The Army.


Well-Known Member
Who here, show of hands is in the army?
I have some questions about it. I don't care if you're in America or Canada, I have a duel citizenship, but they're pretty much the same for all practical purposes. So, please: HOLLAH AT MAH!


Active Member
what do you want to know spent 4 years in the army 11b it has its goods and its bad that something you should more take up with you close family hoah


Well-Known Member
I don't have any close family, this is purely my own move.
I can't pay for university and have an extremely strong passion and desire for a greater education.
They're willing to provide this to me, plus a job while in school and outside of it. I'm just worried...I'm kind
of scared of committing to it fully, maybe I just don't want to make any bad decisions but being poor with nobody to
rely on, no scholarships or student loan options I can either work all through a 5 year course full time or join the military.

I truly feel I could do great things in the army from what they're offering, but I really don't want to lose some parts and aspects of
my life that I truly treasure and love about myself.

How is personal freedom in the army? What's the commitment like? What are the drug tests like exactly? I was told unless you're being sent out somewhere
the drug tests are completely anonymous and done for research purposes etc etc. Is that true? I've never had to do a drug test before, never gone to jail or
committed a crime, ugh lol. What's it like? being in that situation? that stigma? do you lead normal lives? or are you forever stuck between the middle ground of life and 'duty' ?

I have a few friends who've went who absolutely love it, however they had the personalities after a fashion suitable for solders, I don't want to sound pompus but, iv'e never been like that. I have a strong sense of duty, but love to lead and make decisions, I have my own style about living and have a hard time getting 'spirited' or for this matter 'patriotic' about it. My friends, again I love them, are the type to..well..ok let me explain an example. My friend Marc, awesome guy. In univ for philosophy, brilliant man. Black belt in aikido. He's the type of guy to dive into that shit and eat it too, he joined and it's his way of life, he's all aikido to the extreme. Now it's that plus the army...I took aikido for 3 years, almost a brown belt, But I had a strong dedication and commitment to it out of it being a good martial art, an interest and fitness oriented. *I take muay thai at the moment for the exact same reasons* The army just comes off as a bigger aikido dojo and...I don't want to have expectations to fit into that mold.. Is it possible to do my 'duty' with my passion and desire for my own individuality, my strive and aim to succeed? Or should I try something else.

I'm sure it's simpler for another person reading this issue, may come off as petty even but I'm personally at a loss....I just want to make a positively enforced decision. Life is what you make it, I get that, and if I joined I'd make the best out of it. I just want to make sure I jump at and try my fucking hardest at what fits best for me.


Active Member
you should look into the national guard....i have been thinking about joining for some time now, they will pay for my schooling and the debts that i owe to schools already and you get like a $20,000 enlistment bonus

doing that you go through basic training for 9 weeks then you only have to go 1 weekend a month to your local base to drill/train. and then two weeks out of the yr you also have to go train but during all this training and stuff you get paid alot from what im told.

heres the best part its a guaranteed paycheck every 2 weeks for the next 6 yrs!


I don't have any close family, this is purely my own move.
I can't pay for university and have an extremely strong passion and desire for a greater education.
They're willing to provide this to me, plus a job while in school and outside of it. I'm just worried...I'm kind
of scared of committing to it fully, maybe I just don't want to make any bad decisions but being poor with nobody to
rely on, no scholarships or student loan options I can either work all through a 5 year course full time or join the military.

I truly feel I could do great things in the army from what they're offering, but I really don't want to lose some parts and aspects of
my life that I truly treasure and love about myself.

How is personal freedom in the army? What's the commitment like? What are the drug tests like exactly? I was told unless you're being sent out somewhere
the drug tests are completely anonymous and done for research purposes etc etc. Is that true? I've never had to do a drug test before, never gone to jail or
committed a crime, ugh lol. What's it like? being in that situation? that stigma? do you lead normal lives? or are you forever stuck between the middle ground of life and 'duty' ?

First off I've never been in the military, so take this bit of information as you will, it's mostly my opinion.

I was going to join the Air Force after I got out of high school. I spent 2 or 3 years though high school talking with the recruiters. The stuff they tell you sounds like a sweet deal. I just wanted to put it out there that you have to be skeptical about everything they say, and if you don't get it in writing, don't expect to get it at all.

I don't know a thing about the drug tests, but I'm pretty sure the Army is the most lax with stuff like weed. Not sure if you could pull of smoking while your active, but who knows, I'm sure some of them do it.

Just stay true to your morals and personal ethics. You might be told to do something that goes against that. That's one of the main reasons I could never join. Good luck dude!


Active Member
Ok to start your stuck in the life and duty coming from a father of 2 kids and a husband it took alot of time from me as i missed out on my 2nd born birth and first 6 months of her life as being a single man no worries just wanting the college money theres plenty of it but do get a few deployments under your belt along with that the only tight no freedom at all that you will have is a bct and ait as sit is a little bit more leanit if you go full time you will have a chance to come to home every once in awhile as joining the guard you will be home most of the time but be prepared to deploy with a months after bct and ait and then wont leave again for atleast 12 months pays good while deployed theres a lot of pluses to it hell even wearing the uniform gives you a since of pride and accomplishment as you are a part of something and it big drug tests you go full time very seldom will you get a chance to smoke guard when your home you can they dont drug test but when you go to join you will go thru a lot specialy when you go to meps before your bct but coming from a fellow brother it will probaly be the best choice you ever mad go in to a mos that will help you in your degree not something like 11b were your in the hell hole everyday wondering if your going to make it to see the sunset or sunrise most the time over there alot has calmed down thos so its a little safer than it was as i was in 2002 to 2006 good luck in your choice its a big step in your life that can help tremendasly or hurt u has if you get hurt or killed


Active Member
10,000 after graduating bct and ait but they tax then you will get the other 10,000 after your 3 yrs in as of 1 weekend a month lmao dude we make up 62% of the foot soldiers over there at the time you will deploy if your armory is worth a shit at all i was 180th 45 brigade we deploy oncne a year you graduate u deploy with in 6 months you do one year then come back then the ones that graduated bct while you were in the sandbox go over then they come back its a none stop ordeal you can go with the young ones after you come back if you want to move up in rank faster cause it takes forever to uprank in the guard if you dont do anything and as for loans if its a fedral student loan they will pay it of ifs a private student loan all you get is a forebearence for it then get ready to pay for it again after you get back from deployment


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they don't deploy when you're in school from my understanding, as well as that I'd be in school A LOT, lol. I'd want to do something along the lines of engineering or foreign relations. A desk job, I wouldn't want to be infantry, If I'm doing this, It's going to be a career not 'duty.'

I'd apply for an officer position and just keep on going up from there hopefully, I'd never be able to shoot another individual, but if I was able to get into the army and move up in other places I feel I could potentially do a lot of really good things, a lot of really sweet awesome things.

I'd just eat cookies if I was in the army personally, I've even considered strictly eating my weed for the most part from now on before. It's a nicer high. I like it a lot, I enjoy music and food just as much, my body feels great but I retain mental clarity, and don't get lost in brain theater.


Well-Known Member
You will love it. I was in the USMC had a great time, went to excotic lands met the native people then killed them...Just kidding.

It was great. I was in the first Gulf War.

Also got to travel to places I would have never gone. Japan, Phillipines. Thiland. Had a great time. Met guys that are life long friends.
You have to learn to be part of a team. You seem very, I want to be an individual, thats OK sometimes, but you are part of a team.
I didn't smoke when I was in due to zero tolerance policy. I would give it up for 4 years, it will be there when you get out.


Well-Known Member
Who here, show of hands is in the army?
I have some questions about it. I don't care if you're in America or Canada, I have a duel citizenship, but they're pretty much the same for all practical purposes. So, please: HOLLAH AT MAH!
I'd say join the canadian army. That way you know you'll never go to war. :p


Well-Known Member
I'll checkout the navy and Canadian airforce than. See if I can get more answers.

I just need to get school shit, I wont go into details but I dropped out of school young, twice. I had to work to feed my sisters and what not, I won't get into details but life for me has been pretty shitty if you look at it in particular ways hehe. I love how my life went though, I loovee my sisters to death and am happy and proud as fuck that I played even a small part in all three of them being in university/college right now. However, I haven't even gotten my high school yet. With no time due to working two jobs but a strong passion to learn, with whatever money I spent on myself *I grow and have been so I didn't buy until recently.* I spent on self teach books at chapters and other book stores.

I know the advanced maths,calc, alg, data, I know physics and chemistry, I have an aptitude on par with university English and about 20 different handmedown textbooks on philosophy and psychology from my friends who've graduated university. That coupled with the internet, I feel I've powerhouse'd all the knowledge equivalence to one yet I just need to actually get my Equivalence. Then I'll see what's going on.

Now that I have time, desire, drive and self dedication to commit to myself, It's all a matter of semantics in choice. What choices I should be making for myself to insure I have the best fit possible to maximize and enforce positive experiences in my life.


Well-Known Member
Why do they always send the poor?????????????
It's a voluntary Army these days. The draft ended in the early 70's:mrgreen:

Yes, they usually drug test about once a month. No, the Army isn't tolorant to drug use, along with the marine corp which would probably be the least tolorant.

Low density or "soft" MOS's usually don't administer a UA nearly as often as combat related jobs because the nature of the job usually involves other peoples lives. Yes, they will pay for you education, and under the new GI bill they will pay for some of your living costs.

If you do join, learn for yourself, NEVER EVER listen to what a recruiter says, and take it as truth. They are salesmen. Remember that. Don't get shook at MEPS either. They'll try to strong arm you in to certain jobs, or tell you that they aren't available and then throw a fat bonus in your face and try to make you decide right there on the spot. Don't do this, tell them that you are going to wait. There is nothing they can do about it.

If you want to go to school while in the army, pick a job that is in Tradoc, or in an undeployable unit. This will allow you the time you need.


I'll checkout the navy and Canadian airforce than. See if I can get more answers.

I just need to get school shit, I wont go into details but I dropped out of school young, twice. I had to work to feed my sisters and what not, I won't get into details but life for me has been pretty shitty if you look at it in particular ways hehe. I love how my life went though, I loovee my sisters to death and am happy and proud as fuck that I played even a small part in all three of them being in university/college right now. However, I haven't even gotten my high school yet. With no time due to working two jobs but a strong passion to learn, with whatever money I spent on myself *I grow and have been so I didn't buy until recently.* I spent on self teach books at chapters and other book stores.

I know the advanced maths,calc, alg, data, I know physics and chemistry, I have an aptitude on par with university English and about 20 different handmedown textbooks on philosophy and psychology from my friends who've graduated university. That coupled with the internet, I feel I've powerhouse'd all the knowledge equivalence to one yet I just need to actually get my Equivalence. Then I'll see what's going on.

Now that I have time, desire, drive and self dedication to commit to myself, It's all a matter of semantics in choice. What choices I should be making for myself to insure I have the best fit possible to maximize and enforce positive experiences in my life.

Dude, it sounds like the hard part is done. You already have the dedication, that is the most important thing. If you really want to further your education you gotta be committed to it. It'll take a lot of hard work.

I'm almost in an identicle boat. Only difference is I graduated highschool, and I don't see the military as a suitable option. Oh by the way, as I was researching this stuff back in highschool everyone was telling me the same thing because my interest was exactly the same as yours, education first, job second. The reality seems to be job first, education second. When you're not busy with your responsibilities with your job you can study and finish classes all you want, but if you're deployed or training, I'd imagine you'd be busy probably 12-14 hours a day, doesn't leave much time for education ya know? I mean if you're really dedicated you could probably pull that off, but personally I think it'd be too much stress and to big a burden.

I think I'm going to go the other direction and try to obtain some student loans or scholarships... no idea how that's going to play out, not the greatest credit history... but it's an idea eh?

I figure it's towards a good cause, it's not like it would be wasted money right... Get a decent job (something above $9/hour, Jesus it's impossible to do anything with that in California...), pay the shit off, get experience, earn more money... I guess right... that's the life we all strive for?... :roll:


Well-Known Member
Dude, it sounds like the hard part is done. You already have the dedication, that is the most important thing. If you really want to further your education you gotta be committed to it. It'll take a lot of hard work.

I'm almost in an identicle boat. Only difference is I graduated highschool, and I don't see the military as a suitable option. Oh by the way, as I was researching this stuff back in highschool everyone was telling me the same thing because my interest was exactly the same as yours, education first, job second. The reality seems to be job first, education second. When you're not busy with your responsibilities with your job you can study and finish classes all you want, but if you're deployed or training, I'd imagine you'd be busy probably 12-14 hours a day, doesn't leave much time for education ya know? I mean if you're really dedicated you could probably pull that off, but personally I think it'd be too much stress and to big a burden.

I think I'm going to go the other direction and try to obtain some student loans or scholarships... no idea how that's going to play out, not the greatest credit history... but it's an idea eh?

I figure it's towards a good cause, it's not like it would be wasted money right... Get a decent job (something above $9/hour, Jesus it's impossible to do anything with that in California...), pay the shit off, get experience, earn more money... I guess right... that's the life we all strive for?... :roll:
That's awesome, I wish you all the luck I can muster or fathom my friend. Living the interesting life Iv'e lived I'm used to working those kinds of hours, then 'studying'. So I'm sure it'll be fine. Way I figure it, I get my equivalence, I have done online demos and gotten in high 90's so It's a free fly pass, I have literally educated myself to and past the government stated equivalent of high school education. Everything you said about the priorities on time and my education vs duty/work are correct, but it's okay. It'll just take me longer to finish my degree, if it gives me a job while going to school, and insures I have one afterwards, I'm all for it. Especially if they pay lol.

I just need to go and get some answers straight up from them, construct a questionair so to speak for me to ask all the things I need to ask. I'm actually going to work on that sometime soon. I'll post it on this thread when I have it, to toss to you guys; help me out and make sure I'm asking the right ones when the time comes.