The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Seed* n yeah the led I have is a cheap one was like 135w n around €100 on eBay n got some 20 Dollar vouchers for next purchase of leds 2 but I think maybe how is best but I kinda want a 400w mh not but I shouldn't be spending more grade, gf will cut me haha.thanks again for the info and interest U haven't changed at all from what what I read in this thread.
hahahahaonly changes are in apperance... (missing one side of my face, or there abouts.. hahahaha) yeah ditch the led and you got way to much light on the sprouts i`d cut all the 2700k`s and only use the 6500k`s for now, i noticed when i ran the 600 from seed they either burned, streched or flopped over for no reason...


Well-Known Member
Would be alot cheaper fucking costing me 17c,or so a kWh here lol yeah, but isn't the 2700 veg spec??? I'll use like maybe 6cfls till the get maybe their 2nd set of true leaves or what do U think...fucking gutted about all the loss of seeds but im not gonna give up, thinking of growing some veg in their at some stage 2 but I suppose slow n steady haha


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, the flopping over you reference to when talking about the 600w seems interesting in relation to my fuckers flopping about haha gonna take that lil bit of info on board, sound buddy as always U happily share what U know.COOOL BEANS!
Guys I have no weed!!! Im looking to buy a oz of someone it's gone soo dry where I live no one has enything or is able to!! Im stressed out for some bud im willing to travel for some good bud pm me if your interested in selling some.. If this is now allowed im sorry let me know and I'll delete this post


Well-Known Member
will do some day jenks, would love to visit there and have someone thats knows the lay of the land and the real spots to hit, not just the tourist things ... pity about the cab, although gone to a good home, you must miss haveing a garden, i know i dreamed of mine while away, missed the whole process of germing, training and even the trimming...;)
Yeah I miss it but I spend a lot of time with the co-op aka grow-op and now that we are expanding it I will have plenty of time gardening. Just chopped down yesterday the chernobyl, BLZ Bud and Mikado. The BLZ is a keeper and I hope it lives up to its reputation its trainwreck x G13 x silver haze. And we are retiring the chernobyl it is a very potent and pretty strain to run, doesn't yield much but were it lacks in yield it makes up in potency and it is so frosty making dry ice kief or bubble hash is outstanding. I think the next run is going to be all clones from harborside dispensary: chemdawg, cherry pie, dream queen and girl scout cookies. Cherry pie is fairly new but is very popular here on the west coast.

cherry pie is a very pretty tasty lady and has amazing colors.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you a sails rep for those seeds?? Haha think I just got a hard on for the BLZ, must be a Purdy one for you to retire the Chernobyl U never said anything but good things about that lil fella.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Would be alot cheaper fucking costing me 17c,or so a kWh here lol yeah, but isn't the 2700 veg spec??? I'll use like maybe 6cfls till the get maybe their 2nd set of true leaves or what do U think...fucking gutted about all the loss of seeds but im not gonna give up, thinking of growing some veg in their at some stage 2 but I suppose slow n steady haha

6500k.. veg

2700k.. flower.. these are the spectrum of light given out by the bulb, or so i`ve been lead to believe hee hee hee...


Well-Known Member
Hahaha,sorry about that had a blond moment(one of many) I have mostly 6500 in there n like 2 2700 dunno why I said that suppose I confused myself duh me haha...gonna germ a few seeds tonight, ill get a cheese going, og kush n one of those point in being a pussy ill keep trying things out till I sort out the problem since I know its not soil ill get rid of that leg, you think 6 42w 6500 is enough for the 3??


Well-Known Member
Ok, so little change to the line the og kush(wanna try defoliation and have read on the English thread-i think- that kush loves it so much U can have a 30% increase in final tally!) got my DOG in there... possible herm But its such an interesting strain I wannna n it was a pretty sweet price :) also have the deep blue x liver but its reg so its a coin flip on that one... I wanted to save the cheese since its my last one so i fucked about 5 random bag seeds in to see if any pop n if more than one do ill keep em see what grows best n kill the rest :D im using the paper towel method only like you suggested ae to see if there is any difference in speed of germ.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
leave them in there for as long as it takes the tap root to get about an inch long with tissue being moist it normally takes about a week, they`ll fly in the soil then...


Well-Known Member
Always just had them in till they taproot just. Popped out, thanks buddy...gonna install all my gear today, have an aircooled hood,mixflow n canfan to throw in there today.


Well-Known Member
So far only dinadem(had an amazing offer on and bb again had another awesome offer n next if order from attitude but id wait till another of their offers was on.


Well-Known Member
Morning lads, just bought a 400w mh for my grow, since I put my floppy plants down to the LED thanks to ae for mentioning that someone had noting but problems with then but for now im gonna use cfls till it comes (should be around Wednesday when it arrives also waiting on dinamat for my fan n a timer for my lumatek which I won on eBay for 7.50 (has a built in relay thing for 600w ) bought one already n love it so when I saw it on auction I was like SCORE! any ideas on the distance with the mh know I have it in my grower bible n I could find it in seconds but its nice to have different opinions n always nice to keep the conversation rolling.still hoping some of the old faces from a while back start to show up again use to be a propper little group in here.