The Drunk Thread!

question: how do i know if im drunk or just tealluy really buzzed? whats the cuttoff? i had several beers but i can still see out of one eye. andnot that bitch bud shit. real beer that tasetes like heaven . then i ate some macaronmi and sausage. and then i had some more beers. i saw a post here onece that said that i should take a picture of my empties. im woring on that but i dont want to mess up your thread by posting wuen not actualy drunk. im pretty closeso this shoudl count. when i finish my beer ull piost sme empties. this is the price i pau for giving up weed so i can teg a new job.
this is ,my drunk. i also had a few shots of henney (not pictured)


the green lables were pale ale and the bleu lables were wachusett summer (locl brand). i wish i had some nahchos and a quarter pounder. and someweed.
ha ha ha ha ha
Sunbiz, I don't think you can fool me with that one anyway as we have known eachother too long.:-D lol

As long as I'm here, I like to try and keep my riu experience somewhat educational......


Last time I was in bar in this state I left in handcuffs...20 years ago. The victim went to the nearest ER.

True story...I still drink 3-4 times/month but avoid bar scenes.

And the rest is history my friend,

So drink up, and enjoy the holidays!!
I just blew up the blender. That fucker sparked up like 4th of July... and it's only the 3rd! My daiquiris were almost done, now I gotta use a spoon.
Yeaaahhhhhhh, I just had three hefty beers and I'm FEELIN this thread. Grow on RIU! Smoke somethin for me!

By the way, FUCK The war on drugs. Cannabis rules over everything! Suck my cock Nixon!
Yeaaahhhhhhh, I just had three hefty beers and I'm FEELIN this thread. Grow on RIU! Smoke somethin for me!

By the way, FUCK The war on drugs. Cannabis rules over everything! Suck my cock Nixon!
u got pics of these beers u drank
and if fireworks in back ground extra rep points
u got pics of these beers u drank
and if fireworks in back ground extra rep points

Apparently Richard Nixon began "The War On Drugs" in 1971, increasing the federal prohibition of drugz, mandatory sentencing, and no-knock warrants. He "temporarily" placed marijuana as a schedule 1 substance, and completely ignored his commission's (which he committed) recommendation to decriminalize the possession and distribution of marijuana. I'm just citing what I've read from the interweb.

BUT, the beers are at the bottom of a trashcan. Here's a pic of beer #4. I'm all about the Abita Turbodog tonight DSCN2469.JPG

May I ask, are you drunk, mate?

Sorryyyy, no fireworks tonight :sad:
Here are some pics from my last grow though! DSCN2448.JPGDSCN2447.JPGDSCN2429.JPG
Eva Seeds' Veneno & Dutch Passion's Think Different Auto