The 1st Grow & Organic


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Im not sure if I have balls on 2 of my plants now... Im hoping there swollen calyx's, HOPING thats what it is. Couple more days will tell


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Day 25 of 12/12

Twas a sad... sad day. My beefiest of all the plants I threw into the flowering room... turned full male. I had to chop him down this morning. Wasnt even in there for a full 4 days, and it showed balls like no other, I mean EVERYWHERE just sacks an sacks of BALLS!!!!

So, Im glad I started up a seedling a few days back, It is taking off nicely.

But enough on the bad... here are the ladies. Coming along amazingly if I may say so. My tallest one is more "fluffy" than anything, the 2nd girl is looking more "firm"

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Day 27 of 12/12

the newest one is loving the HPS/MH blasting, then CFL room 12/12 mix. Can tell this one will be a girl, looks identical to the latest ones, an is taking her precious time as well... I noticed the males of this breed were the fastest runners. an bulkier ones.



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Day 28 of 12/12

Buds are getting alot thicker. Had to water the plants again today.

The 2 big plants took 32oz of water each, before they stood up normally. I fed them some FF Big Bloom for the week. They seems to react nicely when I feed them 2x a week, with Tiger Bloom earlier in the week, then Big Bloom mid/end week. So far this is the 3rd time this week I have had to water them. They sure are some thirsty babies!!!!

And no... thats not even over watered, with a soil meter thats when they are almost bone dry.


Active Member
looks good Tony. bring them on in for a landing........
haha! would love too. But it seems like they're taking their sweet ass time!!! I feel like they should be farther along than what they are at the moment... But I think its just cause of the strain.


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Day 29 of 12/12

They are looking amazing today, I over watered the vegging plant a little bit. But she will dry out enough by tomorrow. pretty 100% sure the vegging plant is female by now. She is extremely short an stocky. Just like the other 2 when they were vegging. Males were definitely the beast plants.

My next run will definitely be a full out run. Goal is to have 2lbs for the 2 month runners I will be doing. A "Sea of Green" of you will.

Edit: 1st pic, the top cola is half the size of the lighter right now. She will definitely be my beast plant. The second plant is being more compact, but is definitely holding weight. I also got some shots of the side branches, and what they have on them. Definitely is a fun an interesting plant to be working with.



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Day 31 12/12 Said Fuck it Pics

Well... Since Ima be pretty busy tomorrow. I just decided to say fuck it... an post the babies.

What I have noticed with the Vegging plant:
12 hours HPS/MH 800watt flowering room
12 hours 6500k (300watt equiv) vegging room

The plant is very sturdy, and short. She has an extremely thick stalk for its age. She also is definitely a fat girl. None of my other girls stayed this short with there width. So it definitely is becoming an interesting study doing it this way. Ive noticed within the 12 hours in the Flowering room, she tends to grow roughly 1cm. She then widens out in the 12 hours with the vegging room. Getting pretty excited about starting the flowering with it.


EDIT: 1st pic of one of the side buds, that is turning all orange. No more white hairs... whats with that?


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Some of the plants buds have hit maturity. So some of them will be getting cut. 4 buds have shown its time to harvest with the calyx an triches. rest of the plant is crystally as a bitch!!! but only have 1 or 2 hairs that are orange. Wish these few couple would have held out a few longer... but oh well. Its just 4 nuggets.


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Day 33 of 12/12

Well... the plant that has shown no signs of pollination, or hermie signs... exploded! Didn't touch her for the 2 days, after feeding her. She is blowing up! Buds have surpassed my hermie now, after being cut down. Easily going to get a qp off this girl. Which... even tho I didnt expect the 1st plant to go... its whatever.

My vegging plant is becoming a little beast of a bitch!!! She is on her 4th complete section now, working on the 5th. Def doing the 12/12 HPS/CFL switch off's are showing some interesting characteristics. Mind you she is only 6" tall, None of my other females even got close to there 5th section at this height. This is becoming a fun test subject.



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Day 37 of 12/12

The flowering plant is looking good. Recovering from the nute burn that happened... but shes doing amazing. I'd say she has roughly another 2-3 weeks left in her. But time will tell.

The vegging plant has hit 12" and is having some nice & long flowering sites form. Im giving it another week before throwing it into flowering.

EDIT: the hook is around the base for support. That is all lol, for people who are going to ask

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