The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
from watching the highlights of the other match... barry hawkins is one too watch....

and holy shit the last frame of the trump match had everything.. miss`s, fluke`s, snookers, exibition shots ..

won`t give away the winner in case someone hasn`t seen it...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Its not the worst ae but the little bud sites are quite weak with no fan leaves, id say if i get over a half oz ill be lucky but who knows
i think that you have enough time left to get her a little healthier before the flowers start to take there toll on her, so your yeild will suffer a little but at a look and its hard tell from a picture your on form for yeild...

not just blowing smoke up your jacksey... honestly think you`ll get at least three quarters to an ounce from her...


Well-Known Member
Well that does make me feel better lol

gotta be up early in the morning so an early night for me tonight just as well i dont have any weed left and noword from the guy whos looking for 400 an oz, its like hens teeth up here. laters


Active Member
Well that does make me feel better lol

gotta be up early in the morning so an early night for me tonight just as well i dont have any weed left and noword from the guy whos looking for 400 an oz, its like hens teeth up here. laters

400 an OZ is crazy man, it would want to be some high quality GANJA!! all we have down here is some ''squidgy'' i think its some of that legal highs stuff u know no stone off it at all.. Roll on harvest time :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Omg nearly all my top buds have turned purple. It seems to be moving down the plant. I've never seen purple bud in all my years smoking. This could be very special. And since it looks like a pretty sativa plant (long ass flowering time) it's going to be very special.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Oh no, I mean 20 zips ;)
wowzzaa... at that rate two grows a year and i`d be well sorted...

just to show the wife that it costs to smoke, ive only taken few grams from the oz at a time, so shes suppose to pay for the next one or two, little sneaky i know but sitting here every eve she expects two spliffs rolled for her at her lesuire...

i`m entitled to take the piss now and again....;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
400 an OZ is crazy man, it would want to be some high quality GANJA!! all we have down here is some ''squidgy'' i think its some of that legal highs stuff u know no stone off it at all.. Roll on harvest time :bigjoint:
whats the weed like about your place when you can get it? all thats ever here is come weak but unsprayed lemmon weed or the chinq sprayed stuff...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Omg nearly all my top buds have turned purple. It seems to be moving down the plant. I've never seen purple bud in all my years smoking. This could be very special. And since it looks like a pretty sativa plant (long ass flowering time) it's going to be very special.

purple pheno, always dreamt of a bag of purple weed in front of me.... hahahahahaha...


Well-Known Member
wowzzaa... at that rate two grows a year and i`d be well sorted...

just to show the wife that it costs to smoke, ive only taken few grams from the oz at a time, so shes suppose to pay for the next one or two, little sneaky i know but sitting here every eve she expects two spliffs rolled for her at her lesuire...

i`m entitled to take the piss now and again....;)
Equality and all that shite, let's use it against the women. Women are as equal to buy weed as their partner, but no smokers woman ever does, they're happy enough to schmoke yours ;)

I dunno how many times Iv heard "I'll get the next one", lol


Well-Known Member
Omg nearly all my top buds have turned purple. It seems to be moving down the plant. I've never seen purple bud in all my years smoking. This could be very special. And since it looks like a pretty sativa plant (long ass flowering time) it's going to be very special.
Pics or it dident happen!!!!!!!!!!!

lol purple is cool in buds and would command more money just cause its different, i hear cold temps can cause a plant to turn purple, i had a lowryder2 and the stems all turned purple but not the bud
no alot further away than mayo...... bought an sr cam up there few years back tho...

the word cuntish is used alot in car circles here, must have picked it up off them....haaahahahahaha

and smiffy i`m talking months not years dude, but chin up i was where you are not so long ago, just got lucky and bought an old council house in an ex travellers site, theres a few travellers about but there sound, not the pikey types...

and its spotless clean here, just got the gaff cheap as needed ALOT of work, insulated walls and celing, new floors and wires and plumbing and heating, nearly finished plastering and painting its out to build the shed then...:)
Cuntish is used a lot in Construction as well, "Thats Cuntish rough work Horse" etc.. :P

I flipped my girls to 12/12 gave them a bit of trim as well, i have all the clones and veg stage ones now in a 1.2 x 1.2 tent in a spare bedroom.

And I'm keeping my 7' X 8' attic room for flowering, so far so good looking forward to the flowering stage this is my first grow. can't wait to see some buds irl.

I have a lodger i took in a while ago, she's pretty cool, slovakian she spotted the tent one day, but she seems cool with it. hopefully she keeps it to herself, which she probably will,. not a lot i can do about it now, i needed the extra cash of a lodger at the time to pay the bloody loan shark, i mean permanent TSB.


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
deep, i hope shes cool, as someone whos been sprung in that way before i know the uneasy feeling it can give you from time to time....

looking good tho dude...


Well-Known Member
Cuntish is used a lot in Construction as well, "Thats Cuntish rough work Horse" etc.. :P

I flipped my girls to 12/12 gave them a bit of trim as well, i have all the clones and veg stage ones now in a 1.2 x 1.2 tent in a spare bedroom.

And I'm keeping my 7' X 8' attic room for flowering, so far so good looking forward to the flowering stage this is my first grow. can't wait to see some buds irl.

I have a lodger i took in a while ago, she's pretty cool, slovakian she spotted the tent one day, but she seems cool with it. hopefully she keeps it to herself, which she probably will,. not a lot i can do about it now, i needed the extra cash of a lodger at the time to pay the bloody loan shark, i mean permanent TSB.
I wouldn't be able to sleep easy knowing someone like that knew about my grow...most of my friends don't know about it, and I'd trust them with my kids...just be careful man.
I wouldn't be able to sleep easy knowing someone like that knew about my grow...most of my friends don't know about it, and I'd trust them with my kids...just be careful man.
Fingers Crossed,

I'm thinking that it would be a lot of hassle for her if i got a knock on the door, you know, its kinda weird as she's now the only one that does know, i havnt even told my brother.