The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
give the pricks a ring now, there 24 hr and thats a mobile number so you should get through. there was a couple of reviews i found about but i dont think they are related. the only worry is its not a registered website such as .ie so no paperwork needed to register site . they have used a .com which anyone can buy, also they use a shitty mobile number for a 3000 sq ft warehouse?. also you can send a message via the site so i would do that.
its not an overnight delivery they do , it takes about 2-3 working days to get order together and then another 2-3 working days to deliver, i bet you get it on friday. did they give you a track and trace number, if they did ring the courier comp.
good luck


Active Member, i was in the same boat as you when i got something from an English site. Next day delivery, track and trace number, all that stuff. Week and a half later still nothing. I rang and sent emails with no luck.
Then out of the blue here is my package. It might have been to do with the weather with my package but they could have responded.

Never used the place you did but give it a little time. Like Lu said, come Friday you should have it.


Active Member
Did you pay through paypal physique? If so your sweet but if not I'd try and google research the company and find an address or go to the post service their using and give them the tracking number and see if the package existed, their only based in louth it worth printin out the details and givin them a visit if ye can.


Well-Known Member
Physique, ive gotten stuff from them before but i actually knew where the warehouse was so just called in. Its actually a shipping company and they do the hydro as a side line. Cant think of the name of the company but is across from the old coca cola factory in Drogheda on the east Donore Road. Just tried to google them but cant see anything. Think the name is tara distribution or something, I wont be up that way till the weekend but i can check the name there if you like. The guys name is Mark.


Well-Known Member
Just tried to google street view but it must have been done before they were in the building because there no sign on it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
have you lads seen whats in the irish charts!? I saw this and nearly shit a brick haha


happy growing peeps


Well-Known Member
Tara Hydroponics seem to have lauched a completely new site, they have live chat support now, get onto them!


Well-Known Member


Rang the lad yesterday, hes going to drop the stuff today himself. He was apparantly in Holland for the weekend lawl. Gives me the impression he has a shed full of this stuff. Dying to slap some Biobizz Bloom into my Aerogarden and get my last 2 weeks of flowering done with the 600w badboy :)


Active Member
Hi few questions.....

Where is good to buy seeds online?

& tried to find bio blossom cant get it anywhere checked garden centers etc can u get it online anywhere?


Active Member
Happy days physique at least ye got it sorted, I'm still waitin on my light I'm ragin, ordered it on the 5th Jan and it's still only in uk customs...ah well as a consession the auto's I bought are comming on grand, the ak/blueberry and fast bud have their 1st set of true leaves already so they should be mature enough by the time the ufo gets here to be put straight under it. AAAAAAAAAND I'm sittin havin a smoke of some very very very fine ak auto mmmmmmmm...chopped 2 branches off the big girl, she's ready to get the chop but I'm strippin the bud sites as they mature for full effect...well worth the buy for anyone interested.


Active Member
It I got my last ones from herbies head shop...good service or attitude seeds are good too, go on ebay for nutrients their cheap.


Active Member
thanks for that ive just been on them sites & there is a category called "serious seeds" seems to have big yeilds has anyone ever grown them & how did it work out?


Active Member
thanks for that ive just been on them sites & there is a category called "serious seeds" seems to have big yeilds has anyone ever grown them & how did it work out?
Check my Journal in my Sig for serious seeds Chronic & white Russian .... Best plants I have had the pleasure of growing .... Also attitude do freebies and are reliable I ordered 2 Hollands hope for outdoors this year and got 4 free seeds from them delivered in a week no problems without guaranteed shipping


Active Member
Any of you boys up for a read? Here's an article I was asked to write for a guy hopefully it'll be goin towards a documentary of some sorts. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Rang the lad yesterday, hes going to drop the stuff today himself. He was apparantly in Holland for the weekend lawl. Gives me the impression he has a shed full of this stuff. Dying to slap some Biobizz Bloom into my Aerogarden and get my last 2 weeks of flowering done with the 600w badboy :)
I wouldnt put Biobizz anywhere near an Aerogarden man, or any Hydroponics, its so thick and sticky you'll have ALOT of trouble cleaning the crap from your res,sprayers, etc. Active organic hydroponics is a bit of a myth tbh, in hydroponics the only things the plants are supposed to get is light, CO2, Oxygen, Nutes and Water in a sterile enviroment. Using organics is encouraging the build up of pathogenic and non pathogenic bacteria in your if your gonna be dumping it every week I dont see how you could get the beneficials to grow and not the bad kind.

If I was doing hydro (which I will be not next grow the one after) Id use chemical nutes and ALOT of H2O2, Id want my res sterile as fuck and the res to only have what I put into it in it. I use the Biobizz range in soil and its decent, wouldnt go hydro on it tho man.

EDIT: Just for the record, everyone on this thread is aware that when the Organic compounds in Organic ferts are broken down...they are actually the same chemicals that are in the chemical fertilisers? Just the chemical fertilisers are available to the plant to be used straight away instead of the rootzone depending on microorganisms to break it down. Just an fyi for anyone who didnt know. I only use organics cos it sounds fancy and its much harder to burn a plant using it.