The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Also the gap has been made by me scrumping branches of safari mix to fund my viciouse weed habit lol muhahahaha:eyesmoke:
nah bullshit. cannabis is non addictive ;)

it only becomes a vicious habit when ya start massacring young girls westy and chopping off their girly bits and shit like that lol.


Well-Known Member
They are frosty as hell, great looking cheese dude. I really can't wait (rubs hands in anticipation) Whats better cheese or psycho?
Last feed today? Do you let 'em have 10 weeks? So you don't feed them for the last 3 weeks, right?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
saaaay whaaaat? no feed for 3 weeks?!?!? crazy talk.. in coco you can feed full strength till maybe 3 days before chop i flush for about 5 days normally.

cheese is stronger but the psychos a little more flavourful. both are wicked.


Well-Known Member
so far i got 3 of the skunk specials possibly 5 lol the confirmed fems are very lanky at over 2 foot b4 the 12/12 trigger lol

hi m8 looking nice :)

2 things ie done the SK spec about t 2 years ago and it does move up ... nice allrounder though... takes ages to cure imo...

2nd is ive got a new chese strain to try in teh form of bubblecheese. they are 6 " tall atthe mo so ill let you kknow how i go etc...

oh and i finallygot a fantaseeds clone to try aswell so we will be able to check how each other go ...

speak soon and look forward to seeing your phys and safari cured...

mr west

Well-Known Member
saaaay whaaaat? no feed for 3 weeks?!?!? crazy talk.. in coco you can feed full strength till maybe 3 days before chop i flush for about 5 days normally.

cheese is stronger but the psychos a little more flavourful. both are wicked.
heres me thinkin like i was doing in soil lol. So should i keep feeding with pk aswell lol?


Well-Known Member
heres me thinkin like i was doing in soil lol. So should i keep feeding with pk aswell lol?
It's not recommended to run the PK all the way through flowering.
I don't know why?
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's 'pharmaceutical potash' and we're not meant to consume it in our smoke.
I only give them a burst of PK for a week to 10 days around weeks 4 to 6 of 12/12.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah im with mam on this one i drop the pk out for the last week or so. i give a good feed of pk at 3 weeks another at 4 then run it for a couple of weeks at medium dose.

both you guys are easily at the stage of knowing by eye if your overfeeding!

mr west

Well-Known Member
i have given then 3 doses of pk starting begining of week 6last one was on week 7. so should i just keep the a+b going at full strength?


Well-Known Member
Now that you have dropped out the PK I would recommend sticking with that same PPM that the nutes were with the PK ,but make up the difference using more of your A & B.
That works for me.


Well-Known Member
bout 1500ppm?
If that's what you were on before while using the PK with your nutes.
I wind my girls down PPM wise toward the latter stages of a grow so when I do the plain water it doesn't shock shit out of them.
Your pretty close to the end so 1500 may be too high.
Maybe aim for something like 1200 would be better if you were previously on 1500.
Even a 1000 would be fine at this stage I reckon because they're almost done aren't they?


Active Member



mr west

Well-Known Member

Im over 6 foot tall and she beat me wen she straightend up lol.

once i let her stand up on her own she snapped herself lol. We weighed it in at 218.9gramms wet bud and ive had seven eighths off her allready in scrumping. So if it drys to bout 60 gramms thatd be 3 oz plant yay lolkiss-ass