The Gallon OF Milk Challenge


Well-Known Member
ok how old are you?
and whatcha drank bro? im serious about this because i dont live too far and itd be nice to meet a fellow farmer, so where to and when


Well-Known Member
Im 25, girl is 23, and shes usually driver so 1 or two girly drinks for her, im more of a sam adams or a guinness kinda dude. And same question to you. And yeah ive been interested in setting an anonymous get together of NYC cultivators (personal use only) , as ive seen at least 12 posts of people saying nyc. But im scared just like everyone else


Well-Known Member
well im 18 nd sos my girl, id prolly take a bus cuz itd be cheaper than gas, she drinks liquor and ima bud, bud light, labbat blue kinda guy... no dark beer, guinness in my opinion is the worst tasting beer in existance but thats just me.... why dont we make it around the time i harvest? we'l smoke a fat fat fattie mcgee, anywhere from end of sept to end of oct sound ok?


Well-Known Member
well im 18 nd sos my girl, id prolly take a bus cuz itd be cheaper than gas, she drinks liquor and ima bud, bud light, labbat blue kinda guy... no dark beer, guinness in my opinion is the worst tasting beer in existance but thats just me.... why dont we make it around the time i harvest? we'l smoke a fat fat fattie mcgee, anywhere from end of sept to end of oct sound ok?

Dude, it sounds like we got a plan man. And definitely im thinking exactly 58 days minimum from now so sept oct sounds perfect, cause I just went into flower so 58 days yeah, we should have the incredible blunt challenge and see if we can smoke an outrageously huge blunt and post it on here. I just feel bad your coming from binghamton, I lived near there, I know its 3 hours away but shit I rode down here all the time. And seriously, I think id destroy a gallon milk, but now im thinking more of a blunt challenge, Giant blunt of our home growns. Maybe we should start a thread, like NYC GROWERS KEGGER


Well-Known Member
you wouldnt believe how hard it is to conceal a gro op in the middle of fucking city mann trust...

I live on ground floor of a building with 8 floors, so yeah firsthand for me, scent = jail I got 300 people walking by my front door everyday and I smoke mad, and got a decent little op coming along


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of doing one too, but couldnt think of perfect name. NYC GROWERS MEETUP or NYC GROWERS CLUB NIGHT


Master of Mayhem
Yo, No bullshit But anyone in NYC or near it, I will fuckin do this in front of you! I drink a 2 liter of seltzer with dinner, and thats just to quench thirst, If i was trying, id slam that milk. So as I said, any doubters, lets meet up in NYC, if I win, you buy me and my girl 5 drinks each, If I lose I buy you 10 drinks or 5 each for you and your girl.

And of course, Loser lights a ridiculously fat blunt of great weed also. Had to throw that in
Dude if I was anywhere near there I would sooooooooo be taking your money and your weed. Seltzer water and milk are completely different. You might could slam a gallon, but I guarantee you it will not stay down for more than 10 minutes. Dammit I wish I was near there.