The Official Ghetto Growers Group

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
whasup concord i like that gravity feed jug willing to give up the secret??? hahaha
ok, its a 1 gallon jug, in the top i poked 2 holes, 1 for the feed line, and 1 for the vent line. in the feed line i have a small shut off valve to control the flow. when you use it the first time, you have to blow in the vent line with the valve open to get the flow going. as long as you dont run it dry, you can change jugs without "priming" it again. once you get the flow going, you just use the on/off valve to control the flow and how much you want to water your plant. works great, just dont forget about it. it will empty in about 10 mins or less, LoL.


Am I Norml

Active Member
every since i first saw that gravity fed waterer Ive been trying to make one that could be put on a timer to use while away on vacation or some such occurrence and haven't been able to yet without running alot of plants off it and then just letting it empty....all is not lost yet tho....I LOVE DIY :)

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
every since i first saw that gravity fed waterer Ive been trying to make one that could be put on a timer to use while away on vacation or some such occurrence and haven't been able to yet without running alot of plants off it and then just letting it empty....all is not lost yet tho....I LOVE DIY :)
still tryin huh? thats cool, theres got to be a way to control it.


Well-Known Member
good news fellas... just got done school and started germinating my seeds yesterday. Another ghetto grow will be on its way. probably gonna end up doing 3 plants or so instead of just one this time

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
so i just loaded a chunk of bud into my little 4" bong and did 3 hits bongsmilie, see pics, i used the little bud in the red circle. im :clap::clap::clap: to say that the :leaf::leaf::leaf: is :fire:!!! i am thrilled shitless at how good this stuff is. im just kicked back layin on the bed watchin the race, its like a trippy deep stone, deff not an uppity high, kinda of numbing, im fucking stoned, LoL. this is so awesome, i did it!!!



Active Member
My whole setup started out as a planter under a lamp on my dresser...and eventauly evolved into a closet grow... I dont have the foil anymore. i ditched it cause the walls are all white. Also the messed up looking plant in the pics is long gone too.

Im using 1/8" thick archival foam board from work for the box, and everything is ATG taped (double sided tape pretty much) to the walls to hold in place.

Lights are suspended by 60lbs wire. The lights are lamps that i took apart.

The two sockets that are hanging from the wire have splitters in them running 2 bulbs a piece. I have 1 lamp that is still a lamp that has my 1 2700K bulb in it.

I also have a ghetto ass 8 or 10" fan in there...

All this is hooked up to a power strip i have nailed to the wall, and plugged into a timer

The last picture is my new plant.



Well-Known Member
My whole setup started out as a planter under a lamp on my dresser...and eventauly evolved into a closet grow... I dont have the foil anymore. i ditched it cause the walls are all white. Also the messed up looking plant in the pics is long gone too.

Im using 1/8" thick archival foam board from work for the box, and everything is ATG taped (double sided tape pretty much) to the walls to hold in place.

Lights are suspended by 60lbs wire. The lights are lamps that i took apart.

The two sockets that are hanging from the wire have splitters in them running 2 bulbs a piece. I have 1 lamp that is still a lamp that has my 1 2700K bulb in it.

I also have a ghetto ass 8 or 10" fan in there...

All this is hooked up to a power strip i have nailed to the wall, and plugged into a timer

The last picture is my new plant.
hell yea bro! that new plant is lookn like a young *show girl* haha =P
and the setup is legit as fuk man. keep it up!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah, thanks everyone, its so cool when you get your first successful grow in. i cut 1 more, bud, no more till next week, LoL. this shits pretty good and im so happy with way it turned out, and thanks to everyone for all the help and support!! and prebs for getting me to give soil a try. LoL. and to think, all in a cardbord box.

oh, and check out the bong i got for this, ive had it since 1976!!


Well-Known Member
thats the cool thing about RIU =]
wuts there to b paranoid about, even if the site wus monitored, we would be the LAST people to be messed with. the people with the huge outdoor feilds, or indoor grow ops wud be the people that shud be paranoid hahahaha


thats the cool thing about RIU =]
wuts there to b paranoid about, even if the site wus monitored, we would be the LAST people to be messed with. the people with the huge outdoor feilds, or indoor grow ops wud be the people that shud be paranoid hahahaha
Yeah, I suppose. But still. I've always harbored a 'better safe than sorry' attitude. Heh.


Well-Known Member
haha yea forrsure bro. i jus figure iv already posted tons of pics etc... so a journal wudnt be ne more incriminating unless i post my address or something stupid haha


haha yea forrsure bro. i jus figure iv already posted tons of pics etc... so a journal wudnt be ne more incriminating unless i post my address or something stupid haha
True, true. I may just wait until my second grow. Right now, this being my first attempt at this... yeah. I'm still making alot of (stupid) mistakes. Like thinking one 15 watt fluorescent tube would be enough to grow under, and the cheapest bag of potting soil I could find would cut it. hahaha. Ah well. Gotta start somewhere, right?