The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just for the record you cant return seeds, they're "collectables" and you shouldnt be returning them because its illegal for you to find out if they're defective...they have us by the nuts on that unfortunately. Iv grown feminised seeds from the Joint Doctor and they've been 100% female, Nirvana reportidly are 100% female, I guess Ministry of Cannabis are just shite!


Well-Known Member

prob only hemp, nice to imagine tho
Stepped outside the party to a quick roaster of delicious euphoria from DP, thought of the lads on roi, so just wishin yez all a happy new year, hope yer all havin a good one, and if not, fuck it, tomorrow is a different year. :)



Active Member
hope all your heads are not too bad, lets be honest this year cant really get any worse than last year. good health and prosperity to you all.
mick im going to check out that new led now, i didnt see it yet.


Active Member
I was fuckin workin all night...bastard haha ah well i'll make up for it when i'm off, did you all enjoy yourselves?

Aye it's the 2011 model that's the link for it incase you have a mission findin it, got him to take £110 so alls good £8 off a new model :D Anybody hear about herbies pick and pix before? Had a shop around and if it's legit it's defs where i'm orderin next.


Active Member
Duno man as far as i know i won't but even so it'll not be that much, if it is that wasn't specified in the order so unless the dude would want an expensive court case i'll get refunded...not too worried, more concerened about whether this herbies pick and mix is worth buyin off cause they have a cracker selection of seeds pretty cheap.


Active Member
Im only asking because i got a diagnostic cable for my car last year from the states and i had to pay a 50 euro import charge because it was an eletrical good. Just a heads up buddy.


Active Member
50 yoyos fuck, duno man i might get it handy because im on the uk side of the border. Must check with luc he ordered his off the same dude.


Active Member
That's a bit steep there dude 250 then another 50 on top, as far as i know im grand me da ordered 2 shavers from america last year for me and him and there was no charge...fingers crossed neway.


Well-Known Member
God dammit, another of those Ministry of Cannabis seeds has gone male...thats 2/3 I planted that are male from a company that claims to only make feminised seeds! Down to 6 plants now.


Active Member
Ministry of cannabis are marked no go on my list now, shite one Harrekin i'd write them and let them know of the bad genetics in the strain ye bought.


Active Member
mick you should be ok with them on the import tax, they have warehouses based in the uk aswell, i wasnt charged anything and the fuckers pulled it apart with a screw driver. im not sure if they are registered in the uk or what but ive never heard of anyone getting an import charge from those guys, i checked out the light and it looks a great model for flowering, mines more toward veg which is why im getting the 250w light aswell just to give it a hand, €140 for the full kit in tallaght. not too bad but i bet its not a electronic ballast for that money.


Hey everyone-I know I havnt been posting often but I like this thread.....everyone seems to try 2 help w/out egos and shiet. Anyways, I know Mic had answered previous questions of mine and I just wanted to post a Pic-again sorry 4 the crappy resolution, but they are lookin way better wouldnt you guys agree? Got this Hellafied air pump and it is working wonders. My question is this...has anyone had experience w/ LST'n using a DWC? 01-01-2011.jpg