The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
The solution is CHICKEN WIRE! I'm wrapping each plant individually today. The bastards chewed up more leaves last night despite the cayenne. I REALLY AM doing this right now!!

My cab plants are doing great. Oh, I got a new camera, the Sony Cybershot, I love it! The best part is that it was GIVEN to me. My best friend found it on the bench near her shop, just laying there. No way to identify the owner, nobody else around at the time. She had just bought herself a new camera, so she gave this one to me. It's in perfect shape and it retails for around $300. Has an awesome zoom. I have to buy a cable for it and then I'll take cab pics. This must be a sign that the universe wants me to photograph my plants!! :D
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Well-Known Member
a cat whould probaly keep them away, they kill all rodents. if the cat doesnt eat the plants that is.

chicken wirer will doit tho like ya said. thatll work best. they see the weed as a food sorce, my dog whould if i let he. he has before eaten um lol

how the supernatural feed going? i dont use that no. but i was gonna get the base feed, but chouldnt find it anywhere here. its canadian. i chould only get the substrate. but have read its good, and that there a good company


Well-Known Member
My main computer where I have the vast majority of my pictures (including the most recent) has taken a major dump on me. Five good years, and now I may have a major hardware failure. :( Please, let me be able to get some of the data off of there (like my resume and other documents that I REALLY need!).


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha...The best part of wakin up...is_______ in your cup! nice hydro. littlebat...way to be girl...end this madness! and seamaiden...I feel ya girl...I accidentally dropped my 500 gig external a few months back and lost fuckin EVERYTHING!!!! fuck it sucks. I need a supergeek to fix it if possible. shitty. connies are so happy...and I dunno if you guys have seen...but I have a praying mantis in my growroom now...the story is in my journal. :mrgreen: I named him He-Mantis...he will keep an eye on the connies for me :blsmoke:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
ha ha ha...The best part of wakin up...is_______ in your cup! nice hydro. littlebat...way to be girl...end this madness! and seamaiden...I feel ya girl...I accidentally dropped my 500 gig external a few months back and lost fuckin EVERYTHING!!!! fuck it sucks. I need a supergeek to fix it if possible. shitty. connies are so happy...and I dunno if you guys have seen...but I have a praying mantis in my growroom now...the story is in my journal. :mrgreen: I named him He-Mantis...he will keep an eye on the connies for me :blsmoke:
I have a 500 internal if you have the case...If ya want,I can go get it and give ya the stats...Not even using it,and don't need it....goes for you too there Seamaiden...Y'all can fight over


Well-Known Member
I have a 500 internal if you have the case...If ya want,I can go get it and give ya the stats...Not even using it,and don't need it....goes for you too there Seamaiden...Y'all can fight over
thats awesome of you bro...girls get first honestly though would like all my information back...I had a lot of my business info and pics from traveling...ugh...sucky

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Whats it doin?...nothing at all?...I might be able to steer ya to some good recovery programs...handy with computers


Well-Known Member
thats awesome of you bro...girls get first honestly though would like all my information back...I had a lot of my business info and pics from traveling...ugh...sucky

I lost mine and brought it to geek squad, they were able to retrieve all my documents.. and my system was pretty fried... i hope you get your stuff back, i know 1st hand how much that sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a 500 internal if you have the case...If ya want,I can go get it and give ya the stats...Not even using it,and don't need it....goes for you too there Seamaiden...Y'all can fight over
500gigs? Damn... what, as "spare"?

Long story short, I broke my Gnome GUI. I don't use POP3 mail accounts, so I didn't want Evolution and all the updates that go along with. So, off I go into Synaptic package manager and I get rid of EVERYTHING Evolution. And then it broke. :lol: :| Seriously, though, when I was Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon I was able to get rid of all Evolution with no issues. This last time it got rid of my games. wtf? The games are tied to the same Evolution files, directories, or drivers? :?

In the meantime, I have less than 10G free space on my Linux partition. I've still got a little under 20G that I dedicated to Win2K (which is breaking, good thing I found the disk, even though I've gotten to hate wiping Windows drives to reinstall, at least I've gotten good at it)(except when I forget to do something :oops:) Either way, it kind of doesn't explain why I couldn't boot into Windows, either, if all I'd done was broken my Gnome, yet it rebooted into Winders just fine. wtf.

Yeah, I could be in the market for a few gigs. Shoot me a pm. :)


Well-Known Member
*Littlebat sings the praises of her Macbook*

When I was writing my master's thesis, my hard drive crashed. Luckily I had backed it up on disk but I lost 10 pages. I remember just standing there in the middle of the floor yelling, "NO! NO! NOOOO!" like if I just stood there and yelled at it long enough it would straighten up and start working again.

Seriously, Seamaiden, that blows...first your plants and now this?!? Damn, woman, I'm sending you some good vibes from across the country...I'm smoking a bowl for you!!

And bigspud, I have two cats, and the squirrels remain brazen. neighbor and I developed a theory last night that it COULD be his cat instead! He's a waiter so he works late and comes home and lets her out on the terrace (we share, privacy fence between us but we leave the gate open so the cats can roam about) and it's only happening at night that my plants are getting eaten. I'm usually in bed by the time he comes in so I don't see her out there. Just a theory but it could be true...I haven't noticed any squirrels around during the day, so I'm really wondering if it could be Molly the cat!!

Y'all want a cab shot? :)


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satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I was wonderin about fouth floor nocturnal squirrels...I am from the south....around here ours go to bed at


Well-Known Member
Should I be worried if the stems on the leaves on one of my cab plants are purple?? The plant itself looks fine...


Well-Known Member
Should I be worried if the stems on the leaves on one of my cab plants are purple?? The plant itself looks fine...

not if its just a trait or a "little" bit of stress. keep an eye onit tho. you dont want all the stems to go purple. thatll be lake of air or summin


Well-Known Member
Shit, this morning the stalk is turning purple. The roots on the plant hang down into the water in the res now. What could be happening? Is it too close to the light? Is it burning??


Well-Known Member
*Littlebat sings the praises of her Macbook*

When I was writing my master's thesis, my hard drive crashed. Luckily I had backed it up on disk but I lost 10 pages. I remember just standing there in the middle of the floor yelling, "NO! NO! NOOOO!" like if I just stood there and yelled at it long enough it would straighten up and start working again.
Wait... was that a Mac? All I did was break my GUI, and I done broke it good. Mrs. VTXDave is up and running on her old (5yo) machine. If Mr. Satman Rocks gets back to her, she may pick up a big ol' harddrive, though.. and she can build it herself, and she can pick the OS out herself, and she can install it herself an' EVER'THANG!

Just giving you a hard time, I've got some friends who seriously dig their Macs and at least the older versions of OSX, though some of the latest releases are sucking for them. But, they do some very particular scientific work and if they lose data, they lose grants and stuff. Not that a master's isn't also important! It is.. and I'm suddenly curious as to what you did your master's on. I can't remember if I told you that we have a friend who lives in NYC as well, and who's a sound engineer for Broadway shows like.. um... Jersey Boys? I can't remember the name of it now. :lol: Anyway, he's an excellent guy and a theater buff, I have no idea why we connect and made friends but there ya go TALK about a serious ramble of the fingers! :lol:
Seriously, Seamaiden, that blows...first your plants and now this?!? Damn, woman, I'm sending you some good vibes from across the country...I'm smoking a bowl for you!!
:mrgreen: bongsmilie It's all good now, lb, thank ye.
And bigspud, I have two cats, and the squirrels remain brazen. neighbor and I developed a theory last night that it COULD be his cat instead! He's a waiter so he works late and comes home and lets her out on the terrace (we share, privacy fence between us but we leave the gate open so the cats can roam about) and it's only happening at night that my plants are getting eaten. I'm usually in bed by the time he comes in so I don't see her out there. Just a theory but it could be true...I haven't noticed any squirrels around during the day, so I'm really wondering if it could be Molly the cat!!
I know of no nocturnal squirrels (I've had my own issues with squirrels lately, you should see the fucking MESS they've made out front, dropping hella shit on the car and stuff), but plenty of nocturnal cats. :shock:
Y'all want a cab shot? :)
We love it when you talk dirty to us. :lol: