The Church : My first grow


Active Member
I have no UV lights in my room only CFL, I had a T5 flurotube grow light that I took out due to my plant only using 1/3rd of the hight (making extra heat for no reason).
This must have been what I saw, it appeared to be very purple in color, thought it was a blacklight, my bad!

Also I think he said he was using a fert that was like 10-5-10 in addition to molasses so I think that'd be ok, but I'm hydro so I dunno. (checked and it's Schultz 10-15-10)
I was using schultz 10-15-10... I might start using it again, I had stoped because I was getting good results from just the molasses (my whole idea about just using the molasses was that i was gunna try for an "Organic" grow)... Like I said at the begining Im new to growing this is my first plant which I got as a clone... If you guys think I'd get better product using the schultz I'll use it... If you guys think my plants lacking in nutes I'll use the schultz... You guys most likely have more experience then me...

So I've been working on constructing a new box... I'll post pictures when i have it all set up to my likeing...
Where do you get those cfl lamp setups dude? And whats a good light timer I can use for cfl's
I bought them for $6.75 at walmart... check in the tool department.

I also bought socket adapters.... which let you plug a bulb right into a socket... so i pluged three of them in one power strip and added 2 Y-adapters (even thought im only using one half, to angle the lights)

Good timer is any timer that you can set to 18-6 or 12-12... I bought mine once again at walmart and I stuck a powerstrip to it so I could put my fans and all my lights on one timer

And thanks once again Ohio your slowly becoming my

oh and BTW i watered her last night with some schultz and ill continue to use it ever 2-3 waterings

and Ill have picutres of my new box up either later today or tomorrow...


Active Member
not a problem man i know where you are coming from, ive been there but i didnt have anyone to help me so i want to help anyone out that i can! Ive spent 8 years of my life dedicating to this wonderful and amazing plant so i love to share my knowledge that i have accumulated.


Active Member
looking good so far man! i grow with CFLs myself, use molasses from 2 weeks after i start veggin to 2 weeks before harvest! you should really try to encapsulate your CFL grow! you lose alot of light, especially with CFLs, the further the plant is away from them, the useable light diffuses alot reflected light becomes crucial! i like schultz too, the 10-15-10 IS good for your veg cycle! but once in flowering, i would suggest you add at least the 3 main nutes (N P K) to your 12/12 cycle. they are all pretty inexpensive and readily available at any garden store. the only reason i say is, my first grow that all i used exactly, a 10-15-10 and molasses from start to finish, had decent yeild and great potency, now,my second harvest is tomorrow (yay!) and i augmented my same technique from above, added a FIM and am looking at roughly..8 times more this time around in yeild. so, it makes a difference! next time around..repeat, but add super-cropping to my process! its so much fun, and i love evolving and refining my skills! Happy Growing!
All you guys posting pics of nicely grow'n church make me jealous... unless your gunna mail me some of that dank nuug stop posting youur pics... its almost like saying "nahhy nahhy boo boo" my plants are biug and beautiful and your is a shitty clone that might yeild an 8th...


Well-Known Member
All you guys posting pics of nicely grow'n church make me jealous... unless your gunna mail me some of that dank nuug stop posting youur pics... its almost like saying "nahhy nahhy boo boo" my plants are biug and beautiful and your is a shitty clone that might yeild an 8th...
Look at it a different way, next round you have something to aim for...
Hey guys so I finally broke down and cut myself a sample... one of the smaller lower buds... I wraped it up in paper and put it on a radiator for a bit until it was dried out... It was a shitty cure, but man o man was I impressed with myself... got a pretty nice high off of it and it really wasn't that harsh... now I really can't wait for crop time(only 1-2 more weeks)


Heres some picture updats
IMAG0166.jpg Here i added another clip light bring the count to 3 26watt white, 1 42watt white, 1 27watt day

IMAG0170.jpgIMAG0171.jpgIMAG0167.jpgIMAG0168.jpgIMAG0169.jpg Some nug pron... :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

My lovely experiment the Hempy pot still doing well... I'm trying foliar feeding with this one and gave her first does of foliar nutes... have yet to add anything other then molasses to her waterings... next week Ill start adding schultz 10-15-10
IMAG0172.jpgIMAG0174.jpg IMAG0173.jpg

Heres my other project: MY NEW GROW BOX!!!!!
I've started another bag seed in a much larger Hempy pot... I would have started her in a smaller pot, but I couldn't figure out how I would transplant one??? any suggestions?
IMAG0175.jpgIMAG0178.jpgIMAG0176.jpgIMAG0177.jpgIMAG0179.jpg Shes just a baby, but with good hopes she'll be big and beautiful and possibly be my first mother... or I might put a screen in and make it Scrog... any ideas?


Anyway I hope all is going well with anyone readings grows... have any suggestions or any feed back it will be much appreciated... +REP to helpful hints


Active Member
Hey guys so I finally broke down and cut myself a sample... one of the smaller lower buds... I wraped it up in paper and put it on a radiator for a bit until it was dried out... It was a shitty cure, but man o man was I impressed with myself... got a pretty nice high off of it and it really wasn't that harsh... now I really can't wait for crop time(only 1-2 more weeks)


Heres some picture updats
View attachment 1531009 Here i added another clip light bring the count to 3 26watt white, 1 42watt white, 1 27watt day

View attachment 1531011View attachment 1531003View attachment 1531008View attachment 1531005View attachment 1531002 Some nug pron... :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

My lovely experiment the Hempy pot still doing well... I'm trying foliar feeding with this one and gave her first does of foliar nutes... have yet to add anything other then molasses to her waterings... next week Ill start adding schultz 10-15-10
View attachment 1531006View attachment 1531001 View attachment 1531007

Heres my other project: MY NEW GROW BOX!!!!!
I've started another bag seed in a much larger Hempy pot... I would have started her in a smaller pot, but I couldn't figure out how I would transplant one??? any suggestions?
View attachment 1531012View attachment 1531000View attachment 1531004View attachment 1530999View attachment 1531010 Shes just a baby, but with good hopes she'll be big and beautiful and possibly be my first mother... or I might put a screen in and make it Scrog... any ideas?


Anyway I hope all is going well with anyone readings grows... have any suggestions or any feed back it will be much appreciated... +REP to helpful hints
i agree never look at it that way, hell the first time i grew a seed when i was 6 i grew it with a plant light you get a wal mart lol, its not all about the yield, its what you take from the experience, growing something that brings you happiness is better than most anything in life. Besides we all have to start somewhere!

Much Respect Man
Thanks ill have to check that out... right now I'm sticking with my wal-mart bulbs cause I still have a few more... also from what I hear its better to have many low watt CFL then few high watts, but its going to be trial and error... just thrilled im almost through my first flowering
Question guys... If today im at 41 days now should I crop at 42 days (6 weeks), 49 days (7weeks), or 56 days (8 weeks)? I was told to go by the pistols when 75% are red its done... I'd say that its about 67% red... is this a good method? am i correct in expecting an early crop if the plants seems to be showing signs of finshing? the only white pistols are coming from new growth at the top of each of the nugs... any help is much appreciated


Active Member
Question guys... If today im at 41 days now should I crop at 42 days (6 weeks), 49 days (7weeks), or 56 days (8 weeks)? I was told to go by the pistols when 75% are red its done... I'd say that its about 67% red... is this a good method? am i correct in expecting an early crop if the plants seems to be showing signs of finshing? the only white pistols are coming from new growth at the top of each of the nugs... any help is much appreciated
if its the church from greenhouse then you need to let her go at least till week 8 if at all possible
My buddy that gave me the clone said it was "The Church" as if it is from greenhouse idk... like I said about 67% of the pistols are red, when its 75% thats crop time yes?


Well-Known Member
My buddy that gave me the clone said it was "The Church" as if it is from greenhouse idk... like I said about 67% of the pistols are red, when its 75% thats crop time yes?
Going by the red hair theory is incorrect, some of my church plants were red at 5-6 weeks but nowhere near finished with calyx production. Church is 8-9 week strain. You probably have a 8 weeker.


Active Member
Going by the red hair theory is incorrect, some of my church plants were red at 5-6 weeks but nowhere near finished with calyx production. Church is 8-9 week strain. You probably have a 8 weeker.
i agree 100%, some strains show that they are ready when they just keep growing and growing, my church is at day 52 and im only seeing 10% amber in the trikes, so the flowering time givern by the seed companys are a average for all the phenos, seeing how each strain will have the phenos that never want to finish and just take forever.


Well-Known Member
i agree 100%, some strains show that they are ready when they just keep growing and growing, my church is at day 52 and im only seeing 10% amber in the trikes, so the flowering time givern by the seed companys are a average for all the phenos, seeing how each strain will have the phenos that never want to finish and just take forever.
True, out of 32 church seeds grown fully out I had 3 distinct phenos, a squat indica, a tall lanky sativa that flowered out at 10 weeks but produced plenty cause I had to crimp and push over producing many more bud sites and a combination of the two. 2 distinct differences in the latter, one showing a very early finisher that showed plenty red hairs at week 5 and 6 with high bud to leaf ratio and the other being the opposite, that one I speak of was the pic I posted. it was huge though.