stop making it look like we are in a gang together. i voted for Obama.yet...nothing. Everything was legal...the secret service gave the green light.... guns don't make ppl crazy. The crazy is there well ahead of the gun.

stop making it look like we are in a gang together. i voted for Obama.yet...nothing. Everything was legal...the secret service gave the green light.... guns don't make ppl crazy. The crazy is there well ahead of the gun.
I'm not seeing the connection...?stop making it look like we are in a gang together. i voted for Obama.![]()
exactly. there is none.I'm not seeing the connection...?
if liberals in government would not constantly try to trample on the right to bare arms i dont think people would bring them out in public peacfully in protest
they bring the guns out not to antimidate them with the weapon itself but to kinda say, like hey screw u people who wanna take my rights. im exercising my rights and you can do nothing about it
we would do the same if weed was legal and people wanted to ban it. we would smoke it in the streets if it was legal and be like nanny nanny boo boo
if u are a criminal and want a gun you wouldnt get a legal one unless u wanted it to get traced back to you
so that by itself to me kills any argument that stopping legal gun owners would prevent crime
seems to me if i was a criminal doing armed robberies i would feel much safer doing it in a town that has banned guns
as I said in my above post which no one could retort, im guessing because I hit it on the head
they are trying to take away our guns rights
that is a fact
u guys would brandish your joints outside that town hall to protest too if that president and his party wanted to take away your right to smoke weed so why the hypoctacy?
if the president did not want to take away our constitutional right, there would be no need to rub it in his face that we are free law abiding gun owners and he has no authority to take away our right
just like they have zero authority to take away our right to smoke cannabis.
even tho they did, they are the traiters and are illigally forcing us to go to jail for smoking a plant
how can you guys sit there and claim you are for freedom, you know "free the weed free the weed"
and then you turn around an do the same thing to sombody else concerning his right to carry a gun in public?
and I will say again Obama and most democrats are trying to take away this right,
what if obama and the dems were in favour of banning all alcohal would you be pissed if a bunch of peeps protested outside his town hall peacfully pounding shots and and having wet t-shirt contests with beer?
ofcoarse not
so you guys need to check yourselves, seems like you guys favour the do as I say not as I do theory
there was one guy who had a sign there that said death to obama
and guess what he was detained by the secret service and rightly so
i have not heard of anyone trying to take away guns. do you have a source?
we don't have a right to smoke weed.
when did the pres say he wanted my gun?
we do NOT have the right to smoke cannabis.
alcohol is poison.
you make A LOT of assumptions.
What you guys on the right don't get is this: Idiots like the ones barring arms at political rallies will sound the death knell to the 2nd amendment faster than anything. This inflames liberals and also makes sane people wonder, is this a right? Most of you know I am an affirmed gun owner and believe in the 2nd amendment, but idiots like the ones at these rallies are going to get the media attention which will drive normal people to side with the liberal nutcases and get our beloved guns outlawed. Instead of being stupid and yelling they have the right, you ought to be talking to your right wing base and tell them to stop being idiots, before they trigger the impetus to dissolve the 2nd amendment. Until there is an all out "rage against the machine", these nutcases are doing our 2nd amendment rights, no fucking good at all. All we need is for one of these nutters to go postal and you can kiss the 2nd amendment Bye-Bye.
Exactly.What you guys on the right don't get is this: Idiots like the ones barring arms at political rallies will sound the death knell to the 2nd amendment faster than anything. This inflames liberals and also makes sane people wonder, is this a right? Most of you know I am an affirmed gun owner and believe in the 2nd amendment, but idiots like the ones at these rallies are going to get the media attention which will drive normal people to side with the liberal nutcases and get our beloved guns outlawed. Instead of being stupid and yelling they have the right, you ought to be talking to your right wing base and tell them to stop being idiots, before they trigger the impetus to dissolve the 2nd amendment. Until there is an all out "rage against the machine", these nutcases are doing our 2nd amendment rights, no fucking good at all. All we need is for one of these nutters to go postal and you can kiss the 2nd amendment Bye-Bye.
um, ................. here is something that has actually happened. note the date.
i recall seeing ZERO people carrying guns to protest then. =/
you do not have the right to smoke pot or you would openly.
what is real and what you seem to be reading don't jive. when they do, get back to me.![]()
by all means then, run around and prove your rights. i'll send you some soup money.
the problem i have with this forum is i deal with reality. the reality of the fact is pot is illegal. whether you have the right to smoke it or not. you can play word games all day but try walking down the street with it.
dude had no REASON to take a gun with him. whether it was his right or not. he looked like an idiot. in my opinion.
now what happened to that right to a speedy trial? get out there and save it damnit.![]()
what do you mean a speedy trial. im not catching that one. u mean for the guy who brought the gun?
im only saying the guy was right if he was bringing the gun as a protest to presidents possitions on gun control
if he was doing it like to antimidate, sending a message of "hey obama watch out we got guns and we may pop you if you dont chill out"
then ofcoarse that would be messed up and really wrong.
dude's worried about losing his rights. "the right to a speedy trial" is a given right. you'd better use it before lose it.
i'm using the same mentality and gunner dude.![]()
he wasn't trying to intimidate, he was trying to look like a tool. or make a statement. so, he needs to go get arrested for something now. anything will work, just as long as he uses his right to a fair and speedy trial. otherwise he'll lose it.
lol I get it
ya but whos trying to take away our right to a speedy trial?
you know whats messed dont trials take forever?
like some people wait in prison for like 2 years before they go to trial
isnt that an infringment?
I wonder if we could sue obama over this
i thought we were gonna lose ALL our rights. what else are all the coffins for?![]()