The dream is dead.


Well-Known Member
They are looking more for money, drugs, guns, jewelry, or a woman to rape. Minimum wage was never meant to be something you were supposed to live on or try to raise a family with. It’s like the first step of employment into the job market. Fucking kids here think they should be living like their parents do as soon as they leave the house. You have pimply faced high school kids that can’t even get a fast food order straight and bitching about not getting paid enough. And when they fuck up and get pregnant by some loser that bought them a burger and showed them attention they think it’s everybody else’s responsibility to take care of the kid.
My kid's main job is to get a good education. They can work during the summer but I don't want them to have the distractions of work when there is homework to do. Why is it that right wingers celebrate ignorance? Ignorance is a whole lot more costly to this country than education.

Regarding the minimum wage? Who gives a shit what it was meant for when it was first legislated? Way too many people are working full time at much less than a livable wage. Like Walmart, who pays most of their full time workers so little they need government assistance just to feed their kids.

Also, you can complain about people getting help from the government after wealthy people and large corporations start paying their fair share for the advantages this country gives them.
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Well-Known Member
I haven't heard a word from Luke or Porky that was false. There is some weirdness where Luke seems to think the US should have given open mouth kisses to the Taliban and Al Qaeda instead war after they killed 6,000 people in New York. Otherwise, it seems to me that we've earned international ridicule.

People are saying the Australian government has taken an authoritarian tilt and I'd like to learn what they think about that. So maybe this therad will be of some use after all.
The government does have more of an authority position than you guys have in America but not much.
It's the tax system here that's fucked. Every time we buy something the government gets 10% then everyday essential items like fuel have a massive tax of upto 70% our utilities are also very expensive because they used to be government owned but have all been sold of to private enterprise as have out telecommunications networks.
I remember 3 prime minseters saying or actually lying that privatisation will reduce prices and make services better. All total fucking lies. Services got worse and prices went up.
Private companies are free to donate to political parties and politicians thus leading to large scale corruption. Several high profile politicians are in court and jail because of this. We clear more land than almost anywhere else in the world and have lost more native species than almost any other country since us white people showd up 260 years ago. Neither side of government has any respect for the environment which I find fuck disgraceful because with a fucked environment no one lives. We have many other problems mostly stemming from pathetic career politicians who have no idea about the real world.
Honestly Australia is almost as fucked as America we just not armed to the teeth!!


Well-Known Member
The government does have more of an authority position than you guys have in America but not much.
It's the tax system here that's fucked. Every time we buy something the government gets 10% then everyday essential items like fuel have a massive tax of upto 70% our utilities are also very expensive because they used to be government owned but have all been sold of to private enterprise as have out telecommunications networks.
I remember 3 prime minseters saying or actually lying that privatisation will reduce prices and make services better. All total fucking lies. Services got worse and prices went up.
Private companies are free to donate to political parties and politicians thus leading to large scale corruption. Several high profile politicians are in court and jail because of this. We clear more land than almost anywhere else in the world and have lost more native species than almost any other country since us white people showd up 260 years ago. Neither side of government has any respect for the environment which I find fuck disgraceful because with a fucked environment no one lives. We have many other problems mostly stemming from pathetic career politicians who have no idea about the real world.
Honestly Australia is almost as fucked as America we just not armed to the teeth!!

We have the same problem with taxes here in the US. The extreme left which is basically the communist party wants to tax everybody to death to buy votes through systematic welfare. The more people you have depending on the government the more power these sick fucks have. As far as the guns go we are damn lucky to have that freedom left. I know that a lot of people in other countries don’t understand that but it really is a good thing. If the fucking woke assholes in the large cities were tough on violent crime and told the activists to fuck off the country would be a lot safer. Everywhere they go soft on crime in the name of social justice murder has gone up at least 30%. The people getting killed are the same people these idiot politicians claim to be wanting to help by going easy on criminals. Want to see some fucked it shit? Go to YouTube and look up Bay Area Crime. Several large stores have pulled out of larger cities because they were getting robbed so much. Under $950 US is a slap on the wrist. I don’t even think they arrest them. It’s a mess over here. I’m 100% positive the next few elections will repeat history and the whole soft on crime , coddle a criminal politicians will be voted out.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I haven't heard a word from Luke or Porky that was false. There is some weirdness where Luke seems to think the US should have given open mouth kisses to the Taliban and Al Qaeda instead war after they killed 6,000 people in New York. Otherwise, it seems to me that we've earned international ridicule.

People are saying the Australian government has taken an authoritarian tilt and I'd like to learn what they think about that. So maybe this therad will be of some use after all.
Why thank you. I'm not sure about the kissing bit. The Taliban didn't do 9/11 (which your awhare of). I'm of the belief that Saudi's (with the knowledge of your own Bush Gov) did it. Also not sure that the deaths of so, so many during the long, long war justified it.
I get the occasional hate from Americans. They are the majority on the site and don't like being questioned nor seeing themselves in the mirror. Its why i rarely rise to the bait that gets set a heap, plus aussies are much more thick skinned and most the insults i hear are fairly mild school type stuff. If a culture isn't comfortable using the word "cunt" then its pretty hard to get the best of an aussie in an insult match.

Porky answered most of your other Q but ill add In my State of Tasmania our power is still Gov controlled (its renewable green energy to) and its cheaper than the mainlands power. We also didn't Privatise MAIB insurance like most or all of the other States so we also have the cheapest car registration. Plus in regard to deforestation about 1/3rd of Tasmania's land mass is World heritage listed (dense forest and wild rivers and beaches). We are a pretty green environmental conscious State (the Greens party was first formed here) that has been carbon neutral for 6 of the last 7 years or something. I also like most of the Tax system as I don't pay much income tax (I avg $500 Per year the last few years before Covid) and had investment properties when i did which minimises income ways around that. Dont agree on the ever rising Tax on alcohol as i drink a bit. Being on an island i don't see much of the Authoritarianism that has been mentioned but do understand that Sydney and Melbourne would of seen a huge amount of that over Covid. Like it or not though it did work to stem the spread and would of saved thousands of lives. From ex pats over seas its appears Fox has been saying a lot of sensationalized stuff the last few months about how Aust is all locked at home and cannot travel etc- we have seen that mentioned on this thread earlier. In saying that Gov world wide i think are becoming more Authoritarian and Conservative. Its a horrible trend.

Privatisation = increased costs.

Green bit world Heritige listed:

We also have a shit load of national Parks
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
What was that bit where they mentioned pepper spraying school kids?
I remember Davo in the car talking about winning money, getting pepper sprayed and finding drugs said its the best day of his life. Lots goes on in a short amount of time. Best show on TV!



Well-Known Member
They are looking more for money, drugs, guns, jewelry, or a woman to rape. Minimum wage was never meant to be something you were supposed to live on or try to raise a family with. It’s like the first step of employment into the job market. Fucking kids here think they should be living like their parents do as soon as they leave the house. You have pimply faced high school kids that can’t even get a fast food order straight and bitching about not getting paid enough. And when they fuck up and get pregnant by some loser that bought them a burger and showed them attention they think it’s everybody else’s responsibility to take care of the kid.
Can I ask what you do for a living??


Well-Known Member
I heard the greens are pushing for more of the listing in the Derwent Valley and further east!!
Never been to Tassie. I worked with and old Tassie bloke for years he was of the best people I've ever met.
The 2nd thing he said to me after introducing himself and telling me he was from Tassie was how do you circumcise a Tasmanian. You kick his father in the jaw.:P
Why thank you. I'm not sure about the kissing bit. The Taliban didn't do 9/11 (which your awhare of). I'm of the belief that Saudi's (with the knowledge of your own Bush Gov) did it. Also not sure that the deaths of so, so many during the long, long war justified it.

Porky answered most of your other Q but ill add In my State of Tasmania our power is still Gov controlled (its renewable green energy to) and its cheaper than the mainlands power. We also didn't Privatise MAIB insurance like most or all of the other States so we also have the cheapest car registration. Plus in regard to deforestation about 1/3rd of Tasmania's land mass is World heritage listed (dense forest and wild rivers and beaches). We are a pretty green environmental conscious State (the Greens party was first formed here) that has been carbon neutral for 6 of the last 7 years or something. I also like most of the Tax system as I don't pay much income tax (I avg $500 Per year the last few years before Covid) and had investment properties when i did which minimises income ways around that. Dont agree on the ever rising Tax on alcohol as i drink a bit. Being on an island i don't see much of the Authoritarianism that has been mentioned but do understand that Sydney and Melbourne would of seen a huge amount of that over Covid. Like it or not though it did work to stem the spread and would of saved thousands of lives. From ex pats over seas its appears Fox has been saying a lot of sensationalized stuff the last few months about how Aust is all locked at home and cannot travel etc- we have seen that mentioned on this thread earlier. In saying that Gov world wide i think are becoming more Authoritarian and Conservative. Its a horrible trend.

Privatisation = increased costs.

Green bit world Heritige listed:
View attachment 5019282

We also have a shit load of national Parks


Well-Known Member
Opportunities are available in all walks of life in Australia
So if you're young and if you're healthy
Why not get a boat and come to Australia
Australia, the chance of a lifetime
Australia, you get what you work for
Nobody has to be any better than what they want to be
Australia, no class distinction
Australia, no drug addiction
Nobody's got a chip on their shoulder
We'll surf like they do in the U.S.A.
We'll fly down to Sydney for our holiday
On sunny Christmas Day
Australia, Australia
No one hesitates at life or beats around the bush in Australia
So if you're young and if you're healthy
Why not get a boat and come to Australia
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Everyone walks around with a perpetual smile across their face
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Everyone gets around and nobody can ever get you down
We'll surf like they do in the U.S.A.
We'll fly down to Sydney for our holiday
On sunny Christmas Day
Australia, Australia


Well-Known Member
Opportunities are available in all walks of life in Australia
So if you're young and if you're healthy
Why not get a boat and come to Australia
Australia, the chance of a lifetime
Australia, you get what you work for
Nobody has to be any better than what they want to be
Australia, no class distinction
Australia, no drug addiction
Nobody's got a chip on their shoulder
We'll surf like they do in the U.S.A.
We'll fly down to Sydney for our holiday
On sunny Christmas Day
Australia, Australia
No one hesitates at life or beats around the bush in Australia
So if you're young and if you're healthy
Why not get a boat and come to Australia
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Everyone walks around with a perpetual smile across their face
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Australia sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la
Everyone gets around and nobody can ever get you down
We'll surf like they do in the U.S.A.
We'll fly down to Sydney for our holiday
On sunny Christmas Day
Australia, Australia
The kinks!! What a shit band!!

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I heard the greens are pushing for more of the listing in the Derwent Valley and further east!!
Never been to Tassie. I worked with and old Tassie bloke for years he was of the best people I've ever met.
The 2nd thing he said to me after introducing himself and telling me he was from Tassie was how do you circumcise a Tasmanian. You kick his father in the jaw.:P
I remember telling my parents my girlfriend was a virgin. Dad went right off the fkn handle and screamed "If she isn't good enough for her family she isn't good enough for ours!"


Well-Known Member
I remember telling my parents my girlfriend was a virgin. Dad went right off the fkn handle and screamed "If she isn't good enough for her family she isn't good enough for ours!"
How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Tasmania.
Anywhere else it would be calling a teethbrush!!


Well-Known Member
better get outta there by sunday. snow coming to lower Wy and down my way in CO
Yeah I can't leave Michigan until Sunday morning, I have to get my 34 hours off before I can start again.

One of our OTR drivers sent me this so I can check weather conditions and find out if I-80 is shut down

He told me to stop in Sydney, NE and look at that site before I go any farther

I am going to bring a bunch of extra clothes and my winter jacket and boots with me, I'd much rather be over-prepared than under. I'm going shopping this morning and will be getting a bunch of food and water to have in my truck in case 80 gets shut down for a day or two


Active Member
From what I have seen in the news about Australia, that citizens can no longer protest without being arrested. No longer freedom of speech, is that correct?


Well-Known Member
From what I have seen in the news about Australia, that citizens can no longer protest without being arrested. No longer freedom of speech, is that correct?
I don't think they ever had freedom of speech to begin with, at least not like Americans freedom of speech

Not saying if that's good or bad, I'm saying their constitution is not the same as America


Well-Known Member
Sad but true. The aussie dream is dead.

"The Great Australian Dream is different to the American dream.
I actually have no idea what the American Dream is, and none of my American friends can explain it either, no matter how erudite they may be, so I assume it’s something to do with eagles and freedom and bombing poor countries so they too can die for freedom. Or something. Americans know they have a dream, but they’re not quite sure what it is. How’s that for successful propaganda?"

the child has grown; the dream is gone; and i have become comfortably numb.

did i mention the story they sold me in 1975 about paying into the 'system' how they would take care of you in sickness and in health 'til death do us's my death they wish to part with?
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