The Greatest Show On Earth Presents The 16oz Party Cup Grow Off

There are still 28 days left to build a lil' cab for a small single plant. Just take some black and white foil, some slats and a tacker and you're completely independent of your other tents and lighting regimes.
Agreed. My "tent" for the solo cup contest is a little work table that my reservoir sits on. I just put stapled some panda plastic around it and put the birdcage light in there.
Agreed. My "tent" for the solo cup contest is a little work table that my reservoir sits on. I just put stapled some panda plastic around it and put the birdcage light in there.

Yeah, a 300liters trash bin works too. Simply put a COB in the lid and/or a few strips vertical an the walls.
One of my favorite adage says, there's always enough room even in the smallest hut..!
The greatest show on earth is looking out of dawg's bathroom window at 3:30am....crazy shit goes on in that trailer park, trust me I've been there.

Realstyles growing "monsters" is a recent phenomena, not many remember his little burnt up bitches under mars hydro crap leds......before the hammer event
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