The Opiates Thread


New Member
I Agree Completely With That Statement. I've Seen To Many People In My Own Family Do Just That. And One Of Them Died Almost Exactly A Year Off Of An O.D. On Heroin, MDMA, Coke, Crack, And Also Lots Of Liqour.


Active Member
Heroin Is 2x As Potent As Morphine.

Hydrocodone Is 1.5x As Potent As Morphine.
I disagree about that. Hydrocodone is too weak.

The real morphine is the shit. Ya know, the stuff they shoot up your arms in the hospital. I had a big needle of it shot into me in the ER, and it was ridiculous.

Those morphine pills suck unless you have like 100mg.


Active Member
The reason most people think Hydrocodone is weak is because it's only available in very small, very diluted amounts. Also, hydroco and morphine have terrible oral bio-availability. If you extracted 20mg each of HC and morphine, and IV'ed them one after the other, HC would feel more potent. As far as eating pills, methadone and fentanyl have the best bio-availability at around 80%. Here is a general run down of opiate B/A:
Oral: 25-35%
Intra-nasal: 45-65%
Rectal/Vaginal: 70-85%
IV/IM/SC: 90%+
(A note about intra-vaginal; Regular use of this method degrades the vaginal/rectal wall causing what is known as Fistules, or holes in the wall. Once these holes form, feces will move through the colon and vagina. Ie, you will shit out of your vag... I hope you weren't eating...


Active Member
The reason most people think Hydrocodone is weak is because it's only available in very small, very diluted amounts. Also, hydroco and morphine have terrible oral bio-availability. If you extracted 20mg each of HC and morphine, and IV'ed them one after the other, HC would feel more potent. As far as eating pills, methadone and fentanyl have the best bio-availability at around 80%. Here is a general run down of opiate B/A:
Oral: 25-35%
Intra-nasal: 45-65%
Rectal/Vaginal: 70-85%
IV/IM/SC: 90%+
(A note about intra-vaginal; Regular use of this method degrades the vaginal/rectal wall causing what is known as Fistules, or holes in the wall. Once these holes form, feces will move through the colon and vagina. Ie, you will shit out of your vag... I hope you weren't eating...
what about roxi?


Active Member
Generics like roxy have an even lower bio-availability than name brands (like Oxycontin). That's why they don't get you as high. Generics have the same amount of active ingredient but different, lower quality binders and fillers. When Purdue Pharma engineered Oxycontin, each ingredient was equally important. This is not true with generics. I have friends that were on Oxycontin for years and switched to Roxy to save money. They all went into withdrawlsr hours after their first dose and switched back days later. Intra nasal oxy I would say has a B/A of 60% and Roxy is <40%. Given the option of Roxy or nothing, I take nothing everytime. A waste of money even when you shoot it.


well I can smoke about 2 grams of opium and it feels like taking 2 percocet..great...I take one 5mg morphine (yellow little thing) and a beer and I was throwing up..shitty...but I do like opiates...I am uneducated with heroin but I have seen very negative effects from it; no thank you.


Active Member
Generics like roxy have an even lower bio-availability than name brands (like Oxycontin). That's why they don't get you as high. Generics have the same amount of active ingredient but different, lower quality binders and fillers. When Purdue Pharma engineered Oxycontin, each ingredient was equally important. This is not true with generics. I have friends that were on Oxycontin for years and switched to Roxy to save money. They all went into withdrawlsr hours after their first dose and switched back days later. Intra nasal oxy I would say has a B/A of 60% and Roxy is <40%. Given the option of Roxy or nothing, I take nothing everytime. A waste of money even when you shoot it.
I disagree. Roxi is much more potent than name-brand Oxycontin. I've done my fair share of both, and 30mg roxy will get me much farther than an OC40.

I don't know where you are coming from with your opinion that roxi is crap. Roxi is instant release man. You couldn't have taken roxi before if that is your opinion. All of my friends who do opiates prefer roxi over name-brand OC.

you may be confused, check the link