The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

First line of text says" I don't care how many cops killed floyd it's irellevant"
Well no it's not. It's entirely relevant because 4 cops killed him. One of them being a black man and one of the being of oriental origin.
You say all you see is racist cops but they can't possibly be racist cos one of those involved was black. He actually was. I'm not making this up.
So if anyone's racist here it certainly wasn't the cops.
It certainly isn't me.
You though. Well you seem pretty hell bent on proving that white man bad regardless of what the actual facts are so you must be a racist.
Therefor you do not deserve my respect or anyone elses and we have the absolute right to treat you with nothing but contempt.
You refuse to look past skin colour to identify what a problem actually is.
In this case, the problem is that a lot of American cops are assholes.
You can't handle trying to take on the establishment though so much like the majority of blm supporters your just stomping and calling everyone a racist thinking anarchy will work.
It wont.
All that's gonna happen is yours and their lives will become ultimately a lot harder.
People of all races will treat blacks with less respect.
If black people want change then they must first accept that their current situation is not white mans fault.
Yes white men enslaved their ancestors but there's not a single person alive today anywhere on earth that had anything to do with any of that so how's about you stick that in your pipe. Prick ;)
A racist cop killed George Floyd. Doesn't matter if it was four or three or one. When I see a cop that's what I see first, skin color is less important.

Racism isn't based upon reality, it's based upon belief. Women can be misogynist, black people can be racist against black people. Black people are not inherently inferior to white people. A racist believes they are and like you, that's what they believe without facts.

We have both overt racism and systemic racism. All cops might not be racist. Cops support other cops first and foremost. They call it a brotherhood and enforce it by threatening cops who break their own rules of silence with leaving them out to dry if a call goes out that they are threatened. The systemic racism is seen in various places. Biased justice system, economic deprivation, daily insults and police brutality. Black lives matter is about just the police brutality issue. It has to stop and that's what the struggle in the cities are all about.

As you can see, I'm not going try to convince you, I'm telling you how it is. Because you don't live here, I don't really feel like you are worth arguing with. So toddle along Englishman.
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They supposed to be the better person? How about the people treating them like shit for hundreds of years start first. Seems fair to me.

This says a lot about who you are as a person. So it’s the riots/BLM that’s causing the racism? Wow you’re really slow.
You're taking me out of context. I said it's "creating more racism "
Which it is.
I'm not racist mate. I fuckin hate racists. They're idiots. You're falling into the same trap as the crackhead lover up there in thinking everything I say is anti black because you refuse to look into the point of my discussion. Blinded by your own simplicity.
I'm also very homo friendly but against the lgbt movement for similar reasons if you want to have a pointless argument about that too?
You're taking me out of context. I said it's "creating more racism "
Which it is
I'm not racist mate. I fuckin hate racists. They're idiots.
This is your quote so you can’t say I took it out of context. It can’t be creating something that was already there. The racism was already there for hundreds of years. BLM isn’t increasing it. They are increasing awareness of it.

More and more people are sick of it have decided to stand up to racist losers like yourself.
You're taking me out of context. I said it's "creating more racism "
Which it is.
I'm not racist mate. I fuckin hate racists. They're idiots. You're falling into the same trap as the crackhead lover up there in thinking everything I say is anti black because you refuse to look into the point of my discussion. Blinded by your own simplicity.
I'm also very homo friendly but against the lgbt movement for similar reasons if you want to have a pointless argument about that too?
This is your line from a few posts ago.

Blacks start kicking off all over the world and just expect us white guys to do what?

Has to be one of the most racist comments ever. How about we stand up to you losers so you racist pigs are the MINORITY!!!
This is your quote so you can’t say I took it out of context. It can’t be creating something that was already there. The racism was already there for hundreds of years. BLM isn’t increasing it. They are increasing awareness of it.

More and more people are sick of it have decided to stand up to racist losers like yourself.
I was on your side up untill BLM on line 5 and again mate I'm absolutely not. I couldn't care less if your a half black, half brown,half purple, half yellow magical creature with 4 halves. Makes no odds to me. I judge people by their behaviour as at the end of the day that's all that really matters.
If you behave like an asshole your an asshole.
If you keep behaving like an asshole then someone will eventually see you as a pain in the ass and start treating you like an asshole.
That's how I see this.
Bunch of idiots behaving like assholes that will ultimately achieve nothing but giving themselves more grief.
I'm not saying blacks aren't prejudiced against. But behaving like this isn't going to make it any better.
It's not the way to get what is essentially a political point across.
Imagine if politicians started organising this type of shit to get their points across.
Want to change a bill of law so they tell people to riot in order to change it.
That's not how you change laws in civilised society.
You do it through the courts respectfully so that the world can at least take you seriously.
I know not every protest has been a riot but there have been riots and there's absolutely no danger they had nothing to do with black people. Absolutely no danger at all.
And for it to be played off as all being white mans fault, that their demos are turning to shit.
Nah mate. That's just not how you do things if you really want change. Not these days.
Maybe back in the 1940s but not now.
I was on your side up untill BLM on line 5 and again mate I'm absolutely not. I couldn't care less if your a half black, half brown,half purple, half yellow magical creature with 4 halves. Makes no odds to me. I judge people by their behaviour as at the end of the day that's all that really matters.
If you behave like an asshole your an asshole.
If you keep behaving like an asshole then someone will eventually see you as a pain in the ass and start treating you like an asshole.
That's how I see this.
Bunch of idiots behaving like assholes that will ultimately achieve nothing but giving themselves more grief.
I'm not saying blacks aren't prejudiced against. But behaving like this isn't going to make it any better.
It's not the way to get what is essentially a political point across.
Imagine if politicians started organising this type of shit to get their points across.
Want to change a bill of law so they tell people to riot in order to change it.
That's not how you change laws in civilised society.
You do it through the courts respectfully so that the world can at least take you seriously.
I know not every protest has been a riot but there have been riots and there's absolutely no danger they had nothing to do with black people. Absolutely no danger at all.
And for it to be played off as all being white mans fault, that their demos are turning to shit.
Nah mate. That's just not how you do things if you really want change. Not these days.
Maybe back in the 1940s but not now.
Well they’re doing it and things are changing. So sit back relax and enjoy your racism. It’s all coming to an end. You’re reign of thinking you’re better than the next guy because “they’re blacks” so they’re bad and over.
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Well they’re doing it and things are changing. So sit back relax and enjoy your racism. It’s all coming to an end. You’re reign of thinking you’re better than the next guy because “they’re blacks” are bad and rioting.

One must admit to a problem before one can solve it. Conservatives in the US of today are people who support the status quo of white male entitlement and keep denying what is happening right in front of them. Then they get angry when people just move on and take action without their approval.

Conservatives, by definition don't want change. They don't have new solutions, they only want things to remain the same. So, they can't react to new information that says we need to change. Hence the conflict we are experiencing today while things change. They will eventually accept the solutions that people who aren't conservative find for them and that will become the new status quo that conservatives will rally around and defend.

A lot of this change is driven by changing demographics. My main fear is conservatives find ways to stop us from making these changes. Authoritarian rule is all about maintaining the status quo and conservatism.

One must admit to a problem before one can solve it. Conservatives in the US of today are people who support the status quo of white male entitlement and keep denying what is happening right in front of them. Then they get angry when people just move on and take action without their approval.

Conservatives, by definition don't want change. They don't have new solutions, they only want things to remain the same. So, they can't react to new information that says we need to change. Hence the conflict we are experiencing today while things change. They will eventually accept the solutions that people who aren't conservative find for them and that will become the new status quo that conservatives will rally around and defend.

A lot of this change is driven by changing demographics. My main fear is conservatives find ways to stop us from making these changes. Authoritarian rule is all about maintaining the status quo and conservatism.
One thing about conservatives is they don’t even like trump or what he’s about. They just don’t want a dem that bad that they voted this moron in.

Conservatives want the 2nd amendment protected but not the first? If you like guns you better like f’ing protests. You can’t support the 2nd amendment and not the first. Which is what they’re doing.
(I forget what this video was about before I am posting, but it felt relevant at the time).
Yeah I get what you're saying bud. I don't disagree with a lot of it. You definately raise some valid points.
We certainly don't have "black problems" here for a start. They do in England but not up here.
We don't have black communities in Scotland so there are no problems that arise from them.
Black people here and all foreigners of any race are fully integrated into society.
There is no segregation. No white or black areas, it's all mixed.
I am pretty ignorant of your corner of the world, everything I know about it it warped together with movies I have seen, so don't really trust what I think I know enough to have an opinion on what you say other than it must be nice. Did you guys ever force black people to live in small areas and make it illegal for them to move out of there?

I am going to take some time to digest what you said and circle back around, we are not going anywhere right? I was having a conversation with @TrippleDip about the QAnon thread. I think the conversations will kind of fill in a few holes in what we talked about here.

Yeah I get what you're saying bud. I don't disagree with a lot of it. You definately raise some valid points.
We certainly don't have "black problems" here for a start. They do in England but not up here.
We don't have black communities in Scotland so there are no problems that arise from them.
Black people here and all foreigners of any race are fully integrated into society.
There is no segregation. No white or black areas, it's all mixed.

England is different though. There's a lot of black communities down there.
People say oh they're forced to live there and whatever else but at the end of the day if you want a hand out house then you get what you're given.
They have a lot of problems with illegal, untraceable immigrants down there that can't be sent home and must be housed by law.
You can't have tens of thousands of untraceable people living all over the shop so they get put into specific areas so they're easier to find.
They're provided with adequate housing, plenty cash etc.
And it's not a dig at black people but almost everywhere in England where black communities are there are higher rates of crime.
Our cops all wear body cams etc so they simply cannot get away with being unprofessional.
It's getting dangerous for them though due to this blm movement.
Now whenever a black man is stopped in London there are crowds quickly gathering to threaten the police.
That's not on.
Our police not only have the right to stop and search us. But in built up black areas, due to the amount of knife,gun and drug crime from the black communities they have a responsibility to pull up loads of black people to search them.
According to the police, 1 in 5 stops result in further action being taken.
That's 20% of nothing more than random guesses results in the black guys being found to be carrying things they shouldn't be. Wether it's drugs, weapons or whatever else.
And as I said the cops are wearing body cams so they can't lie about this.
If the black people in England were to be listened to then it would be illegal for police to stop and search anyone.
Violent crime goes up massively.
Drug crime goes up massively.
And those who will be effected by that most are the black communities as those have a higher %age of it.
So what's the answer?
Do we stop arresting black people so the police can stop being called racists and just let them destroy themselves.
No we can't do that because that's also racist.
We have paradox.
An unstoppable force meeting the unmoveable object.
And what would happen if that paradox could ever actually happen?
Both sides would explode and that's what a gonna happen here.
Destruction on a mass scale from both sides and every angle.
A pointless war.
And from every angle I've seen it's the black people that are pushing for it.
White people may be retaliating but retaliation can always be justified.
Starting a fight cannot.
I still need to go back over that because I don't want to rush it and just end up burning each other out. @schuylaar had a good point when she said to keep things shorter, and I think that applies here too. We get so worked up and it is like a volcano building up steam.

I had a longer response, but I erased it, except this part.

I know this is a comedy skit. But I think it explains something that is too real in life as a minority male in our country.

Everyone can lose their shit, or 'Karen', when they are pushed to their breaking point.

But imagine a life where you get pulled over by the cops on your way home from work as soon as you pull into your neighborhood several times a year, and then harassed, and if you show any elevated anger at all will end up in cuffs. All to do nothing but waste your time and show they are superior. Imagine how many more times a year something like that would occur for a black guy moving into the nice burbs, and how the next day they might be a little more on edge, especially if it ended up with them in jail and they don't get any sleep.

Sure these little micro-agressions might not seem to the person who is 'just kidding' a reason for someone to blow up like Chapelle joked about in that video, but can you really not admit that in your life you likely have had times that you got really mad about something and can understand how black people getting mad just makes sense from time to time?

Because if you can understand that, and can understand the timeline of racism our society (how it has all too slowly been reduced to where we are at since the today), we can actually get somewhere I think/have hope.

Now as I hit enter, realize this has been on my computer for a few hours now lol, so hopefully it makes sense and when you have a few check out that other thread and feel free to respond to whatever.

Good talking to you, good luck with the trolling!
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I was on your side up untill BLM on line 5 and again mate I'm absolutely not. I couldn't care less if your a half black, half brown,half purple, half yellow magical creature with 4 halves. Makes no odds to me. I judge people by their behaviour as at the end of the day that's all that really matters.
If you behave like an asshole your an asshole.
If you keep behaving like an asshole then someone will eventually see you as a pain in the ass and start treating you like an asshole.
That's how I see this.
Bunch of idiots behaving like assholes that will ultimately achieve nothing but giving themselves more grief.
I'm not saying blacks aren't prejudiced against. But behaving like this isn't going to make it any better.
It's not the way to get what is essentially a political point across.
Imagine if politicians started organising this type of shit to get their points across.
Want to change a bill of law so they tell people to riot in order to change it.
That's not how you change laws in civilised society.
You do it through the courts respectfully so that the world can at least take you seriously.
I know not every protest has been a riot but there have been riots and there's absolutely no danger they had nothing to do with black people. Absolutely no danger at all.
And for it to be played off as all being white mans fault, that their demos are turning to shit.
Nah mate. That's just not how you do things if you really want change. Not these days.
Maybe back in the 1940s but not now.
You are so racist it’s funny, what a fukin dumbass. Tell us more about the white man.
Do you use that racist pos hatespeech “play the white man”?
What’s your gripe with lgbtq+?
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Ruptly is Russian Times so who knows what they are not showing*, Or why they picked this demonstration to cover.
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I wanted to see if I am not full of shit about these protests being used as cover for home grown terrorists, and decided to take a really close look at the riot that broke out in Chicago at Grant park that ended with a weak ass attempt to tear down the statue that gave up after about a half hour according to reports.

I believe that the violence and attack on the police was the actual reason for the attack by the rioters after watching it, and not the removal of the statue of the guy who signals the beginning of a whole sale slaughter of an entire nation of people that lasted for the half a millennium.

And that this too is a attack by not the peaceful protestors, but by criminals that are being used as a reason to continue to dominate these 'Liberal' cities.

Here is the raw video from the police department.

All these white kids on bikes are out front of the protest wearing backpacks circling and doing tricks keeping pace with the march. At one point when they pour into the park, you see a big group of people with bikes enter. Bikes were used to protect the rear of the rioters by forming a wall behind them.
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When they made it into the park use the billboard and the umbrellas (clearly white people all getting changed before they riot) on the sidewalk behind the rioters to cover them changing cloths. It is not highlighted in this part, but on the upper right portion you see a 'refreshment cart' and a open area where a white kid with a backpack on in a more open spot.

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Here you can see the open area with the cart.

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At this point the rioters with the signs as a shield wall push to the fountain, while the people with bikes hold the back line. People start to empty bags on the ground (reportedly filled supposedly with ice/rocks by chief of police in Chicago).

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You can clearly see these rioters are at the least almost all white. And that the kid with the cart from earlier toss his bag into his cart and is doing something right before the filming changes position, but he is frantically doing whatever it is as he stuffs shit in his pockets as soon as the other white male starts dropping shit. This is right when they started throwing things at the cops on the statue.

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Here is the angle that you can see the clear difference between the peaceful protestors and the white rioters as they start throwing things at the cops, and stabbing at them with the PVC pipping from the non shield wall large signs.

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I wanted to find other angles of this attack on the police by these white rioters, and found this local coverage:

Confirms a whole lot of white people with backpacks hiding their identities. Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 10.55.47 AM.png

And some obviously white legs hanging out under the signs.

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Not saying that no minority person was a part of the rioters, I have no way to know. Nor do I doubt that once the white rioters began their attack on the police that no minority person decided all that anger needed to be unleashed. But it is clear that this was a planned attack perpetrated by white rioters and not the peaceful protesters.


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Here a little mob of white boys are throwing things at the (I'm assuming police/Feds) when the one gets beaned. Then it was really smart, a bunch of their group came in and snatched him out of there so they wouldn't get identified.

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I wonder if we will ever get a accurate picture of the groups behind the actual violence that the rioters vs the protesters that get swept up into the very wide net that Trump and Barr are casting that will essentially blur any relevant data.
I don't understand American politics as such. Your consevatives are completely different from ours etc so don't know if you are right about trump, the democrats etc but your point is the same.
It can only backfire in my opinion. Fuck it's massively backfiring already.
How many more white racists has the blm just created? Must be millions more of them now.
And how many white people (myself included ) are seeing what the blacks are doing as absolute racism.
Would I ever treat somebody differently because of their skin colour. No. Absolutely not in a million years...but... I'm now seeing that black people think it's perfectly acceptable to burn down our streets because they class themselves as above the law. So why should I respect them?
Why should anybody?
If white people behaved like this then the kkk headlines would be all over the world.
But for some reason black people think this is the way forward. That this sort of behaviour is not only justifiable but should also be encouraged.
Very well said man!
Well they’re doing it and things are changing. So sit back relax and enjoy your racism. It’s all coming to an end. You’re reign of thinking you’re better than the next guy because “they’re blacks” so they’re bad and over.
He's actually the least racist here! He knows his facts. All I been hearing from you is anti white tirades. You people have became the new racist! Congratulations for falling for divide and conquer techniques by your lovely all loving elites! Like he said being an asshole doesn't dictate your skin color. Any skin color can be an asshole!
He's actually the least racist here! He knows his facts. All I been hearing from you is anti white tirades. You people have became the new racist! Congratulations for falling for divide and conquer techniques by your lovely all loving elites! Like he said being an asshole doesn't dictate your skin color. Any skin color can be an asshole!
hush, racist
He's actually the least racist here! He knows his facts. All I been hearing from you is anti white tirades. You people have became the new racist! Congratulations for falling for divide and conquer techniques by your lovely all loving elites! Like he said being an asshole doesn't dictate your skin color. Any skin color can be an asshole!
It is now racist to point out that the majority of the violent rioting is being shown to have been done by far right and white people so far?

White people are the ones doing the damage and Trump has ginned you up to not realize that this is white people doing violence to other white people (police/feds) in Democratic cities so that Dear Leader (who was so elite he got about a billion dollars from daddy) can sell his cult it is BLM and ANTIFA. That way Dear Leader can then have his camera moment with his stormtroopers beating up peaceful protestors.

It is not even original, the Simpsons already did this skit.
He's actually the least racist here! He knows his facts. All I been hearing from you is anti white tirades. You people have became the new racist! Congratulations for falling for divide and conquer techniques by your lovely all loving elites! Like he said being an asshole doesn't dictate your skin color. Any skin color can be an asshole!
Must be his alt account. Nice try though

not anti white, I just support the protests because it’s their constitutional right. Just like I don’t own guns but I support the gun owners because it’s also a constitutional right. Where do you stop then if you start taking away people’s rights?

I exposed a closet racist. Tell your buddy it’s ok to come out now :hump:
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