The cheapest mini grow box you will ever see !!!


New Member
Yea i did work. thats how i make my grow box because i have no money and its cheap.

anyone else wanna dis how poor i am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Yea i did work. thats how i make my grow box because i have no money and its cheap.

anyone else wanna dis how poor i am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
This has got to be the most retarded thread i have read. you can not grow a plant from start to finish with 1 20 watt cfl when i first started growing i used 3 20 watt cfls and i got a little over 5 grams, with one 20 watt you would be lucky to get a gram from one plant. let alone grow 30 "plants" which u now say are seedlings dont make a thread if u dont know what you are talking about please. if you are satisfied with you 1 gram of bud every 3 months then so be it but i highly doubt anyone else will be. people are here to try to learn how to grow and some of the people that are more new to growing may actually believe u and give it a try just to end up wasting there time in the end. this thread needs to die


New Member
This has got to be the most retarded thread i have read. you can not grow a plant from start to finish with 1 20 watt cfl when i first started growing i used 3 20 watt cfls and i got a little over 5 grams, with one 20 watt you would be lucky to get a gram from one plant. let alone grow 30 "plants" which u now say are seedlings dont make a thread if u dont know what you are talking about please. if you are satisfied with you 1 gram of bud every 3 months then so be it but i highly doubt anyone else will be. people are here to try to learn how to grow and some of the people that are more new to growing may actually believe u and give it a try just to end up wasting there time in the end. this thread needs to die
well it works for me, its all i have and will ever have !!!.

and people can learn from my mistake then,,, sorry


Well-Known Member
Dont gotta apologize dude i was a little bit of a dick about it i know and my bad. just saying there is no way that u will get bud from that 1 light the box itself is a decent idea thats what i did when i first started growing but your going to want atleast like 85 to 100 watts per plant to get any yield worth while.


New Member
it just for autoflower seedlings for 1 -2 weeks of there life. outdoors at day indoors at nite then after 2 weeks they on there own outdoors


New Member
this is all ive got. so f off. im not gona go to a grow store and spend money like im bill gates son.

and dont you put the proporgato in the grow box anyways... duhh


you inspire me i am going to make a grow box out of a shoe box and put a keychain led light in there! nice im stoked!
Hey will this work if I'm trying to just grow one plant for personal use? What do I do once the plant outgrows the box? I like the setup, looks nice and simple, but if you could show how to add the cooling fan in there that'd be nice cause I don't get where you would put that. Anyways, thanks for this man, I don't have the time & money to go out and find the professional equipment. I just want one or two plants so I can smoke away the night when I come home exhausted from work.


Well-Known Member
You should have specified that they were seedlings at the start bro and maybe the dickheads would have got the picture at the start haha You can definately use cfls for seedlings that is how I start all of mine for the first few days of their lives before i put them in bigger pots and take outside. There is also no reason why the cardboard box you had shouldnt work, especially if it was for four seedlings!!