The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
I got a call from the cuntsill today, we have been offered a new build in the place where we want it lol. We gotta wait for a viewing now lol, yay fucking excellent!!!!! I wonder what space it has for growing lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well if it is i recon i may have to pack up growing till we are well settled, apparently they do lots of visits to new builds with solar. We will see at the viewing lol.


Well-Known Member
Congrats mate I moved into a new build n the only check we had was the 1 year check I ain't got solar panels tho


Active Member
councils are banging solar panels on suitable houses all over the brother had them fitted not so long ago.he gets to use the free power for 12 hours a day the rest is sold by the council back to the national grid. wish i was in a south facing property i would take there hand off if offered to me lol


Well-Known Member
that deserved rep because it's the madest thing I ever heard, Rab C Nesbit look mean, he's like a silky smooth lover under the
I could care less HOW much cheese you cut.....can you lighten up that picture cause YOU LOOK MEAN!
Fukkin new build for the win as well.....they'll be dishing you out free weed soon, lol.


Well-Known Member
when they inspect r they lookin for a forest? Or something else? I had a mold inspector come to my place like 2 weeks til harvest? I got through it but i was shitting bricks

mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah im kinda still at full steam with my flower tents lol, could squeeze maybe 4 between 2 tents extra. Need to pick it up in the veg tho lol. Family life gets in the way lol, wouldnt trade it for all the ganj in the congo


Active Member
im right with you on that mate but unfortuantly i only get to see my kids at weekends at min. only me and the mrs at home throughout the week and she is at work 12 hours a day thats why the computer is plugged in most of the time lol.