THC Degradation...


Master of Mayhem
there are as many places (scientific and otherwise) that support your view as support mine...I have been an avid consumer of cannabis for more than thirty years...and have had no problem with not heat activating my bud....let's just agree to disagree.
:rolleyes:...Whatever dude, if you're going to argue with me at least back yourself up with something.

I want someone to prove me wrong. If I am wrong then I want to know it.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So what you just sit down to a plate of fresh raw buds?
and the leaves. it metabolizes in the body rather quickly when ingested. thats why you have to eat a large amount to feel the effects. when you heat it up, you are releasing the molecules of thc into a gas that is not metabolized by the body very efficiently. think about it like this. you can cook a roast in a lot of beer, and not feel the effect when you eat the roast and drink the remaining beer. it changes the chemical composition so the body metabolizes it differently. however if you drink the same amount of uncooked alcohol, you will feel the effects. very similar with cannabis, except in reverse.
p.s. alcohol is one of very very few "nutrients" to be absorbed by the stomach. everything else is absorbed in the small intestine.

p.s.s. my major is nutrition


Well-Known Member
this is somewhat humorous...the thread started with a question about THC degradation and the thought around if heat degrades THC then doesn't it do that while smoking, cooking whatever - and ended up a debate about the potential for effects from eating pot.

I have eaten pot in many different forms, hash, oil and bud/leaves. in my experience this has been most uplifting with a stronger and often more intense and longer lasting stone (body type)....though it generally takes a longer time to onset.

Chew on fellow bud Connesieurs ....
Hold on what about this? method one doesn't have any heating...
and this a very popular thread on this site, heres the recipe THC drops... warning - community it doesn't have any heating.

I am a noob so I am probably not well informed or wrong :) but these methods don't heat the cannabis, can someone explain how this can be please.

Thanks in advance.


Master of Mayhem
and the leaves. it metabolizes in the body rather quickly when ingested. thats why you have to eat a large amount to feel the effects. when you heat it up, you are releasing the molecules of thc into a gas that is not metabolized by the body very efficiently. think about it like this. you can cook a roast in a lot of beer, and not feel the effect when you eat the roast and drink the remaining beer. it changes the chemical composition so the body metabolizes it differently. however if you drink the same amount of uncooked alcohol, you will feel the effects. very similar with cannabis, except in reverse.
p.s. alcohol is one of very very few "nutrients" to be absorbed by the stomach. everything else is absorbed in the small intestine.

p.s.s. my major is nutrition
So basically if you are eating weed with the sole intent to get high, it needs to be heated, unless you are going to sit down to a 1/4 pound salad right?

Hold on what about this? method one doesn't have any heating...
and this a very popular thread on this site, heres the recipe THC drops... warning - community it doesn't have any heating.

I am a noob so I am probably not well informed or wrong :) but these methods don't heat the cannabis, can someone explain how this can be please.

Thanks in advance.
These methods are using alcohol to extract the THC.


Active Member
"In the cannabis plant THC occurs mainly as tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid (THC-COOH). The enzymatic condensation of geranyl pyrophosphate and olivetolic acid gives cannabigerolic acid which is cyclized by the enzyme THC acid synthase to give THC-COOH. Heating decarboxylates the acid to THC.

Decarboxylation is any chemical reaction in which a carboxyl group (-COOH) is split off from a compound as carbon dioxide (CO2)."


Well-Known Member
Why do I get the feeling you know the answer to this...:mrgreen: Have you tried it yet?

no, but i think it may answer a few questions. :mrgreen:

i've chewed on small bits before. it doesn't break down. it's like gum. i chewed on a small "drop" sized piece for over an hour one day. maybe if i just swallow a gram?:-|


Well-Known Member
fergit the gram....I want some of that stinkin' turkey! get some of those L-tryptophans goin', and pass out all the same!


Well-Known Member
Yeah c'mon fdd.....we need an answer here. Either eat a gram of hash, or a quarter bag of bud:twisted:

buds are UNedible. they have those pointy hairs on them and oils. it irritates the throat. i tried to eat a gram nugget one day. i chewed it up and as soon as i tried to swallow it my throat locked up and i started gagging. i wouldn't eat raw bud. :evil: