The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Lol here we go with the name calling and anger. We can go fact for fact but you’ve already ignored me. Trump is the great white hope.

Why are you ok with supporting a traitor? Its clear now if it wasnt from the start, that he sold our country out for money. Petty piece of shit. This country is big enough to tolerate and debate the 1st amendment rights of skinheads, racists and ignorant libertarians, but not the existence of traitors. Can't seperate yourself from the hate long enough to acknowledge the danger to this country he is?
Melber: 'Noose Is Tightening' Around President Donald Trump Campaign | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
"MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber offers analysis of what the federal grand jury indictment of Roger Stone means for the Mueller investigation.
Why are you ok with supporting a traitor? Its clear now if it wasnt from the start, that he sold our country out for money. Petty piece of shit. This country is big enough to tolerate and debate the 1st amendment rights of skinheads, racists and ignorant libertarians, but not the existence of traitors. Can't seperate yourself from the hate long enough to acknowledge the danger to this country he is?
Hate trumps patriotism, it always has and always will, every racist is a potential traitor.
Lol here we go with the name calling and anger. We can go fact for fact but you’ve already ignored me. Trump is the great white hope.
Actually, that's his normal voice. Roger is not angry, he simply has a very direct way of saying what he means.

I agree with him in this regard but am too polite to point out that you are too fucking stupid to even fucking acknowledge. So, I'm glad Roger said it. I wouldn't say you are too fucking stupid to even fucking acknowledge but if asked, I would agree with that assessment. What I don't understand is why somebody who is too fucking stupid to even fucking acknowledge would support Trump who is even more fucking stupid to even fucking acknowledge. I guess that because you are too fucking stupid to even fucking acknowledge, I can't think down to your level and so can't understand what somebody who is too fucking stupid to even fucking acknowledge says.
Donald needed a distraction from the Roger Stone bust and that is most likely the only reason why he reopened the government today. Roger is as big a treasonous cocksucker as Donald and I figure a narcissist like Stone will throw anybody under the bus to get out of jail, he doesn't want to end up a locked up loser like his old partner Manafort. Trump started the shut down and now he's ending it, incompetence or carrying out Putin's treasonous orders to damage America, take yer pick. There is a reason Trump ended the shutdown today and I figure that reason was Roger Stone and his visit from the FBI. They did the "full monty" on Roger, raid, cuffs, perpwalk and custody with 250K bail, too bad they didn't wait a bit so he would have to spend the weekend in jail. Since he was a Russian agent I don't know why they didn't keep him in custody like all the other Russian agents they catch.
Donald Trump caved. And now the government is going to re-open.
Oh oh Roger...
Roger Stone Draws the Judge Who Threw Paul Manafort in Jail
Andrew M Harris
January 25, 2019, 2:53 PM AST

Self-anointed political dirty trickster Roger Stone will have to tread carefully as he prepares to defend against charges of obstructing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe and lying about his communications with WikiLeaks.

The no-nonsense judge assigned Stone’s case has already demonstrated that she’s got little patience for defendants who misbehave. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson issued a gag order on Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort and later revoked his bail and threw him in jail.
If America tolerates treason, it's finished as a free country, a judge needs to slap these assholes real hard with maximum sentences. Uncle Sam should sue the cocksuckers for a billion bucks each, except Trump who should be sued for 10 billion and who should never see the light of day again. America can't tolerate this happening again, new laws are required to make the process of removal and conviction quicker and easier, make it as hard to prove as a "marijuana conspiracy" case was a few years back.
Stone’s indictment reveals Team Trump’s profound betrayal of the country

By Editorial Board January 25 at 4:28 PM

ROGER STONE was indicted Friday for lying to Congress and witness tampering, not for conspiring with Russian intelligence or WikiLeaks, Moscow’s partner in disseminating materials stolen from the Democratic National Committee. Yet if special counsel Robert S. Mueller III did not disclose evidence of criminal collusion, the indictment makes clear that senior officials of the Trump campaign — including, possibly, Donald Trump himself — reacted to the criminal intelligence operation of a prime U.S. adversary by secretly trying to take advantage of it.
Monologue: Yippee Ki-Yay, Pussygrabber | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Nancy Pelosi's domination of Donald Trump, Roger Stone's indictment, and smirking Catholic teenagers.

New Rule: Grow Up | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

In his editorial New Rule, Bill responds to Stan Lee fans upset over his recent blog post and says it's time to put away childish things.
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Whitaker has been briefed and congress will will want to talk to him soon...

Trump's acting attorney general makes rare Mueller statement
Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election is "close to being completed," acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said.
Whitaker told reporters he has been "fully briefed" on the investigation.
Whitaker has been briefed and congress will will want to talk to him soon...

Trump's acting attorney general makes rare Mueller statement
Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election is "close to being completed," acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said.
Whitaker told reporters he has been "fully briefed" on the investigation.

i sure would have liked to have been a fly on the wall at that briefing.....
doesn't Whitaker look stressed?
i sure would have liked to have been a fly on the wall at that briefing.....
doesn't Whitaker look stressed?
Oh yeah, he'll have Trump breathing down his neck wanting to know what Mueller has on him and he has a date with congress next week and they are gonna want to know why he blabbed about an ongoing investigation. He looked panicked to me after he fucked up and realized he spoke about the investigation and should not have.
Lol here we go with the name calling and anger. We can go fact for fact but you’ve already ignored me. Trump is the great white hope.
I hold Trump to his promise to build that wall and have Mexico will pay for it.

I'd be glad to go fact for fact if you want. I'm doubtful that a Trumpkin can even recognize a fact after three years of Trump lying 6 times an hour. I'm already embarrassed for you that you actually defend Trump.
well, i got in an "argument" at the store this morning...saw a dumbass wearing a maga hat. i didn't say anything, but i had to look away and shake my head.....the guy had to ask me if i had a i told him about my slowly increasing volume, till i was shouting at him that he and everyone like him were the biggest fucking problem the country's ever had....the manager of the store came and tried to calm me down (i've known him for close to ten years)....i tried to calm down but the fucking maga moron had to start running his dicksucker again....and i chased him down the aisle with a can of soup i was going to use to reshape that fucking hat.....when i gave up the manager was behind me with my cart of shit..."go pay for this and go home...."
i keep telling motherfuckers they ought to be glad they're talking shit to me through the internet......

and the funny thing is the guy was twice my size....he kept looking at me like a saint bernard being harassed by mouse.....fucking tourists....fucking maga tourists.....
sad part is they won't even believe it when the whole trump syndicate goes to prison after this is all over.

he might be an idiot but this whole fake news thing he started was pretty smart to cover his ass. i think he knew the shit hit the fan when Yates told him that Flynn had been under investigation for years.
well, i got in an "argument" at the store this morning...saw a dumbass wearing a maga hat. i didn't say anything, but i had to look away and shake my head.....the guy had to ask me if i had a i told him about my slowly increasing volume, till i was shouting at him that he and everyone like him were the biggest fucking problem the country's ever had....the manager of the store came and tried to calm me down (i've known him for close to ten years)....i tried to calm down but the fucking maga moron had to start running his dicksucker again....and i chased him down the aisle with a can of soup i was going to use to reshape that fucking hat.....when i gave up the manager was behind me with my cart of shit..."go pay for this and go home...."
i keep telling motherfuckers they ought to be glad they're talking shit to me through the internet......

and the funny thing is the guy was twice my size....he kept looking at me like a saint bernard being harassed by mouse.....fucking tourists....fucking maga tourists.....
If I was an American I'd be chewing MAGA hatted heads off left, right and center and soon you will have a lot of help with shitting on these fools. Did you notice the spontaneous shouting of "Lock Him UP!" when Roger Stone was outside the courthouse the first time? Today he didn't even bother with a press scrum outside his arraignment because patriotic citizens were waiting to shout him down. It won't be too long before wearing a MAGA hat will be a dangerous thing to do, just wait a spell, you'll see. Getting a strip torn off them in public will be the least of their worries, getting horse whipped, the shit beat outta them or shot, might be a very real concern for them by summer. Some patriots take treason very seriously and if these morons publicly support a traitor by wearing a MAGA hat they will be considered one too, soon it will be like waving a swastika in America during WWII.

Keep up the good work and fighting the good fight, your doing it for your country not just because yer pissed. Some folks require a hard education, they can't think but they can feel and you should make them feel like shit at every opportunity (don't get shot!). Words can wound and be used as weapons when required and this is a case where they should. When reason doesn't work and kindness is wasted, there's always pain...