The FDIC is broke - that's bankrupt


Well-Known Member
The FDIC is out of money. Geitner is arguing with Sheila Bair (chairwoman of the FDIC) over a solution - well that's an overstatement. It looks like the FDIC will borrow money from the big banks to fund the takeovers of the unsuccessful banks.

article is here

(New York Times)

lately i've been thinking how much time is left before this whole economy just collapses

bunch of idiots running this place


Well-Known Member
There not idiots,this is being done purposely.WHY?NWO=1 WORLD CURRENCY=MARK OF THE BEAST=THE END...


Well-Known Member
It's a fact the we have basically doubled our money supply so it's just a matter of time before inflation kicks all our asses.


New Member
Like I said a few months ago ... We are witnessing the largest train robbery in history taking place right in front of our noses. Maybe Barbara Streisand will save us.