The Beard Thread

Okay, I'll play. I wear a beard because I'm a hermit. Keeps people from talking to me when I do venture off the res. Also handy for keeping snacks in. Generally a peanut or something to eat in there. Also hair to my ass. As anti GQ as I can get.
I don't think anyone's going to underestimate that beard.
Is THAT why all my daughters friends are scared of me? Hmmmm.
When I decided to remove my self from my formerly social life a few years ago, the beard seemed like a must. Not that I hadn't grown one before but they were always fairly well kept.
Now I can often see people that I used to know and they don't recognize me. Mission Accomplished!
I wear a beard because I can! It usually gets shaved a few times a year at least, but grows back to a respectable beard in a week.

Read Padawans OP, hah! I married without a beard and grew a beard during marriage. Wife prefers smooth skin but loves that I can grow a full beard. Would I shave it under threat or promise of a season of fun? Fuck yeah!
I go thru phases with my facial hair.
Right now I have a beard I've been growing for 3 months I'm shooting for a year. I very seldom go without some type of facial hair. I've been mustachioed since the 70's.