The most incredibly stupid move by my buddy, ever... (cop + bud + stupid = tickets)


Active Member
Okay, so this story is absolutely hysterical, at least it was at the time. It's not short, but it's worth it.

We were on a road trip heading to a poker series. We were going through central Oregon in my '06 STi. My buddy loves cars so he was mobbing it naturally because there's literally no cars on the road (1 passes every... 10 minutes?) and we hadn't seen a cop the whole time.

I don't have a radar detector so I told him basically, drive as fast as you want, but it's at your own risk. We're coming around a corner at about 95 and there's a cop RIGHT there. My buddy doesn't even wait and just pulls over before the cop is even out into traffic, since he instantly flipped his lights on. The cop comes up to the window.

First he asks what we're doing and we tell him heading to a poker tournament.

Now the funny part...

I had not smoked any marijuana that day, and my friends smoked a bit at my house in my garage, but the car most definitely did not smell like it after eating McDonalds, smoking tons of cigarettes between us three, and the fact that it'd been almost... four hours or so. Then the cop says,

Cop: "You guys have anything I should know about? The reason I ask is because I can smell marijuana coming from the vehicle"
Friend: "No sir, nothing in the car"
Cop: "Hey look man, I know you have some marijuana in the car. I can smell it, I know you guys were smoking as you went past me and threw it out the window, just give it up so I don't have to get a dog out here" (Was actually a cigarette, not a joint)
My friend: "No sir"

At this point, I'm actually surprised we're going through this instead of just getting a speeding ticket because as far as I know, I left all my pot at home, and nobody brought any (i have my green card, but in WA, so since we're in OR, it doesn't matter obviously). He asks whose car it is, I tell him it's mine. He asks me to step out and talk to him at the back of the car. He interrogates me, I repeatedly say I don't have any pot at all, I don't think anybody else does either. I honestly at this point thought there was nothing in the car. He has me stay at the back of the car.

I see him walk around to the driver's window, my buddy rolls down the window, he talks to him for about 30 seconds, then pops the trunk and steps out.

I'm confused.

He pulls my bags out to get them out of the way, shifts some other stuff around. He pulls out his backpack. He then pulls out an airtight soft ice cooler (one of those soft ones with reflective stuff inside you use at picnics), and lifts up two ham sandwiches, a fat thing of potato salad, some egg salad sandwich, some other food, and finally, in the very bottom, is a ziploc bag with a TINY wood pipe and about a $5 nug of shitty pot.

First off, he didn't smell the fucking pot. It was in a bag, surrounded by smelly food in an airtight container in a backpack, behind my bags, in my trunk. Yeah fucking right.

The cop takes it and basically says, "it's good you knew the right thing to do, since it's just a ticket now and I don't have to get the dogs out here to take you to jail", he asks my buddy if I knew he had it, and he says I didn't, and the cop has us get back in the car.

We get back in the car to wait for the tickets he's issuing. I'm confused, I'm like "what the heck man, why would you even give that nug up? He had no idea!" He took a flat out guess that we were 20-ish looking young males from WA going to a casino for a week and that we'd have pot (but we don't EVER, because we have a hookup down there in the casino actually, so we never transport it.)

I guess this is the conversation my buddy had with him:

Cop comes back up to my friend's window after interrogating me,

Cop: "So you have any marijuana in the car? It'll be easier than me bringing a dog out here."
Friend: "Yeah I got a little bit" (no joke, exact words he said)

Then they got out and got it out of the cooler. So, finally, the cop comes back with the tickets...

• A $585 speeding ticket for 90 in a 65 (says he gave him a break)
• A $1,000 possession of marijuana ticket

And then lectures me about having current insurance in the car and says he's giving me a "break"

So long story short: Don't give up a fucking 5 nug when the cop is taking a wild guess that you have weed in the car, because he will not wait to get the dogs out there.

Probably the most expensive 5 nug he ever bought.

Lol @ "Yeah I got a little bit"


Well-Known Member
Cops can be scary.

I had a cop adamant that he was going to find my stash. Telling me he's amazing at his job and the dogs are on the way. Was just trying to make me crumble, they shake people down every day. Prob works a lot or they wouldnt do it.


Well-Known Member
My grandpa was a cop. Gunnery Sgt. in the Marines to cop in Suffolk County New York. One of the nicest people you'll ever meet.


Well-Known Member
LEO's are trained in intimidation and coercion. Just don't be a fuckin pussy and you will be fine. Don't let a bitch with a badge punk you. He/she bleeds like you bleed. He/she is no better than the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting! This part is copied from another forum but I wanted the story to be fresh :peace:

So I have just ended my 5th stay in a typical jail and this time is the 2nd that it has been for defending my rights. The first was a protest this time well....

We pull off in Ely, NV and I ask the Mr to please turn left to the Jailhouse Casino but instead I ended up in The Jailhouse. He pulls off to get gas and I see K9 pull in and sit and then leave to sit down the street just awaiting. I do not believe he saw me in the van as what he is up to it was quite too obvious so I alerted the Mr when he returned that we were about to be pulled over and just do not admit or consent to SHIT!

As expected the Pig pulls out immediately behind us with the lights and we pull right over. The Dirty Swine does not bother to get his entire pig head into the vehicle before "Who has the medical mary jew wanna prescription in the vehicle"

"I do not understand what you are asking"

Pig "i smell mary jew wanna"

"I don't understand why"

Pig "DON'T play games with me"

"What games?"

So that is when the Mr steps in and tells me will deal with it and that is when the Pig pulls him away from me and out onto the street 15 feet or so away. I can barely make anything out so I work my way to the back where I hear "so when was the last time you smoked?"

Well Fuck this shit I jump out and so do my doggies which the Pig does not like and orders me back in. I calmly tell my boys to get back in and they do but I remain with my palms out and open

"I wish to speak with him please"

Pig "Get Back Into The Van Now"

Palms out, no shoes 5'2" 130 lbs dripping wet."Why? I am not detained and I am no threat"

Pig "Or You Will Be Under Arrest!"

"But why? I am no threat I only wish to speak with him"

WHAM! I am kidnapped off the street and held for $1500 ransom. It took over 24 hours for my phone call and I saw the Judge today with no lawyer present in a tiny room on tv.... still I am not allowed to leave without paying my ransom!?! Maybe Thursday I am told...

The Mr not me consented to the search after my arrest and these are bogus charges that are easily fought with a proper Attorney:

Obstruction of a Peace Officer

Possesion of mj

Poss of drug paraphanaria

Not wearing a seatbelt

Soooo..... anyone know a good NV attorney preferably pro bono? I am to be arraigned Thursday and then I am told felony charges if I am not lucky....



Well-Known Member
They made it very obvious while locked up that all they wanted was the $1500 and after I saw the Judge in a tiny room on a small tv who sent me back to lock up and I still had no attorney and another 2 days... I called and begged my folks to pay it because being jailed in Ely, NV is not your average jail stay and the Mr refused to bring me back to fight it (he got pulled over 3 more times while I was locked up!) and so I had some more recent issues here in Cali and my new attorney says that The Ely, NV Jailhouse has never heard of me! my folks want there bail money back roflmao!

Your friend may be fucking brilliant! The Mr got around a Q of chronic confiscated when he consented and we have now decided to put a small nug somewhere as a decoy and I will not fight for my rights, we all have to retire someday! But yeah, he got the same threat which is why he is semi forgiven. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Very interesting! This part is copied from another forum but I wanted the story to be fresh :peace:

So I have just ended my 5th stay in a typical jail and this time is the 2nd that it has been for defending my rights. The first was a protest this time well....

We pull off in Ely, NV and I ask the Mr to please turn left to the Jailhouse Casino but instead I ended up in The Jailhouse. He pulls off to get gas and I see K9 pull in and sit and then leave to sit down the street just awaiting. I do not believe he saw me in the van as what he is up to it was quite too obvious so I alerted the Mr when he returned that we were about to be pulled over and just do not admit or consent to SHIT!

As expected the Pig pulls out immediately behind us with the lights and we pull right over. The Dirty Swine does not bother to get his entire pig head into the vehicle before "Who has the medical mary jew wanna prescription in the vehicle"

"I do not understand what you are asking"

Pig "i smell mary jew wanna"

"I don't understand why"

Pig "DON'T play games with me"

"What games?"

So that is when the Mr steps in and tells me will deal with it and that is when the Pig pulls him away from me and out onto the street 15 feet or so away. I can barely make anything out so I work my way to the back where I hear "so when was the last time you smoked?"

Well Fuck this shit I jump out and so do my doggies which the Pig does not like and orders me back in. I calmly tell my boys to get back in and they do but I remain with my palms out and open

"I wish to speak with him please"

Pig "Get Back Into The Van Now"

Palms out, no shoes 5'2" 130 lbs dripping wet."Why? I am not detained and I am no threat"

Pig "Or You Will Be Under Arrest!"

"But why? I am no threat I only wish to speak with him"

WHAM! I am kidnapped off the street and held for $1500 ransom. It took over 24 hours for my phone call and I saw the Judge today with no lawyer present in a tiny room on tv.... still I am not allowed to leave without paying my ransom!?! Maybe Thursday I am told...

The Mr not me consented to the search after my arrest and these are bogus charges that are easily fought with a proper Attorney:

Obstruction of a Peace Officer

Possesion of mj

Poss of drug paraphanaria

Not wearing a seatbelt

Soooo..... anyone know a good NV attorney preferably pro bono? I am to be arraigned Thursday and then I am told felony charges if I am not lucky....

Mr. Mellow is a punk for that one. I consent to NO searches.


Well-Known Member
They made it very obvious while locked up that all they wanted was the $1500 and after I saw the Judge in a tiny room on a small tv who sent me back to lock up and I still had no attorney and another 2 days... I called and begged my folks to pay it because being jailed in Ely, NV is not your average jail stay and the Mr refused to bring me back to fight it (he got pulled over 3 more times while I was locked up!) and so I had some more recent issues here in Cali and my new attorney says that The Ely, NV Jailhouse has never heard of me! my folks want there bail money back roflmao!

Your friend may be fucking brilliant! The Mr got around a Q of chronic confiscated when he consented and we have now decided to put a small nug somewhere as a decoy and I will not fight for my rights, we all have to retire someday! But yeah, he got the same threat which is why he is semi forgiven. :wall:
So you forgave him for being a lil bitch and backing down to another man? Sounds pretty unreasonable to me, but whatever floats your boat.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would of been pissed off.

Btw... why did you toss ANYTHING out the window once you saw a cop? That provides them a reason to suspect something is up!


Well-Known Member
Mr. Mellow is a punk for that one. I consent to NO searches.
I feel Ya... on the other hand he has been extridicted 3 times on the small bus from Cali to Fl and even the wildest of horses can be broken.

I would of been pissed off.

Btw... why did you toss ANYTHING out the window once you saw a cop? That provides them a reason to suspect something is up!
No! I was actually not happy he turned away from the casino and was pouting in the van and after he pumped the gas and walked in is when K9 pulled in profiling the CA plates.

My EX however flipped his car drunk up in Humboldt on the 101 right into the ravine -the pigs came to his room in the hospital calling him a murderer of the fish as well and they said they found his pipe on the side of the road but...

He was leaving for good that time I thought and he had broken my pipe the night before so I had taken his which he didn't mind come to find out because he was afraid to be pulled over so I had his one freakin pipe it was def not on the side of the road hell the Mofo likely flipped it himself why throw the pipe?


Well-Known Member
I feel Ya... on the other hand he has been extridicted 3 times on the small bus from Cali to Fl and even the wildest of horses can be broken.

No! I was actually not happy he turned away from the casino and was pouting in the van and after he pumped the gas and walked in is when K9 pulled in profiling the CA plates.

My EX however flipped his car drunk up in Humboldt on the 101 right into the ravine -the pigs came to his room in the hospital calling him a murderer of the fish as well and they said they found his pipe on the side of the road but...

He was leaving for good that time I thought and he had broken my pipe the night before so I had taken his which he didn't mind come to find out because he was afraid to be pulled over so I had his one freakin pipe it was def not on the side of the road hell the Mofo likely flipped it himself why throw the pipe?
Idk. The way I was raised there is not much that can break me. I have been through alot and haven't broken. If somebody is broken from a cop threatening to arrest them they are a pony not a wild horse. ijs


Well-Known Member
Idk. The way I was raised there is not much that can break me. I have been through alot and haven't broken. If somebody is broken from a cop threatening to arrest them they are a pony not a wild horse. ijs[/
I did say semi forgiven didn't I?

I think the decoy weed is the only chance to get on with your day in hindsight... They don't really play by the rules


Well-Known Member
Don't drive with pot in the your smoking before you leave on the trip. When I go somewhere overnight, I ship it to the hotel as a business package. It'll be waiting when I get there. Problem solved.....


Well-Known Member
Idk. The way I was raised there is not much that can break me. I have been through alot and haven't broken. If somebody is broken from a cop threatening to arrest them they are a pony not a wild horse. ijs[/
I did say semi forgiven didn't I?

I think the decoy weed is the only chance to get on with your day in hindsight... They don't really play by the rules
Idk about you, but I like my rights. My rights are more important than going on with my day. It's like prison, if you back down're done. The cops are thugs in uniform. If you show them they can violate your rights once they will violate them every chance they get.


Active Member
I would of been pissed off.

Btw... why did you toss ANYTHING out the window once you saw a cop? That provides them a reason to suspect something is up!
Haha well at least they weren't my tickets. I think he was already smoking and said, "Fuck he's going to make me put this out" and just did it himself.

I honestly doubt the cop even saw that to be honest, or else he would have threatened us with a littering ticket, because it wasn't pot, it was a cigarette haha

EDIT: Well I see you weren't talking to me lmao but however -- the statements I say still apply to the story haha