The Art of The Auto


Well-Known Member
thats a great idea! like a mini disposable cooler...hmmmmm
Yep i usually get them when i order Omaha Steaks (good stuff)
in the past id use them to take fishing to keep the fresh catch cold
now i have another use for them. But ill have to get some smaller ones as the last time i ordered i got enough to last 6 months :)
I LOVE steak


Well-Known Member
Absolutely spot on my m8..
get your dimentions and I 'll check them off against mine..
they Look almost exactly the same.

maaannnn..I missed it...:clap: :clap: :clap:...bongsmilie :bigjoint: bongsmilie...:weed: :weed: :weed:

well done m8..smoke a fattie with you to celebrate
Right on got one sparked as we speak :)


Well-Known Member
so Im growing the super cali haze and it is a 4 month auto which so far looks fantastic on cfl's and 18/6 with light nutes every other watering all water filtered. What is vexing is the runt version (roots very disturbed way past the two week mark) is in flower while the dense leafy example of the strain shows no sign of going into flower. Is there ANY trick that will send it into flowering mode? It has been in veg nearly two months now.


Well-Known Member
so Im growing the super cali haze and it is a 4 month auto which so far looks fantastic on cfl's and 18/6 with light nutes every other watering all water filtered. What is vexing is the runt version (roots very disturbed way past the two week mark) is in flower while the dense leafy example of the strain shows no sign of going into flower. Is there ANY trick that will send it into flowering mode? It has been in veg nearly two months now.
Sounds to me that you have ran into the same issues as a few of the other guys on here.

My first question is where did you get the beans from?
If it was nirvana they have had multiple reports that
there autos are not auto flowering.

If you have had them for over 4 months and there are no signs of flower
they need to go into 12/12 to get the flower stage going.
I say give it a try at 12/12 for a week and see what happens.
If they are photo period girls and you have vegged for 4 months
there gonna be BIG.

Thing is if you have one flowering already at 18/6 going to 12/12 will diminish the yield on the auto. So there are some things to consider if you dont have two rooms


Active Member
What is vexing is the runt version (roots very disturbed way past the two week mark) is in flower while the dense leafy example of the strain shows no sign of going into flower.
Must admit..I'm wondering if your your Actual AF pheno. is a pot I cocked-up earlier...

Remember the experiment that I was running at the close of the season...?

Part of reason I Think the girls do well in a multi-pot is the fact that the mass of roots actually
lighten the soil..which weknow they like..
and traps more oxygen when you water them...

so I germed into USED compo..with the roots stil lin there.
I set the experiment away without thinking of the salt I cocked them.

On these in the used compo..the salt build up showed by the time they were on second set of leaves..
blocked their lungs..and totally stumpied them..

see the build up on the leaves..
and the size at finish...

(also check the colour..that pheno could be a new purple..)


Exactly the same genetics as the F3's you have just identified..

Viva le Vinegar...:clap:


Well-Known Member
Must admit..I'm wondering if your your Actual AF pheno.
Good point on that he may have the actual AF right there in front of him.
Id love to see pics of it cause there are things that set a true AF apart form the long season girls

Ironhead can we see some pics?

Remember the experiment that I was running at the close of the season...?

Part of reason I Think the girls do well in a multi-pot is the fact that the mass of roots actually
lighten the soil..which weknow they like..
and traps more oxygen when you water them...
This makes sense to me, i use a TON of perlite in my mixes to lighten the soil
and it has paid off thus far. I usually take the old root balls and put them back in the bin, they usually take about a 4 days and there gone, lots of activity there.

I may give this a whirl on the next time, but flush the soil in the pot for a few days previous to germ that way i can flush out the salts.

Here is a question though how many did you plant in there? You have a huge success rate of fems there. Looks like about 14 or 15 girls in there. The reason that i asked was you said it was used and i know you use general compo but did you fert it at all during the previous grow? Cause if you did it technically would be pre ferted and thats a lof of females in there. Plus every one of them are colored for the most part. Ive germed that many seeds over the last season at least 15-20 and still no color (i know i know still griping lol) You have the touch my friend and love those purples.

(also check the colour..that pheno could be a new purple..)

Not really with you and your royal touch of purple, you know you did change my name in the past, im starting to think i am gonna need to change yours now too.

Purple wizard i think it was?? :-P

Exactly the same genetics as the F3's you have just identified..

Viva le Vinegar...:clap:
Good stuff almost to the point where i am going to get some soon. Im about out of the chemical i use for ph down. so ill be in the market to replace it soon.


Active Member
This makes sense to me, i use a TON of perlite in my mixes to lighten the soil
Yup...and all the little fibres on the roots will trap any little oxygen molecules..
makes sense to me too...;-)

but flush the soil in the pot for a few days previous to germ that way i can flush out the salts.
Oh I flushed them alright..
But it is my water putting the salts I would only cause more damage.

Here is a question though how many did you plant in there? You have a huge success rate of fems there
A was an experiment..I didn't count
there is no fem ratio...
I just pulled the males out..once it was apparent they were no use.
so there are only fems in there.

Plus every one of them are colored for the most part
Aye..but that is because they are second generation from coloured Moms..
so it is just in dominance.

Purple wizard i think it was?? :razz:
I IS the Purple Wizard..
I have it written on the front of my hemp pyjamas...:bigjoint:
to remind me..

Good stuff almost to the point where i am going to get some soon. Im about out of the chemical i use for ph down. so ill be in the market to replace it soon. can't do that...
it is my take you on in the Cup challenge...;-)

Joking..I Would definitely give it a go M8...


Well-Known Member
Oh I flushed them alright..
But it is my water putting the salts I would only cause more damage.
Ahh i see insult to injury, cause of the water issue you have.
I should have thought about that, i mean we have spent several
pages talking about the vinegar fix lol. Stoner moment

there is no fem ratio...
I just pulled the males out..once it was apparent they were no use.
so there are only fems in there.
Do you remember the amount of males you pulled out (i know thats a long shot)
reason i ask is because of Dargo's comment about pre ferted soil.

we talked about preferted soil causing males a few pages back. I was just thinking about that when you said it was used soil, thinking that it still had some nutes/salts in it, and you still got all those females and not a pot full of males.

Aye..but that is because they are second generation from coloured Moms..
so it is just in dominance.
Which brings back your theory of the mum being dominant in the AF's. I see it holds very true

I IS the Purple Wizard..
Indeed you are you have some serious color skills over there as always

I have it written on the front of my hemp pyjamas...:bigjoint:
to remind me..
Thing is i can see you sitting back wearing them proudly with a nice cup of canna vodka in one hand and your wand in the other :) can't do that...
it is my take you on in the Cup challenge...;-)
Fair enough :) but that still dosent stop me from using the sponge method this time

(enter evil laugh :fire:)


Well-Known Member
Good thread! I'm subscribing to this! My first grow was a nirvana short rider which got me hooked on autos.

Awesome JP glad to have you aboard
there is a TON of info here with out a sub forum you have to dig a little
but i promise its worth it, its like a treasure hunt
with better odds each page holds something special
or the answer to your questions :)


Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Thanks for the info my friend. I am thinking about getting some
thick coolers like that that are square. The local gas station carries them
they have nice drop to looks like it would be good for 5 or 6 plants if not more
i may get one knock some holes in it and give it a try.

Hey man, I know most pet stores get their fish from suppliers in HEAVY DUTY COOLERS like Mossys'. My local pet store always have them lying around. I offered to buy one from the guy last year for keeping drinks cold and he just ended up giving me one. The walls of it are 1.5 inches thick and extremely dense.

John Mondello

Active Member
Aye..I noticed it the other day...
You didn't say What you were smoking..:bigjoint:

BTW..did you just make that up..or is someone using that name..

because Auto Erotics have a big pull on me for a brand name.


Good to see my M8..

Gotta say..I find it better to grow mulit-pots in square containers..
I ran on 20-40 ltr round pots for many a year.

I Think it is because I can get better plant spacing in the squares.
I got the first one as a gift from my m8 at the head-shop and bought more.
They are called para cannabis..
but that only means "for cannabis".

The head shop guy was using them for Hydro...with a blank/no holes one on the bottom...
he says they are easier to cut for your pipes to go through..they are polystyrene.

I also have small..8 inch pots..that have a 12 inch drop on them..

They are good too...small pot..lot of drop..
did make me wonder if they had been made with AF's in mind...:leaf:

Ah FullD...I set them away on Halloween..
after 5 days of seeing nothing germ..
I put them in the grow cupboard with warm the compo...
(my grow cupboard is outdoor..)
so it was about day 8 before I saw them breaking soil.
so they are 15-16 days old.

Can you spot which are the f3's...?

and since we are all talking music..
I was toking DC and listening to Amy Winehouse the other day..
and I thought wow..
she just sings like a Duuurrty Afghan...:D
smoking it and listening to it..
Well I made up the Auto Erotics... but it may already be in use... I hope nbot... cuz thats what I wanna brand my kona mist... which is what I'm smoking.... believed to be a cross of cali mist and kona.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Since we got off topic of AFs. Another fisherman here as well. Big cat hunter!! Biggest thus far 62lb blue cat...

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Very nice! 62 lb cat? I caught a 40 pound blue a couple of years back but haven't seen another blue since. I caught allot of cats this past summer. All on live bluegill. I don't think there is a better bait for big cats... (well maybe live shad) I do a bunch of smallmouth and trout fishing also. I love using Panther Martins and Rooster Tails for trout.

Sorry about taking this further off topic, but I love fishing.