Bitch. Up.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No, but each conviction is taken into account if found guilty.... am I wrong?

I'm "guessing" he either fled or was paroled. Now parole means walking the straight line or right back in. In effect you sign a promissory note to be good.

Now I LOVE weed.... more than most, but that has NOTHING to do with it.

Think it through. Know your surroundings and KEEP YOUR WORD. He didn't.
You asked me to explain the
threat of a beating, here goes...

You insisted that keeping his word was important. In most circumstances it is VERY important, but maybe not this one.

The "promise" he made to his captors may have been a coerced promise. If he obtained a plea or parole for a victimless crime, the origin of the crime lies not with the "criminal" but with the state.

I'm thinking the original plea "contract" you suggest that obligates him may have its origins in intimidation. If he didn't take that arrangement, they would have made it much worse. That's how a plea is arrived at, through the threat of a much greater sentence, through intimidation.

If a bully says "you have a choice to promise to give me your milk money or I'll just beat the shit out of you every day unless you make the promise...What has REALLY happened? You have been extorted from. If you accept his "offer" you are under no obligation to keep your promise to him.

Plea offers work much the same when we are dealing with victimless crimes.

A person is under no obligation to keep his word when it was not given of his free will and it was supplied to a person that has initiated agression against them. Who initiated agression him or the state? Smoking or possessing weed is only a statutory crime, I hope you agree its not a real crime with a real victim.

If his original "crimes" were victimless, in a rational world, his captors would be held as the persons breaking their word, not him.

Bottom line, lying to a bully is an acceptable form of self defense.


New Member
Rob: You insisted that keeping his word was important. In most circumstances it is VERY important, but maybe not this one.

MAYBE not? I don't agree with the way weed is dealt with, but one must face the reality of the situation, or be content to accept the consequences of IGNORING the reality.

Rob buddy.....can I call you Buddy? By the way.... are we chatting? (inside joke)

Rob....a plea deal means a reduced sentence. He didn't enter a plea deal. Now I cannot say with certainty what happened, but after reading the article (which was skimpy on details), the only thing that makes sense is that the man Wooten was given parole.

Now that isn't a beating or intimidation. That is.... being released EARLY, on parole. There is the promissory note, and I think it is a GREAT piece of our criminal code. A chance to get out of prison BEFORE you have served your sentence. Believe me, there are many countries where 35 years is 35 years period. So, that's a good thing when you consider the alternative. You (the prisoner) have shown that you can behave yourself and control yourself, and you want to be a part of society and add to it.
There is no intimidation, because it an OFFER. You can just say.... yah know what...I don't like the conditions of my parole...I'm going to just finish my sentence... :lol: Would you do that Rob? I sure wouldn't... I'd take the parole (everyone does).

So at that point Rob...you are giving your word... no more trouble from you if released. Or else....you return and finish your sentence.

This guy took the parole (of course), but broke his word.

Now I certainly DON'T AGREE with the weed laws in this country...but again, you must live in the reality of the situation. This guy was out in his car with a 1/4 lb and a scale.

He knew he was breaking his word.

At the end of the day, in this life, the only thing that TRULY belongs to you, is your word. He broke his and in a big way. This guy knew a lot was riding on his word. He knew he was in Texas (they don't take any sh*t).

He blew it.... no one else.

I did try and find some more details but at least in the news, this is all we have to go by.


Well-Known Member
I'm really glad that I live in Canada, and that I AM CANADIAN !!

200 plants gets us 6 months MAXIMUM if we are repeat growers !!

200 plants will probably get you a life sentence in the US.

The laws are BS in the US.

Lets give a pedophile a 4 month conditional sentence, but we'll give a pot grower 35 years..

WTF is this world coming to ??

It's not like this guy was hurting anybody.
He is just trying to make a dollar outta 15 cents.
He could be rollin with a switch blade trying to get his rent paid !!

Did Your President of the US Barrack Obama not say that he smoked marijuana in the past and it was the point to inhale ??
He also stated that it is medicine and that it should be decriminalized more-so than alcohol..

Legalize that shit already bud !!
WTF is wrong with that hypocritical bastard Barrack Obama Bin-Laden !!
He can smoke the shit, but heaven forbid anyone else smokes it !!

I bet that bastard is sitting in the white house right now getting blitzed.


New Member
We've been trying to ship our repeat felons to Califiornia for years....
Hahahahah!!! Right? You wouldn't have to push me after 2 felonies if I lived in Texas. Gone!!

Heck I haven't checked but I know Florida is NOT a state you ever want to have 3 felonies (maybe it's by the degree of felony, not sure). Louisiana comes to mind too....but I haven't looked into it. In that case I always say.... I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know what happened to CrackerJax? He was posting this a.m. and suddenly his avatar and contact info is gone. :confused:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob: You insisted that keeping his word was important. In most circumstances it is VERY important, but maybe not this one.

MAYBE not? I don't agree with the way weed is dealt with, but one must face the reality of the situation, or be content to accept the consequences of IGNORING the reality.

Rob buddy.....can I call you Buddy? By the way.... are we chatting? (inside joke)

Rob....a plea deal means a reduced sentence. He didn't enter a plea deal. Now I cannot say with certainty what happened, but after reading the article (which was skimpy on details), the only thing that makes sense is that the man Wooten was given parole.

Now that isn't a beating or intimidation. That is.... being released EARLY, on parole. There is the promissory note, and I think it is a GREAT piece of our criminal code. A chance to get out of prison BEFORE you have served your sentence. Believe me, there are many countries where 35 years is 35 years period. So, that's a good thing when you consider the alternative. You (the prisoner) have shown that you can behave yourself and control yourself, and you want to be a part of society and add to it.
There is no intimidation, because it an OFFER. You can just say.... yah know what...I don't like the conditions of my parole...I'm going to just finish my sentence... :lol: Would you do that Rob? I sure wouldn't... I'd take the parole (everyone does).

So at that point Rob...you are giving your word... no more trouble from you if released. Or else....you return and finish your sentence.

This guy took the parole (of course), but broke his word.

Now I certainly DON'T AGREE with the weed laws in this country...but again, you must live in the reality of the situation. This guy was out in his car with a 1/4 lb and a scale.

He knew he was breaking his word.

At the end of the day, in this life, the only thing that TRULY belongs to you, is your word. He broke his and in a big way. This guy knew a lot was riding on his word. He knew he was in Texas (they don't take any sh*t).

He blew it.... no one else.

I did try and find some more details but at least in the news, this is all we have to go by.
He remains, a victim of a horrible system.

I'm saying if his prior convictions were both for victimless crimes, he is essentially a "prisoner of war".
He is not a criminal, regardless of which label an unjust system gives to him.

If I were a prisoner of war, and was released early it is doubtful I would feel bound to anything I'd agreed to.
If he agreed not to smoke weed, it may have been a bad call on his part to get himself caught again, but that is beside my point.

Let's remember, he was on the receiving end of the first act of aggression. "They" started it, he has no duty to honor any coerced "commitment" he made to regain what SHOULD have remained his in the first place...his FREEDOM.

I try to keep my word, so I'm not debating that issue.

I'm saying his moral OBLIGATION to keep his word can only be gained when the agreement was truly an agreement, not mired in a basis of extortion and false justice. He has no MORAL obligation to them at all. None.


Well-Known Member
He remains, a victim of a horrible system.

I'm saying if his prior convictions were both for victimless crimes, he is essentially a "prisoner of war".
He is not a criminal, regardless of which label an unjust system gives to him.

If I were a prisoner of war, and was released early it is doubtful I would feel bound to anything I'd agreed to.
If he agreed not to smoke weed, it may have been a bad call on his part to get himself caught again, but that is beside my point.

Let's remember, he was on the receiving end of the first act of aggression. "They" started it, he has no duty to honor any coerced "commitment" he made to regain what SHOULD have remained his in the first place...his FREEDOM.

I try to keep my word, so I'm not debating that issue.

I'm saying his moral OBLIGATION to keep his word can only be gained when the agreement was truly an agreement, not mired in a basis of extortion and false justice. He has no MORAL obligation to them at all. None.
I think CJ is gone Rob. :cry:


Active Member
you cant just say that america or texas laws are all fucked up, its more like a county to county type of thing. some counties are run by petty king pin police chiefs who are usually free mason lodge buddies with the local judges. So they form their little guilds and run their micro kingdom, and no one can stop them. i know this because my uncle is one of them lol, only not in america, in Lebanon.


The guy is a habitual felon....that's why.

Not everyone has enough IQ to walk around free. He is an example.

It's not right or left. It's dumb vs. smart (behavior). Uhhh, he be dumb.
You're a real piece of shit. Why are you on this site? Go fuck yourself.

Criminal records tend to pile up. he didn't get 35 years for just having that weed. Believe me, there is more behind this story. Each felony you pick up will be dealt with harsher than the last, even if it is the exact same crime.

He's a three time loser..... which means the state considers him to be a habitual criminal.

Judges & lawmakers know darn well, although they may not admit it publicly, that for every crime you are accused of, you have probably committed many more. By the time you stand in court on a third Felon charge.... there won't be any leniency. This fellow SURELY knew that...and yet...he continues.

I'm not advocating anything, but unless this fellow is brain dead...he knew one more felony and he was gone. Dumb....
Same goes for you. You have no right to be on a site like this. Go the fuck away you goddamn hypocrite.