The North Country of Minnesota


Well-Known Member
Hello folks -
Just a dude from the north country of Minnesota... long story short... have been a casual dope smoker... and have enjoyed it always... in addition, my wife has recently had some serious ongoing medical issues that BEG for medicinal marijuana - loss of appetite (BIG TIME), nausea, abdominal pain... etc... but the deal is it is not legal in MN... was a push back a few years ago in MN but didn't pass into law...
Anyway... have been interested in the benefits of marijuana... of which I am finding out are numerous...

Well... besides all that, I'm 36, LOVE music, play guitar, banjo, bass, drums... we have a big party in the backyard every year with live music, food and friends and family... it's what life is about... having great times with the folks you care about...

So I'm here to get some info on growing and medicinal uses, general info, etc.

I've looked around and found this to be the best forum around... glad to be a part of it.


Well-Known Member
Hey man Im from middle Minnesota as well, wheres the snow at ay?

If you are new to growing, this is a great place to get some facts. im pretty new myself, and this place has answered all my questions.

But if your thinking about growing for your wife's issues, you may want to grow a strain with higher CBD/CBN values (better for medicinal uses) with a cheaper CFL lighting setup.


Well-Known Member

You'll find all the information you need. I use CFL but you'll find what's appropriate for you in these forums.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Right on...
Just checked back in to the intro thread... wife is doing a bit better... at least enough where we know it isn't life threatening... which, obviously is a HUGE relief.
Keep thinking about those folks that are in a situation where medical MJ would help... sad that they don't have it available.
I know my wife will benefit even as she improves... silly a natural plant is illegal but synthetic garbage that is highly addictive is legal... all about the bottom line and who make a profit... but I digress...
I'm starting inside and will be moving it outside - to the backyard... only concern is height of plants.
Don't necessaily want an 8-footer saying HELLO to the neighbors.. even though I'm pretty confident he has an inside grow going as we speak!bongsmilie
Andrewl73 - thanks for the neighborly welcome... my wife is Minnesota born and bred but loves the Pack... I'm a Vike-Queens fan... but am not a all-out Packer hater... so we can be friends!:mrgreen: