Spare me....I'm a two times cancer survivor.
He hasn't gone through shit I haven't gone through twice.

Conspiracy? DUDDEMellow out on the conspiracy theories dude you make cannabis user look insane. The shit you buy off the street more often then not has a lot nastier contaminants then any legal grow has.
When Doctors order Morphine its not laced with fentanyl odds are the heroin you buy off the street will be.

You really missed the point.. News fer ya..I dont buy mu shit off the street and never have!
Now yer gonna start with fent and junk are ya?
oh fuck................spare me once again,
WTF do Doctors know about Cannabis anyway.???
eg: ingesting correct amounts can and will DETER anxiety and withdrawal from EVEN DRINKING! amongst other shit

HC allowing LP's to SPRAY SHIT on YOUR HERB is the 100% truth
so what are ya yappin abut again?