The Best Day to Die?

The fact is, I never said Science cured the plague. I said it brought us out of the dark ages. "The Cure For the plague" was a mistype of an edit.. my mistake for not catching it.
It's fucked up that I ended up on this thread... Cause my mother in law, who was a very dear and precious sweet old lady, died this afternoon. =/
We talking multi-verse? I'm not sure why not? I'm asking! I think I read something about a loss of weight at death, am I remembering this right?
Mulit-verse? Buddhist style, Robert Thurman has a great presentation about the multi-verse laid out in a way everyone can understand.

I too recall something about a Dr weighing bodies on a death bed and recording a 15 ounce loss of weight upon death.
Crazy! I would like to think this planet is not our final destination!
For three days after he passed I could feel my brothers presence in our home. My wife felt it too, I didn't bring it up because I don't expect people to believe the things I feel. She brought it up to me though.
You don't feel him anymore?
No. Only for the first few days after he died. I had another experience where energy seemed to emit from my chest leading me to my gram's house to talk with her when I was younger (early 20s) and needed someone. I know this stuff makes me sound crazy and most won't believe me. I'm fine with it.
No. Only for the first few days after he died. I had another experience where energy seemed to emit from my chest leading me to my gram's house to talk with her when I was younger (early 20s) and needed someone. I know this stuff makes me sound crazy and most won't believe me. I'm fine with it.
Crazy? Nah! I know crazy!
My mother in law had dementia, so in someways, it was a relief that she went.. 80 some years old. In her sleep, she never woke up.
No. Only for the first few days after he died. I had another experience where energy seemed to emit from my chest leading me to my gram's house to talk with her when I was younger (early 20s) and needed someone. I know this stuff makes me sound crazy and most won't believe me. I'm fine with it.

I remember when my first grandma died.
When we got the call she passed my sis and I both got the chills like nothing we ever felt before.

After the funeral, the family came back to her house and out of the blue, the antenna rotor started turning itself.
Many more experiences I could jabber on about.
The afterlife is very real though I think you need a religion to connect to it.
None of this shit sounds crazy. It's called being human and our responses to the natural phenomena of death as individuals makes us all uniquely human.
Id like to remind everyone..without reading there would have been no science.
There were a couple of doctors who helped plague stricken citys.By cleaning up everything with fresh water.Hardly a cure but stopped the spread.