The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
Um, hey, you guys? Super Plant Tonic. One of hydro's Cali.I. x B.B. plants literally fucking DOUBLED on me, overnight. And not up, OUT. The thing bushed out on me like nobody's business. I can't believe this. I was really worried that these plants weren't going to get enough veg time before flowering season hits, and now I'm worried that it's gonna become The Little Shop of Horrors on my back deck.

I wish to hell I had taken pix yesterday, because then they could be compared with what I woke up to this morning. I have embedded my gallery (I KNEW I had it bookmarked! :D) into my signature line, I'll put some pix in there.

Also, I have discovered in a week the difference between FIMing and topping. My advice, if you want branching, don't dick around with FIMing. Top those babies! I've even got one (yet another one of my hydro babies, Cali.I. x B.B.) that's put out the two branches, and now it's starting to grow a third up the middle where I topped it. I have never seen any plant do that.

Super Plant Tonic, seaweed extract, molasses and some guano, along with a good quality organic soil are what they're all in and BOY am I glad I went that way.

So, I just had an idea. At the end of our grows, let's get together for a barbecue, our place because we have a guest room and a travel trailer AND, well, let's face it, the Sierra Nevada mountains are some of the most spectacularly beautiful mountains anywhere.
Beer, food, smoke, song, good times. Who's in? :) Tahoe's only a little over an hour away, Yosemite about three, and it's purty here, too.


Well-Known Member
Um, hey, you guys? Super Plant Tonic. One of hydro's Cali.I. x B.B. plants literally fucking DOUBLED on me, overnight. And not up, OUT. The thing bushed out on me like nobody's business. I can't believe this. I was really worried that these plants weren't going to get enough veg time before flowering season hits, and now I'm worried that it's gonna become The Little Shop of Horrors on my back deck.

I wish to hell I had taken pix yesterday, because then they could be compared with what I woke up to this morning. I have embedded my gallery (I KNEW I had it bookmarked! :D) into my signature line, I'll put some pix in there.

Also, I have discovered in a week the difference between FIMing and topping. My advice, if you want branching, don't dick around with FIMing. Top those babies! I've even got one (yet another one of my hydro babies, Cali.I. x B.B.) that's put out the two branches, and now it's starting to grow a third up the middle where I topped it. I have never seen any plant do that.

Super Plant Tonic, seaweed extract, molasses and some guano, along with a good quality organic soil are what they're all in and BOY am I glad I went that way.

So, I just had an idea. At the end of our grows, let's get together for a barbecue, our place because we have a guest room and a travel trailer AND, well, let's face it, the Sierra Nevada mountains are some of the most spectacularly beautiful mountains anywhere.
Beer, food, smoke, song, good times. Who's in? :) Tahoe's only a little over an hour away, Yosemite about three, and it's purty here, too.
I am in....I will bring my


Well-Known Member
Seeds and a sense of humor. I love giving people a hard time, and my husband is a major prankster.


Well-Known Member
All of the plants made it through the shock,One of them went kinky like youres lil bat.There all beautiful thanks for all of the appendige crossing
Some tough little fuckers is all i have to say....Found out they locked my dick head brother up for 6 class c misdemeanor tickets ,maybe he'll dry out!!!!As far as the trip im in just need to know when.Will probobly be overseas for the winter so it would be good to visit and party with some good people before i go!!!PEACE YALL


Well-Known Member
Moving violations,No dwi's he drove a friend of mine's mustang under a work vehicle that belongs to the state w/o a license bunch of little things hes got 13 or 14 days to dry out!!!!Its a good thing the plants survived i was planning his demise lol.About the cali'sxbb some of mine are 7 ft fucking awesome for an indica strain.Thats why i said they need big pots[big feets] remember.....


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden, I think that's a fantastic idea! I'm going to Alaska this winter (not sure exactly when yet) but if I could go to you and then straight on to there that would kick ass. Yeldah is going to AK with me too. Hmmmmmm, we gotta work on this! :)

And Hydro, woo, thank god!!! So sorry for your drama, sheesh!

One of the mystery seeds is kicking some serious ass outdoors. And the outdoor Connies are bushing right out. But the real news? The goings on in the cab! Lookit!!!


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Well-Known Member
I've got to get some pix put up, but got distracted with a bunch of other stuff (and forgot that I was watering the little strip of dirt we call "lawn" til just now, dammit!) and now it's dark. Even the little runty borked Conquistador is doing well. But those hydro babies, ooo da baby. Conqs will catch up, they will indeed.

Jesus, 7'? I can't reach the top of 7'! How am I gonna inspect a 7' tall plant? From afar, on a ladder. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I dunno about you guys but I am baked and all I can think about is my boy plants and seamaiden's am disappointed i got seeds....but...I suppose the good news is......I will have a ton of fuckin conquistador seeds after this round and I will make myself some damn girls......still.......sad face:cry:


Well-Known Member
Do you need more seeds, HT?
I think so unless I wanna wait months and months for a girl....I keep checkin em to see if my eyes are bein fooled but I dont think I am wrong....however they may be hermies and give me a little weed but that's doubtful


Well-Known Member
Aint it just great,A tropical storm is supposed to make landfall in my area tuesday.Ive been needing the rain but not the wind!!!!!


Well-Known Member
That blows pun am gettin that shit too.

So I switched my growrooms and have the 600 flowering now...the connies are in there along with a few sativa clones and another sat from seed so at least I will have some more buds soon. I stopped planting seeds cause I was hoping to clone the connies and have my perpetual that way but no deal yet so.....anyway here are pics of the connies right before they went into 12/12:mrgreen::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wow, my cab plants are bigger than those -- I was thinking I'd start flowering in a couple of weeks, is that too long? Should I do it sooner?


Well-Known Member
I am only flowering now cause they are boys and I dont need much pollen from are the two strains of plant I am gonna cross for seeds...a very dominant sativa with my very dominant indica connies.....I am gonna do this with both connies and two other sativa girls so I will have tons of seeds....but can floweer for six more months if your heart so desires and your space and light so allow :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Started cab plants on bloom nutes and went to 12/12 today! One plant is a good 3" taller than the other -- I don't exactly understand that one, but we'll see what happens! Wish me luck that at least one of them's a girl!
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Well-Known Member
The cab plants are having a crazy growth spurt. I'm not sure how they're going to fit once they start blooming. God I hope at least one of them is female!!! If not, I'll be seriously bummed.

Two questions: can you take a plant that's been in dirt and put it in a hydro system, or is that totally unheard of? I mean, can you wash off the roots and transfer it?

The second question: how long will it take to see sex now that I've changed the lighting? I'm sooooo excited!