Thanks! BlackJack & Chrystal Harvest


Active Member
Hey fellow CFLers,

Let's just get this out of the way:

I'm a dumbass. I made a lot of mistakes...OK. I really deserve what I get, which is some airy, thin buds--of course it is a Sativa dominant plant, :). I just fucked up in so many much, could have been preventive, but that's how I roll. Gotta move on to the next grow, which I am doing (quadruple thunder), :hump: that we've moved on. So, here's my story:

Finally convinced my wife to let me grow back in late Jan. Early Feb. I joined and made the decision to go CFL. Essentially, during veg a bunch of daylight bulbs and during flowering a bunch of softwhite (daylight = 6500k, softwhite = 2700). Shit, I even mixed some of the lights.

Then, as an uneducated grower, I ordered seeds from nirvana. 20 blackjack for some cheap price (gee, I wonder why--thanks brick top for educating me on seeds). I then decided to order some chrystal cuz when I was in Amsterdam that's what I smoked at the Blues Brother Cafe.

Anyway, the paper towel method worked great and I was off and running. I had nine plants: 5 bj, 4 chrystal. None of them feminized, so the sex was unknown.

Turns out, I had 6 females. Gave two blackjack to a good friend and member of this site.

Had four plants and then I killed one when a light fell on it. Then three and somehow I foobared another one and cut it down too early.


Moving on....

So, without further ado, my one chrystal and one blackjack that made the cut; however, my blackjack is still going, it's like a fucking Xmas tree. Almost 6 feet tall, so I've been picking buds. I've also, been trying to kill bugs (aphids and spider mites). Just used some neem oil.

The first set is the Chrystal and the second is the blackjack. I'll post pics of the other one I plucked too early.

Anyway, thanks everyone on this forum because it's from your knowledge that I got to experience this, which is awesome...even if I did fuck it up. Live and learn.




Active Member
Well, the first batch, the one I chopped too early, was pretty darn harsh and had a short 15 minute head buzz. It reminded me of some good mexican dirt weed.

The chrystal I haven't been able to try yet--it's still drying. The second batch of blackjack has been almost a trippy, high. Man...I'm hopeful the chrystal is similar to the shit I got in Amsterdam...I loved it!

Should be able to report on the quality of the smoke this weekend.


Active Member
I should add lessons learned:

- Monitor PH levels
- Monitor Heat
- Maintain a regular feeding schedule
- Keep an eye out for bugs


Active Member
looks good ...dont be so harsh on yourself...learn and live...ima first time grower and id be happy with those buds my first time out...see ya +rep!


Well-Known Member
I myself could have let my first crop go longer, but circumstances arose that convinced me to cut early( big mistake as far as potency goes). On second grow now, and will smack myself across the face if I even THINK of cutting before full potential. As KillerRedd says: Live and Learn. But the plants still looked good though for all the mishaps you mentioned(except for the buzz only lasting 15 minutes, lol). Actually growing blackjack right now myself as well, along with mystery bag seeds.


Active Member
Too funny...yeah, the 15 minute buzz thing was a four month waste of time. Could have just bought a dime off of some high school kid and saved myself the time. lol

Got a great buzz this morning from the chrystal. Nice strong head rush...

The blackjack has a nice little buzz to it, but I think the chrystal was heavier. We'll see how it all turns out when I finally chop the rest of the blackjack.


Active Member
You know, I like to entice the ladies to look at my plants, so I threw my beer belly in as a special treat, lol.


Active Member
Just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I've smoked it for a few days now and chyrstal the fucking bomb. One hit wonder...knock you on your ass high.

I've been smoking black diamond, purple urkle, bubblegum and skunk and this blows it away.