the dudes cup of coffee


New Member
so i kicked into flowering check out the sahara desert goddamn lights are so bright i can barely get a decent pic maybe i'll ask santa for a nice camera this year. my camcorder just ain't gonna cut it cum bud time. the thing that pisses me off is it's a good ass camcorder but the camera function sucks ass, go figure i guess they did that so i'd have to buy a camera too, greedy corporate bastards.:cuss:



New Member
is it safe for me to take off the lower branches that are all little and weak so the others get more energy or did i have to do that while i was vegging?


New Member
i already had pistils and minor calyxes forming before the flip so i'd like to concentrate the growth to the strong branches that are getting all the light. i just hope its not too late.


New Member
yeah i could have but i don't have my closet set up yet oh well there's always next time. i got sum other strains that i really wanna try anyways.


New Member
i got a feelin that the lemon haze is gonna stick around cuz i'm already in luv with the way it smells and i know after i taste it i'm gonna be hooked. add these two and most of my days will be stress free:bigjoint:[sleestack]->


New Member
nice, was gonna set up 400w mh on top of my 600w hps but my cheap ass friend decided he would buy it from me instead of give it back... such an ass.
lent it to him for 1 mo. to finish one crop and then he starts another one the minute its done and doesn't give me shit! so faggoty. never give someone your stuff for this kinda thing or you get ripped! fucking 400w even had a hortilux bulb I supplied and a mh bulb too and hes like "dude... I'll give u an eighth for it" I was like you are retarded. shut up. act right. anyways... barely getting a tolerable deal as it is.


New Member
hey i got a question if u guys wouldn't mind giving me a hand. i think i found the answer but i'd like sum feedback before i make the purchase. onlymy upper growth is yellow as hell i googled and this site the weedfarmer said that it is a sulphur deficiency which would make sense since nothing use contains sulphur.i also think i notice some spots which would be manganese deficiency so to remedy this i thimk i'm gonna pik up sum cha-ching by fox farms since it has these and all other essential nutrients. i'm kinda pissed advanced doesn't carry a product that has all essential nutrient wtf? anyways if u guys think its sumthin else let me kno and tell me cuz i'm not goin to the store til tommorow


New Member
eh you are early into flowering that is pretty typical around that time. some cal-mag would probably make inhibit that a bit... those fox farm things are overpriced for you're gettin imo. don't know what exactly you're using but that doesn't sound like a deficiency really. plants need such a little amount of sulphur and manganese that even trace amounts would be fine... if there is like some sea kelp or something in your advanced, some organo tonic or anything like that, then its probably just normal.


New Member
i just added big bud to my regimin last night and i see this morning that it contains it sulphur and all the essential and non- essential amino acids so i'm not goin to be adding nothing anything else because this should solve my current troubles. also how long should i expect to wat to see sum real bud action all i got right now is hairs and a couple calyxes right now;it's been 1 week 2day.