Well-Known Member
Did you even watch the video, bro?Holy shit, I didn't know the Clinton's were responsible for the crack epidemic. Please don't tell me they are also responsible for AIDS too.
I gotta tell ya Panhead, all this talk about murder and cocaine and gun running almost makes me want to switch my vote back to Hillary. We could use a stone-cold thug in the White House. Unfortunately, I have not been able to confirm this because so much of the MSM wants to deprive her of her street cred by pointing out that your assertion has no merit to it whatsoever. Are you using some type of advanced search engine that ignores biased media like the NYT or Snopes in favor of top-flight media like Rt.com, infowars, stormfront and Breitbart?if it smells like a turd its a turd,you've done all in your power " very little " to derail from facts & spread disinformation,instead of addressing the proven historical facts I & others have posted here.
If your helping hide Hillary's 3 decades of murder,gun running & cocaine smuggling your 100% a Clinton supporter ,to the point you've made accusations of me being a broke bum,which I'm always proud to match homes with any member here,I've yet to come off as a bum in a decade of pic for pic![]()
Hey Panhead. I am trying real hard bro but I am hitting a dead end with all of this. I sent a whole bunch of emails out with this information on Kevin Ives and Don Henry, but people immediately starting emailing me back things they looked up on the internet. What do I say to them? Are they stupid? Should I hurt them? How can I prove that they are not smart like us are?When President Bill Clinton was a governor his state of Arkansas became a major point of entry for all cocaine in the USA,Arkansas also was the state in which the Clinton's shipped metric tons of US weapons to the Contra rebels illegally,state police assigned to protect Bill Clinton watched in horror as their states governor smuggled drugs,money & weapons in & out of the country,state troopers then assigned to the Clinton security detail contacted the DEA,FBI & IRS & gave shit loads of evidence showing exact times & dates of the Clinton drugs & arms shipments .
Investigations were started & witnesses scheduled to testify against the Clinton's ,before any testimony could be given both eye witnesses to dozens of drug transactions involving the Clinton's overdosed on Marijuana,then after od'ing on pot they went into a trance & passed out on railroad tracks,then as you can guess were ran over by a train .
We all know how easy it is to OD from smoking weed,then fall into a trance & pass the fuck out on railroad tracks,I'm sure every riu member has od'd on weed at least once & found themselves in a trance
A very small clip of the 1990's documentary called " the Clinton crime chronicles below for all millennials who are not aware of the clinton crimes in the 90's.,detailed clnton crimes documented starting @4.30 in the video .
My last thread showing details of the Clinton's 30 year crime spree was taken down,let's see if this one is too offensive to stay up,enjoy learning the history of the Clinton's .
what exactly am I in " denial " about buck ?the fact that you are still in denial about your impending ban just makes it all the better.
lolwhat exactly am I in " denial " about buck ?
I thoroughly understand the terms & conditions of our bet,which are if Hillary wins I leave RIU forever & don't come back as a sock puppet .
When Donald Trump wins I stay at RIU forever & you leave the site forever ,and don't come back as a sock puppet .
Pretty straight forward deal I'd say,when The Donald becomes your president elect I'll be here to show you to the door & boot you in the ass on yer way out
Any evidence yet you can post showing the Clinton cocaine smuggling ring didn't create millions of crackheads while Hillary lavished in the luxury of the govoners mansion ?
#Hillaryforprison #Clintoncrimes #Clintonmurders #Clintonassassinations
Dude! Help me defend this shit! I am looking like a total asshole here.what exactly am I in " denial " about buck ?
I thoroughly understand the terms & conditions of our bet,which are if Hillary wins I leave RIU forever & don't come back as a sock puppet .
When Donald Trump wins I stay at RIU forever & you leave the site forever ,and don't come back as a sock puppet .
Pretty straight forward deal I'd say,when The Donald becomes your president elect I'll be here to show you to the door & boot you in the ass on yer way out
Any evidence yet you can post showing the Clinton cocaine smuggling ring didn't create millions of crackheads while Hillary lavished in the luxury of the govoners mansion ?
#Hillaryforprison #Clintoncrimes #Clintonmurders #Clintonassassinations
how many days now until you are gone forever? 22? 23?what exactly am I in " denial " about buck ?
I thoroughly understand the terms & conditions of our bet,which are if Hillary wins I leave RIU forever & don't come back as a sock puppet .
When Donald Trump wins I stay at RIU forever & you leave the site forever ,and don't come back as a sock puppet .
Pretty straight forward deal I'd say,when The Donald becomes your president elect I'll be here to show you to the door & boot you in the ass on yer way out
Any evidence yet you can post showing the Clinton cocaine smuggling ring didn't create millions of crackheads while Hillary lavished in the luxury of the govoners mansion ?
#Hillaryforprison #Clintoncrimes #Clintonmurders #Clintonassassinations
being that incredibly stupid is an act of bravery in ways.If you want things to remain the same that is down ward spiral then by all means Vote for Hillary.
If you want change then you better vote for trump plain and simple
With all these so called women coming out of the wood work claiming trump violated them in some way truth is coming out that there paid and democratic supporters
Seriously how stupid can one be in thinking other wise ????? its become a smear campaign towards trump funded by Hillary who is really worried ..
Think of the polls all you like there lies all lies
how many days now until you are gone forever? 22? 23?
you should (show us nazi tattoo).
hillary leads by 11 in the latest national poll. 23 days to go.You keep saying you've got something for me.
You've been a messin where you shouldn't of been a messin.
And now the bandit is gettin all your best
These boots are made for walkin & their gonna walk all over u.
Your not man enough to walk away from RIU when you lose because RIU is all you have for entertainment,which is pretty fucking sad,I can't wait to hear the excuses why you refuse to leave RIU after you & Hillary lose, BIGLY !
A goodbye song for you