The fuck is wrong with dope dealers?

Idk duck..I've sat at home and made 1k a day just selling acid...some dope men are
I used to make 1000 1250$ a day wheelin n dealing the cocaine back in the day...until I turned into an addict it was crazy how easily the free money flowed. ..when u have a good connect its easy to make lots of $$....especially w coke or crack...dope bein next....I mean it was a long time ago n ive paid the price for it but where I live I was gettin ozs for 800$ n sellin em for 1250$....which are good prices for where i was..I had 4-5 regular ppl that hustled balls n grams that went thru halves quarters n ozs all day every me cocaine moneys fast easy dangerous dirty $$...ive seen 14-15-16year old kids makin STACKS N STACKS of $$...when ur smack dab in the middle of that kinda life it really is a crazy world and it's crazy how many ppl are spending big big $$ daily to get hi...ive seen retired drs. n succesful professional ppl go thru life savings chasin a pipe a rock and a trick....sad shit.
Yea I was 16 and bought a new grandparents approached me with'you got clothes,a new car,speakers,you stay out all night..are you gambling?'...bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!
I was making up to 5k on a weekend..that was my best weekend..selling coke...stupid stupid
Yea I was 16 and bought a new grandparents approached me with'you got clothes,a new car,speakers,you stay out all night..are you gambling?'...bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!
I was making up to 5k on a weekend..that was my best weekend..selling coke...stupid stupid

Well if you said yeah you were gambling.... it's only like half of a lie!
I used to make 1000 1250$ a day wheelin n dealing the cocaine back in the day...until I turned into an addict it was crazy how easily the free money flowed. ..when u have a good connect its easy to make lots of $$....especially w coke or crack...dope bein next....I mean it was a long time ago n ive paid the price for it but where I live I was gettin ozs for 800$ n sellin em for 1250$....which are good prices for where i was..I had 4-5 regular ppl that hustled balls n grams that went thru halves quarters n ozs all day every me cocaine moneys fast easy dangerous dirty $$...ive seen 14-15-16year old kids makin STACKS N STACKS of $$...when ur smack dab in the middle of that kinda life it really is a crazy world and it's crazy how many ppl are spending big big $$ daily to get hi...ive seen retired drs. n succesful professional ppl go thru life savings chasin a pipe a rock and a trick....sad shit.
I had a guy offer me his ice cream truck for an ounce. It was his only source of income. Had another claim he would pay me back fro the money he was going to make from a hit. I got REAL sober after that and ran a clean scramble, ho long does it take to clear your entire house of anything incriminating... Bout 7 hours not counting transport.
Yea I was 16 and bought a new grandparents approached me with'you got clothes,a new car,speakers,you stay out all night..are you gambling?'...bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!
I was making up to 5k on a weekend..that was my best weekend..selling coke...stupid stupid

I tried once to buy a brand new sun yellow Cadillac with the proceeds of a week or so. Didn't give a thought to the eyebrows raised and phone calls made when I tried to pay for it with hundreds. Wound up with a used gto.
I used to make 1000 1250$ a day wheelin n dealing the cocaine back in the day...until I turned into an addict it was crazy how easily the free money flowed. ..when u have a good connect its easy to make lots of $$....especially w coke or crack...dope bein next....I mean it was a long time ago n ive paid the price for it but where I live I was gettin ozs for 800$ n sellin em for 1250$....which are good prices for where i was..I had 4-5 regular ppl that hustled balls n grams that went thru halves quarters n ozs all day every me cocaine moneys fast easy dangerous dirty $$...ive seen 14-15-16year old kids makin STACKS N STACKS of $$...when ur smack dab in the middle of that kinda life it really is a crazy world and it's crazy how many ppl are spending big big $$ daily to get hi...ive seen retired drs. n succesful professional ppl go thru life savings chasin a pipe a rock and a trick....sad shit.

dope makes waaaaay more money then coke........ coke makes more at first because the nature of the drug... one line is never enough... usually the next day people feel dirty... heroin addicts need 100$ or more for there habbit everyday!!!!!! per price kilos heroin is 3 times or more expensive.. and can be cut down more then u can step on coke and still be good enough to sell... 10% heroin will sell... people may still even od off it... someone will kill u if u try to sell 10% coke!!!!
We only really started making money when we quit reconstituting and cutting, too much trouble. Why bother? When you sell weight of pure, you get your asking price and leave it to grunts to make their overhead with manitol and a spatula.
We only really started making money when we quit reconstituting and cutting, too much trouble. Why bother? When you sell weight of pure, you get your asking price and leave it to grunts to make their overhead with manitol and a spatula.
the cut game is were u make ur money... theres ways to cut heroin esp were addicts will prefer it eve to untouched raw... for instance dormin is a antihistamine that multiplies heroins effect... phenobarbital too.... and then fentynal.. which is its own demon...dormin also puts the warm rush on u and makes u nod hard
the cut game is were u make ur money... theres ways to cut heroin esp were addicts will prefer it eve to untouched raw... for instance dormin is a antihistamine that multiplies heroins effect... phenobarbital too.... and then fentynal.. which is its own demon...dormin also puts the warm rush on u and makes u nod hard

I know exactly zip about cutting H. I figure if we did the same gig we did with c there would have been a lot of dead folks in our wake. I've only recently tried stuff that I figure is anywhere close to pure H, maybe 70 or 80? Didn't weigh it, should have. I could see bad things happening. I do know pheno. Gack.
The Fentyal cut's in dope are evil people droping like flyes becouse of that . It causes respiratory depression MUCH stronger than dope alone . Lots of stamp's out by me are known to be just fentyal with no H

The quinine is BAD stuff to , that kills more people than the dope, When injected it makes you natuous + dope = asphyxiation

I dont know about other parts of the country but NYC / Jersey dope is usualy better than 55% some well known stamps are around 80-85 %
the cut game is were u make ur money... theres ways to cut heroin esp were addicts will prefer it eve to untouched raw... for instance dormin is a antihistamine that multiplies heroins effect... phenobarbital too.... and then fentynal.. which is its own demon...dormin also puts the warm rush on u and makes u nod hard
To each his own I suppose....ive been around quite a while and in my experience cuttin dope eventually bites u in the ass...ull slowly but surely lose ur customers to the guy down the block w that raw fire even if his packs are smaller....I promise u the dopeheads that are spendin $$...real $$ everyday $$ not tlkn abt payday dopeheads...the real heads aint fkn w the guy cuttin his dope.. fire dope sells itself n keeps em comin bk.

But what would I know.
N dope $$ way diff than crack $$....waaaaayyyyy diff n if u dont know that then u just flat out dont know what ur tlkn abt...ha....motherfkrs spend $100 an hour on rocks n $100a day on doesnt even compare....go sit in a crack trap then go sit in a dope trap n see whos doorman is busier...ha
N dope $$ way diff than crack $$....waaaaayyyyy diff n if u dont know that then u just flat out dont know what ur tlkn abt...ha....motherfkrs spend $100 an hour on rocks n $100a day on doesnt even compare....go sit in a crack trap then go sit in a dope trap n see whos doorman is busier...ha

I sold hard briefly unfortunately..... and there were always the people that insisted they didn't smoke it. But you could always tell they did. I just acted like I didn't know/didn't care. they would buy 1/2 ounces up to 1 ounce at a time, and come back for the same amount if not more every couple hours. Every time I saw them, they'd be geekin even more. Those are the custies you want when sellin hard. And every once in a while, one of the people they dealt with would meet me, and it would just be funny hearing about how bad they were getting ripped off. Good profit back then. I couldn't do it anymore. I was just a dumb teen thinking I was ballin.
I gotta agree cutting is a way to lose buisness..I never cut anything when I sold powder and K..I watched people do it with my drugs and would get pissed at em saying it'll take 2 times as long for them to come back since they had more 'product'..and then id get really pissed when THEIR customers would complain to them..fucks up the whole game...
how much does a crack dealer in jersey make in a day?
Not as much as a crack dealer in FL its messed up how many crack heads they have down south its like the drug of choice I'll never understand crack heads I've tried it a few times and I love weed and dope I hate crack expensive short buzz and I just really don't like speedy shit but I love blowing lines but only if its some diesel I'm so tempted to buy some coke off them silk road knock off sites they claim its untouched fresh off the kilo but god damn they want over $300 for a ball might be worth it just cause its uncut I'll be like that dude on blow "I can't feel my face". lol