Thanks Everyone For The Help!


Well-Known Member
Well thanks everyone. We went to our local hydro store and told the guy to give us the best hood he had. We got a Cool Sun 2 i believe its called and a 6" Vortex fan. We hooked up the intake and exhaust and Oh my god! The temp is now staying in the high 70s low 80s in the middle of the day with the sun beating down on the metal roof (its an outdoor shed). We are putting insulation on the ceiling and then plywood so that will fix that problem. He also has a big kinda drive in tent to park a car in so we are putting our shed in that which will eliminate the heat issue all together. And at night the temps stay in the mid 70s. Humidity is 50-57 all day. Everything is perfect now. Ill have PICS up tonight!Thanks for the help everyone!!!!