The Military Supports Ron Paul's "crazy" Foreign Policy

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
the wars were not only pointless but counter productive. by sending the military to distant lands to kill people, only creates more anger toward the US. which in turn creates more angry people willing to die in order to stop american aggresion toward them


Well-Known Member
I am saying newt Gingrich is a bigot and racist out in the open and he gets lots of good articles and good tv time. Your logic was that since RP is allegedly a bigot and racist that this is why the media blacks him out and smears him, as if the media cares about people.
If I had to guess to as the reason for that? I would say probably because less people actually pay attention to Newt. Newt doesn't have the cult following that RP does and that makes people want to research RP and see what he's all about. Nobody in congress seems to take him seriously at all, and I would love to LOVE that fact but I see IMO it's sadly for the right reasons. I suspect a lot of the talk of him in politics has already infiltrated the media a long time ago. Whatever Newt has done wrong is already out in the open, RP tends to hide his real motives behind Freedom of Government type themes.

I don't think Newt is electable either not by a long shot, neither is Mittens but Mittens will fool a lot of people, the GOP knows this and that is why they are ramping up mega support for him. They already decided who is going to go against Obama and it's going to be Mittens. Now like I said I am not THAT happy with Obama, but I never counted on him pulling through on all his promises, certainly not in 4 years and not with a Republican controlled house either. I would be willing to vote for somebody else better if they came along but nobody has stepped up yet. I can only hope that the majority of the population keeps Obama in office if it comes down to him vs Mittens.

The mistake the GOP is making is banking on a guy whos supported by the banks at a time when the large majority of the population is pissed off at the wealthy and the banking system, and Mittens supports it big time. He's sort of the evil in this country we are trying to rid of. The video of him talking to that guy about medical marijuana really pissed me off and that should be enough for ANYONE to totally dismiss him. For anyone to actually say they don't support MMJ but support a synthetic version (only because of the med industry???) is completely illogical and should disqualify them completely. What. A. Dumb. Ass.


Well-Known Member
You are getting confused... It is Ron Paul that is the Racist.

Gingrich wants more black people to have paychecks. And the last time I checked, that wasnt racist.
He also wants to make the poor kids work as janitors....because all poor people have no work ethic according to your savior Newt

desert dude

Well-Known Member
We have lost over 4,500 troops to avenge the deaths of a little over 3,000 American citizens. Add in the 1+ trillion dollar price tag and the evident lack of benefit to the countries we attacked, it does seem pointless.
The pointless part is over staying. We accomplished what needed to be accomplished in the first six months.


New Member
If I had to guess to as the reason for that? I would say probably because less people actually pay attention to Newt. Newt doesn't have the cult following that RP does and that makes people want to research RP and see what he's all about. Nobody in congress seems to take him seriously at all, and I would love to LOVE that fact but I see IMO it's sadly for the right reasons. I suspect a lot of the talk of him in politics has already infiltrated the media a long time ago. Whatever Newt has done wrong is already out in the open, RP tends to hide his real motives behind Freedom of Government type themes.

I don't think Newt is electable either not by a long shot, neither is Mittens but Mittens will fool a lot of people, the GOP knows this and that is why they are ramping up mega support for him. They already decided who is going to go against Obama and it's going to be Mittens. Now like I said I am not THAT happy with Obama, but I never counted on him pulling through on all his promises, certainly not in 4 years and not with a Republican controlled house either. I would be willing to vote for somebody else better if they came along but nobody has stepped up yet. I can only hope that the majority of the population keeps Obama in office if it comes down to him vs Mittens.

The mistake the GOP is making is banking on a guy whos supported by the banks at a time when the large majority of the population is pissed off at the wealthy and the banking system, and Mittens supports it big time. He's sort of the evil in this country we are trying to rid of. The video of him talking to that guy about medical marijuana really pissed me off and that should be enough for ANYONE to totally dismiss him. For anyone to actually say they don't support MMJ but support a synthetic version (only because of the med industry???) is completely illogical and should disqualify them completely. What. A. Dumb. Ass.
Yep, just like I have written a hundred times including at the beginning of this conversation. Mittens can't beat obama and neither can gingrich. Ron Paul is the only one that stands a chance because he is on the liberal side of a lot of issues such as marijuana, the wars, citizens united, not a union buster, not as pro-life as the others, etc...Newt and Mittens are both POSTERCHILDS for what a lot of people really hate right now and they don't stand a chance to beat Obama period.

If Ron Paul is not the nominee then Obama will probably be the next president, assuming there is no third party miracle. Northern states do not like newt gingrich and southern states do not like Mitt Romney.


Well-Known Member
"You cannot kill all the terrorists but you can kill the reason they want to become terrorists"
i'll be the first to agree with you here, but it goes hand in hand with the reality of the situation, which is that it is imperative to take out any operation centers that may have existed.

but yes, let me reiterate that this is one area of agreement between paul and i, which is that we create our own problem a lot of the time. i will hedge that by saying no amount of non-interventionism will preclude the eventuality of certain people wishing to carry out acts of terror upon us, but we are certainly compounding the situation when we act as belligerently as the previous administration. this administration has been only slightly better, but still in the D to F range.


Well-Known Member
"this administration has been only slightly better..."

Do tell.
instead of unilaterally invading a country for no reason (iraq), we pulled out.

you guys scream on and on about libya as if it were the end of the world, but we only played a support role there for our allies and it was over pretty quickly.

you'll have to admit that it would be downright stupid to pull out of everywhere all at once just to appease a non-interventionist worldview.


Well-Known Member
that's really saying something when you can convince a bunch of (primarily) young people who volunteered for a pointless war to donate to your pointless campaign.
lets get this straight you are saying the people who dedicate their life's for your safety so you can grow med, and talk on RIU are idiots?


Well-Known Member
implicitly... that was an insult calling someone close minded
that's your perception, as the dude would say. only you said "idiot".

all i said was that there are a lot of young people in the military, the wars they are in are now pointless, and paul's campaign is pointless.


Well-Known Member
that's your perception, as the dude would say. only you said "idiot".

all i said was that there are a lot of young people in the military, the wars they are in are now pointless, and paul's campaign is pointless.

ok.. i felt it was an insult so i asked you & you said its not so ill take your word


Well-Known Member
He only discredits voter youth until the conversation on how a majority of youth support democrats.
this is what the electoral map would look like if only those under 45 voted:

this is what the electoral map would look like if only those earning $50k or less voted:

this is what it would have looked like if only self-described moderates had voted:

if only women had voted:
