I'm.glad you tagged me in this don, because recently I have been using pretty much every new lighting tech available and as good as your old may be per watt with all these new led fixtures, the flowers just aren't the same without the uv from hids.
The biggest negative effect I noticed was lack of resistance to pests and fungus. Any plant that sort of had problems under hid, had amplified problems under led.
Tendency to Herm also seems to be increased when grown without uv.
Just my experience, but thanks for the post and tag.
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Ah thanks much for this complete picture - actually I didn't know that you have already done so much testing around this!Don't mind at all
I was going to mention how if we want our plants to have more antioxidants which is what anthocyanin is, technically, the pinkish purplish hue we are looking for.. we should consider feeding them more antioxidants, be thru the worm's diets, soil feedings, or even air mistings. Once they are in place (abundance of antioxidants) then there are things we can do to "aid in pulling them out" so to speak.. if there is a reason to, that is... let me explain ..
After many trials and rounds of experimentation followed tightly by macro investigation, I realized there is a way to affect the "derma" cells in the long stalk part of the trichome gland by playing with vapour pressures and specifically using negative pressure / Vapour Pressure Drops and the big precursor: UV earlier in the day to create minor stress- if the supply of antioxidants are there in the soil, magic could happen..
Especially when the soil is very well amended and very alive in all ways, when one is able to use plain neutral RO, as more neutral pH water helps amplify the bright hue ..
(blue purple and red are also possible based on pH fluxes depending on whether high or low, as well as if other elements are present such as Aluminum)
but again, UV exposure and therefore early UV / full spectrum exposure is important or shall I say my main theorized precursor to the plants wanting to be doing this..
not only because it builds a tolerance and can take longer focused periods later (especially in the end, of UV / deep reds and far reds) but its the very reason to it wanting to create more substance in its exterior tissues to "protect itself" more .. simple survival and instinctual reactions.. almost like it creates a tan / rooftop for their bright convertible lifestyle, because clear glasslike crystals amplify and magnify the bright powerful spectrums (plants can see after all in a way).. if the diet is fully supplied, and factors allow, its just another tool or weapon the plant has to combat the extremes of life..
Of course, however, I think certain seeds are more inclined to this type of behaviour, especially really high thc varieties (billions of trich-relationships between sky and skin (aka plant) and therefor soil get established on the plants which cant hurt the odds of having complete more well rounded fully operational defence mechanisms aka trichomes develop) as well as early amber varieties. Having both or either of those present in the gene line is a big helper I think.
As for the two colours in the diagram, its because there is a basal cell in the thrichome that seemingly blocks the hue from coming up into the secretory cells, and for me, thats the crown achievement in macro organic MMJ photography .. I cloned the Tight (Pink) Dojo that I ran, the one that went riiight pink in the 'secre-cells' (thru and thru pink secretory cells) and after the mother got one treatment, of UV and A-ox foliar (A-Ox - = anti-oxidant) .. the clone got no UV and no foliar and no VPDrops's and after harvest pictures showed the traits were NOT expressed.. that is, there was no need (for UV protection) and no magic ingredient (no extra antioxidants supplied in abundance to play with, be it through air or soil)
Then to confirm, I did a round with several companies gear to test my theories and I was able to create hue.. in the sealed room I would build pressure up and vapour and RH then I would drop in middle of the night like a dew pressure drops each night. Focused Exposure to UV each night right before bed .. lay down some extra hue and need for shelter... then help the plant draw it out at night. Again, this was aided by paragmagnetic minerals in the soil/ crystals and worm castings that were made from scratch with a lot of great inputs, I think that helped the proton/electron flow.
Ended up pulling pink into the trichs on 60% of the specimens..same soil all around, no A-Ox foliar and the Bubbas Meltdown and Pink Gravy did it (big derma cell change,s not secre-cells though) quite prominently but the higher potency ones were the ones did it, too, The LA Choc and the Red Belly Diesel for example, but the weaker ones didnt; the JOTI, Crap King, etc etc. this leads me to believe its a trait thats inherent and expressible in stronger strains, but requires coaxing and certain environmental factors to be in place, in order to be brought to the forefront of visible exposure.
Hope that helps a bit.. if you guys make headway please share
@DonPetro @Chronikool @fumble @eastcoastmo @DonBrennon @calliandra @Grandpa GreenJeans @kmog33 @thccbdhealth @greasemonkeymann @rastaroy @iHearAll and many many more![]()
Ah thanks much for this complete picture - actually I didn't know that you have already done so much testing around this!
I went back over the grow where I got the pink stems by accident, to see inhowfar the aspects you have found to be relevant were in place there. But I wasn't watching out for any of that at all during the grow, and was a bit annoyed to find I had already stopped documenting every little detail as I did on my very first grows
So no clear confirmations there.
I do have this hunch though that my feedings may have been relevant - especially a tomato-persimmon smoothie the plant got watered with a week before the pink trich stems started showing - all near the top of the plant, which was pretty close to the 200W of 3500K COBs (but they're weak on UV?) they were growing under.
I did have pressure variation in that closet too (at 55% humidity), as it ran on negative pressure minus the times I'd leave the closet open (up to 2 hours daily), though that too may just be too unspecific. OTOH I did keep finding waterdrops collecting on the leaves here and there...
Very iffey, all of it lol - but hey, now at least we know that
I definitely will continue to watch for this!
ebay 145 australian looked again and one came up for 125 but ye im eather going to get all the stuff from ebay or build a soil im wary of buying things like this from over seas becuse of the exchange rate and customs i lost 300 once buying soil from over seas it went 2 fed ex wherehouse or somthing and i coudent get there and i was paranoid this was years ago before i knew anything im gunna hit up build a soil later on and ask them im sure thay would be happy 2 help gunna learn 2 boild a soler panal so then i can run ac and every thing and not have 2 worry about the electric bill lol so far iv got 400 saved
thanx for sharing mate havent put the tumbler together yet was 2 comlicated for me i suck at that sort of stuff brother in laws gunna help me put it together when he can working on getting stuff together im probly gunny get what i can from bunnings and do a simple as possable mix and work my way up as long as its got every thing in it that the plants need im mainly thinking about drainidge and airation atm as far as npk goas im thinking of getting a product called seamungus its made from seaweed fish humic acid and manure its lie these little pellets so im thinking that some graet white mycorraze some lava rock and coco coir and letting it all braek down in the tumblr and some rock dust i think that would cover all the needs of the plant other than that im planing on learning how 2 make sprout teas and stuff thinking of getting some hemp powder and using that to feed my worm bin and using there castings and even trowing some worms in the pots other than that im just learning more about teas and enzmes and all that stuf after i harvest the plants iv been looking into minirals im gunna try and incorporate as many in as i can the npk is esay enough im more worried about the secondery s and the micro life and like the rocks its got me curios as fuck tho wondering what minarals if present in the soil what effect it would have like one could obtain rare minarals would love 2 experiment with all of that thank got for google lolMy pleasure, sharing is power for the people
So yeah,
Secretory cells are one thing
The Derma cells another,
basal cell another yet, of course..
and stems a seperate matter all together
for stems I want to see green lush for although there can be purple stems (genetic) there are usually more negative aspects related to pink and red as well as purple striping..
1. pH too high or low
2. Water was too cold (stiffening up calcium complex and therefore affecting magnesium complex)
3. Humidity extremes with young seedlings
4. Or a magnesium deficiency has actually crept in (kelp is insufficient or micro life is dormant / etc)
5. [Other possible potential reasons; light shock, transplant shock, over water shock]
Next round will be for secretory cells to confirm these theories I propose
Nice snag on the tumbler, mate! How goes the soil build, you having any troubles?
thanx for sharing mate havent put the tumbler together yet was 2 comlicated for me i suck at that sort of stuff brother in laws gunna help me put it together when he can working on getting stuff together im probly gunny get what i can from bunnings and do a simple as possable mix and work my way up as long as its got every thing in it that the plants need im mainly thinking about drainidge and airation atm as far as npk goas im thinking of getting a product called seamungus its made from seaweed fish humic acid and manure its lie these little pellets so im thinking that some graet white mycorraze some lava rock and coco coir and letting it all braek down in the tumblr and some rock dust i think that would cover all the needs of the plant other than that im planing on learning how 2 make sprout teas and stuff thinking of getting some hemp powder and using that to feed my worm bin and using there castings and even trowing some worms in the pots other than that im just learning more about teas and enzmes and all that stuf after i harvest the plants iv been looking into minirals im gunna try and incorporate as many in as i can the npk is esay enough im more worried about the secondery s and the micro life and like the rocks its got me curios as fuck tho wondering what minarals if present in the soil what effect it would have like one could obtain rare minarals would love 2 experiment with all of that thank got for google lol
Ye my line of thinking is if the nutrients are from the plant ur growing then thay will be in the plants favorite form wev got some cold pressed coconut oil in the pantry i might even feed some of that to my worms lol i say hemp powder becouse its more economical but ill probably comosting the fan leaves it woild be awsome to learn and get the equipment 2 test stuff to see whats innit like all the stuff that could be used buy the plant but im jumping the gun ill figure out the soil first lolSounds like you're on the right track for sure, man, keep up the great work.. progressing nicely I see!.
hemp sounds interesting for the worms, too, nice, I never thought of that.
And if looking into SST's and enzymes, give coconut a consideration too! so so easy and so multi-faceted/powerful.. a staple around here for sure.
Ye my line of thinking is if the nutrients are from the plant ur growing then thay will be in the plants favorite form wev got some cold pressed coconut oil in the pantry i might even feed some of that to my worms lol i say hemp powder becouse its more economical but ill probably comosting the fan leaves it woild be awsome to learn and get the equipment 2 test stuff to see whats innit like all the stuff that could be used buy the plant but im jumping the gun ill figure out the soil first lol
thanks for the info man so i i got a hold of some coconuts and used the water from them instead of store bought coconut water if so do u know the dilution rate and with the melted snow would the same go for water iv frozen than thawed. thanks for the info tho man really apreciate itI dont know if I would add coconut oil though.. thinking more along the lines of cytoplasmic water with free floating enzymes vitamins, and nuclei, amigo, a real coconut can cross a sea, colonize across an ocean, it has everything to support life and a voyage, its one of the biggest gifts from nature, by far, worth digging up on!
& since its winter for you lets check this out while we're at it
Experiments carried out in the Siberian Botanical Garden
showed that cucumbers and radishes, watered with melted snow, grew twice as fast as the control plants watered with ordinary water. Similar results occurred in experiments with wheat.
Why is melted snow better for plants than ordinary water? Snow contains about 40 percent less heavy water or deuterium oxide than normal water. Deuterium (symbol of D) is a heavy isotope a form of hydrogen, but slightly different. When combined with oxygen it does not form the water molecule, H2O; instead the molecule D2O is formed. Normally, about one water molecule in every 6,000 is found to be a heavy water molecule. But somehow the formation of snow removes many of these heavy water molecules.
Scientists have discovered that D2O slows down some chemical and biological processes. So, when heavy water molecules are removed, plants seem to grow faster.
Very nicethanks for the info man so i i got a hold of some coconuts and used the water from them instead of store bought coconut water if so do u know the dilution rate and with the melted snow would the same go for water iv frozen than thawed. thanks for the info tho man really apreciate it
DAUUUM I hope i can be half the grower u are one day illbe buying some of that tomorro do i email u guys or hit use up on ig
Bet you'll do amazing, man, nevermind 1/2DAUUUM I hope i can be half the grower u are one day illbe buying some of that tomorro do i email u guys or hit use up on ig
kk no wurries im going back over this thread on page 24 kinda bumed u dudes are like geniuses so far not so good finding sourses but fuck it im sure ill find enough shit 2 make it work and when i do ill be sure to share the info so other ozzie growers can do it to as long as the soils got every thing it needs and the micro life is good is ur weed get so frosty from uv i might have to supplement that im using a cheap chinese led seems pretty good for veg so far considering upgrading 2 a cob or just getting somthing with more uvBet you'll do amazing, man
Either place works too, thats excellent!
kk no wurries im going back over this thread on page 24 kinda bumed u dudes are like geniuses so far not so good finding sourses but fuck it im sure ill find enough shit 2 make it work and when i do ill be sure to share the info so other ozzie growers can do it to as long as the soils got every thing it needs and the micro life is good is ur weed get so frosty from uv i might have to supplement that im using a cheap chinese led seems pretty good for veg so far considering upgrading 2 a cob or just getting somthing with more uv
but honestly bro wouldent of made it this far if it wasen for u and this thead fuck synthetics i would ov hung my hat up if it wasent for being turned on to organics