The Lucky 13 - 1st Grow Outside


05/24 - Prepared seeds for germination.
Tupperware© tray + Two 3 Layered generic paper towels. Doused with water
Then placed Seed's in a dry warm dark area " On top of the water heater "

05/25 - Seed's in process of germination.
Placed Seed's in the window sill for most of the day, somewhat exposed to light.

05/26 - Seed's in process of germination still...

05/27 - Germination process completed.
I bored 1/2'' sized holes in 13 Red plastic party cups. I then washed cups to remove plastic shavings and dust and added moist soil. This soil was bought from Home Depot. It contains bat guano, worm castings and the other good stuff that soil needs to retain water and retain air/space.

I placed each seed in root down and covered lightly with a few pinches of soil then spray gently with water to ensure maximum moistness.

I made a temporary grow box. This cardboard box was a industrial sized box top for bulk paper. I added foil and plastic wrap. Right now the main purpose of this box is to contain the cups. SInce i am getting only 10 really good hours of light i am leaving this under one 26w CFL to maximize and widen those 10 hours to more ( I know the cfl it's weak but it will do for now.)

However, i do have two 250 w work lights with a T-bulb

They get warm, they are really bright. Would these be better ^?

The next few days i hope for these seeds to sprout quick so i can start veg stage and strengthen them before i break them outside for the real test.

05/28 - Waiting on seed's still... (Keep in mind - for a 1st grow, i do not want to douse my money into some veg lights i wont use. I want to be outside as much as possible. Once the sprouts begin - they're outside!)

Unless... Someone can persuade me otherwise muahahaha!!

