The earth is flat.


Well-Known Member
I find it quite hard to believe that scientists thought the earth was flat. They must have been confused as shit when they first seen a lunar eclipse, which clearly shows the earths ball figure shadow on the moon.


Well-Known Member
And let's not forget the best thing about big conspiracies- it requires all academics and scientists to keep the truth a secret.


Another abandonment of science by the dim-witted


Well-Known Member
And let's not forget the best thing about big conspiracies- it requires all academics and scientists to keep the truth a secret.


Another abandonment of science by the dim-witted
A good conspiracy buff can explain this away with compartmentalization.
each doing a small part but not knowing how it fits in the big picture.

Like zoinks yo, heres the anthrax laced baby wipes you ordered sir.
Take care


Active Member
Wow guys this is great didn't know so many people would flip out! Lol anyway I'm still working on a lot of different info. Just to let everyone know this will take a long long time but thus far it seems hard to disprove this theory because a lot of reasons they say the earth is curved can also be explained with the FE theory. Also with the theory that we have not been to space. Also intertwined with gravity does not exist. There is a shit ton of info about all of it and a ton of it seems to contradict itself. But like I said I will be researching this indefinitely and I will post my findings. No need for hate though :/


Well-Known Member
Wow guys this is great didn't know so many people would flip out! Lol anyway I'm still working on a lot of different info. Just to let everyone know this will take a long long time but thus far it seems hard to disprove this theory because a lot of reasons they say the earth is curved can also be explained with the FE theory. Also with the theory that we have not been to space. Also intertwined with gravity does not exist. There is a shit ton of info about all of it and a ton of it seems to contradict itself. But like I said I will be researching this indefinitely and I will post my findings. No need for hate though :/
I don't hate you.
If this brings you joy then I'm all for it.
I just think there are better time wasters than flat earth.
IE Loch ness monster


Active Member
What happened to that last hilarious flat earth thread?

ABANDON SCIENCE! More fun to just make shit up as you go. You get 100% on every test!
Lol like I said I will post what I find. Solid facts not hear say. Or opinion.