(the ever popular "Yellowing leaves" + pics, lots of info


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Ok, I know this is a super common issue, and can have a lot of causes, but this is my first grow, and even though I didnt keep track of everything I could have, I have a bunch of info in here that may help.

Pics are attached, here are the specs

automatic hindu kush (75% indica/25% sativa)

indoor grow

Roughly 4 months into grow, although I didn't keep good track of that. (next time I DEFINITELY will) I get the impression I am in or very near late flowering at this point, though most of my individual trichomes still appear white, so I think I still have to wait to harvest

Soil is a mixture of 75% miracle grow moisture control, 15-20% perlite, and the remainder is (in order from most to least) 2 year old compost from my compost pile, Bagged topsoil, peat moss, and a sprinkle of dolomite lime.

Soil PH is currently testing at the same it has tested at every time I read it, which is between 6.8 and just a hair under 7.

until about 1 week ago, lights were an
LED Grow panel, and multiple 6500K CFLs (lots of them, I have burned the leaves a few times with the CFLs) and a couple 2700K thrown in for good measure.

as of 1 week ago, I was generously given a 400 Watt HPS, which is now the main source of lighting for this plant, and its kept 18" away from the top of the plant. The LED panel and some 2700K CFLs are now pointing at some one month old seedlings in the same room.

Room temperature varies between 65 F and 75 F (night and day) and humidity is between 50 and 65% usually.

The yellowing seems to have started on the bottom leaves, maybe a month ago, and was slowly working its way up, sort of. Although now, its like the yellowing is working its way up leaves on one side of the plant and not so much on the others.

fert was "jacks classic" 20-20-20 for flowering stage, which I started out at 1/4 strength of label directions, and worked my way up to just a little under the label concentration. (Also, while I was using the jacks classic, I was pissing ....thas right, I said it....pissing in the fert, maybe a cup or so per 3 gallons of water...I stopped that when the yellowing first started.) Once this yellowing got worse, I got nervous. I ran one watering of plain water through it, and at the urging of the person who gave me the HPS, I used "clearex" for the next watering, then for the next, I used "cha-chig" (9-50-10) and "Cal-Mag Plus" (2-0-0) to try to slow or stop the yellowing. None of this seems to have made anything any better.

(by the way...I was given a huge box full of all kinds of ferts, etc by this person, I am going to post another post on what I got, because I was trying to keep it simple, and this person dumped a lot of stuff on me that I have no idea how to use, and the labels are more geared toward marketing their shit to me than they are geared towards helping me learn how this stuff works...if I were to believe the labels, I would think that my dick will get bigger if I use their shit. )

Final details.

I had been using reverse osmosis (more or less distilled) water up until (MAYBE) the same time as this issue started. Now I am using rainwater caught form my roof (I dont catch the first hour or so worth of rain from any given storm, as that will have all kinds of garbage from the roof itself in it)

OK, so thats all I can think of right now, but there may be more details in my head I havent put down here, so feel free to ask any questions, and thanks a million for any help!



Well-Known Member
looks like too much fert to me. Most of those leaves look burnt on the ends. It looks like its close to being done, a couple more weeks at the most, just give it plain PH water from now on, it SHOULD yellow out more as it gets closer to harvest day. I usually harvest when leaves are almost white on some parts and 90% of all leaves are yellow. You want to harvest a Yellow plant, less chlorophyll to cure out and a smoother smoke.


Well-Known Member
ok, cool, and thanks for the advice.

do you think RO water or rainwater is a better bet at this point? Myt current thinking would be that RO water has a greater ability to hold soluble materials than rain, so nthat would more quickly flush it out.


Well-Known Member
No slowing down of the yellowing. It has gotten worse. Any feedback appreciated, as I am thinking I may have to harevest this plant early. The yellowed leaves have no trichomes on em at all, it seems

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
No slowing down of the yellowing. It has gotten worse. Any feedback appreciated, as I am thinking I may have to harevest this plant early. The yellowed leaves have no trichomes on em at all, it seems
You dont have to preharvest. Just lax a little dude. Post some pics and let us see whats going on.


Well-Known Member
sorry, I had some shit go down on the homefront, ended up getting through this, only to have mold problems later on.

It was so crazy around here, I cant even remember what I did, or when the yellowing thing went away, but it did.


Had leaves look like yours before, i thought it was too much fert. not. ph too high caused deficiencies. lower your ph next time.