The Holiday Season is Upon Us and . . . .


Well-Known Member
So the Holiday Season is upon us and I've figured since times are hard with us all going through the depression and everything, maybe we here at RIU could help each other out by providing great gift ideas without a lot of expense.

Feel free to use these ideas for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, etc.

My idea is to annonymously or through Secret Santa give everyone a cloned female cannabis plant with simplified growing instructions. The key is to have them potted nicely in a little clay pot, etc, and decorated nicely but don't tell anyone exactly what the plant is or you could call it a "Joy and Peace" plant. I like that!!! Just let them know that after it has matured you can dry the whole plant and burn it while standing around it to feel it's awesome powers of joy and peace or let them know that they can use small bits and pieces. :0) I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Wonderful idea, but since it could put my friends and family in potentially sticky situation, I'll pass. Merry Christmas, I love you, here's a manufacturing felony tied with a nice little red bow.

My friends and family wouldn't understand. Now for my enemies.....that need to LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP...I might. We'll call it a peace plant.

On the other hand, most people I know know I'm a stoner so they'd know what it was.


Active Member
2 and a half years in the US made me hate christmas like a few other things.
its just two weeks (some ppl make it more) dedicated to consumerism and crap social conventions.
people need to freaking chill on christmas.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well, I see there aren't many with a sense of humor online today. Geeze people, lighten up, it as just a joke. If I took seriously everything I've ever read on the internet, I'd be a freakin' loon and need to be dragged to the funny farm.


Well-Known Member are crazy, I think its a great idea...and yes, I knew you were you joking...but the funny thing is I'm doing something like that this year...since money is kinda tight and I have a few inlaws and friends( smokers of course) that come over for the Holidays, they will be getting little gift bags with nugs of my last harvest:weed: and I plan to make some good edibles for us to share.I usually spend about $20 to 40( beer or wine...the herb it healthier anyways) each on these people, so they're actually making out it's all good stuff too...not the bullshit most of them are used to this works for everyone....Merry Christmas...Peace


Well-Known Member
Cool! Glad to see I'm not the only one here that is trying to make the world a better place by trading and giving gifts of the earth! :0)


Active Member
I was planning on giving some buds & edibles to close friends for Xmas, but my grow won't be done by then... oh well more for me


Well-Known Member
Well if you're Jesus of Cannabis, I would assume you'd be all for sharing the love. . . the love Your Father created. Besides this is the Toke-n-talk section, we're just specalatin'. :0)
sharing the love and telling the world you are giving away free stuff are 2 different things. Cops are on this site all the time, FYI. wouldnt want to bring a shadow on RIU.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be funny to make up about 1000 little clones, using rubber gloves or something to keep all the handprints off and all. . . and then take them around the entire city or a number of cities, leaving them off randomly on the door steps of randomized people. Just leave them wherever, or leave them randomly accross the country with a little note on them asking to be adopted. . . that would be funny. . . :0)


Well-Known Member
...or just start planting seeds like jonny apple seed...along the free way...buss stops...the city garden...anywhere there is dirt...there should be some seeds thrown in


Well-Known Member
...I hope I don't have to say just kidding or lol after every post...this is fiction'll be okay


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! That's so funny! The government would be like, "What the hell?"


Well-Known Member
Ok, just got to bump this one. :0) I still think it would be a great idea. But seriously, does anyone have any good ideas for cost effective gifts?