The Real Obama


Well-Known Member
I hope he runs in 2008, He's got my vote.


I noticed his middle name is Hussein. (LMAO) When he first came on the scene, alot of people (Including me) thought of Osama bin Laden whenever Obama's name was mentioned. Now hearing his full name, I think of Saddam and Osama. With a name that conjures up images of those two, I'm surprised Obama made it as far as he did.


New Member
I hope he runs in 2008, He's got my vote.


I noticed his middle name is Hussein. (LMAO) When he first came on the scene, alot of people (Including me) thought of Osama bin Laden whenever Obama's name was mentioned. Now hearing his full name, I think of Saddam and Osama. With a name that conjures up images of those two, I'm surprised Obama made it as far as he did.
Whats in a name? Bush, slang for Cunt! Way more appropriate I think!


Active Member
I know this post is like 2 years old but I have to say this,Im from the hood where people throw game at you all day long,I know when someone is blowing smoke up my ass and Obama is just like any other slick bastard who thinks they are so smart and there game is so tight they can talk you into anything,they tell you what you want to hear at the moment knowing damn well they are lying through their teeth.A HUSTLER all the way.


New Member
I know this post is like 2 years old but I have to say this,Im from the hood where people throw game at you all day long,I know when someone is blowing smoke up my ass and Obama is just like any other slick bastard who thinks they are so smart and there game is so tight they can talk you into anything,they tell you what you want to hear at the moment knowing damn well they are lying through their teeth.A HUSTLER all the way.
You've got him pegged, shontay.

After spending a lifetime in commissioned sales, I have the same insight into people as you do. Hey, banging your head against the wall and eating rejection for a living is a real learning experience. ~lol~

Good call on your part.



Well-Known Member
The REAL Obama voted to renew the Patriot Act. The REAL Obama voted for continued funding of the war in Iraq. The REAL Obama voted for FISA. The REAL Obama just stated this last week that he wants more troops in Afghanistan to combat the Taliban.

That's as real as it gets. His voting record speaks for him.


New Member
The REAL O'Bama may have smoked 'herb, but smoking 'herb doesn't necessarily make one qualified for president.

Does his policies promote more, or less, individual liberty?



New Member
The REAL O'Bama may have smoked 'herb, but smoking 'herb doesn't necessarily make one qualified for president.

Does his policies promote more, or less, individual liberty?

I'd say way more than Bush's or McCains. Especially Bush's. BTW, this individual liberty thing is way overblown. In a society of 300 million, shouldn't there be some restraints on individual liberty?
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New Member
I'd say way more than Bush's or McCains. Especially Bush's. BTW, this individual liberty thing is way overblown. In a society of 300 million, shouldn't there be some restraints on individual liberty?[/quote]

Quite the contrary, Med. Social contracts, such as our Constitution, are drawn to protect individual liberty from the totalitarian tendencies of the majority. Should there be an increase in slavery accompanying the increase in population?

And by the way, individual liberty doesn't mean that one has the liberty to do anything one wants to do. For example, individual liberty doesn't include the right to violate the rights and liberty of others.



New Member
And by the way, individual liberty doesn't mean that one has the liberty to do anything one wants to do. For example, individual liberty doesn't include the right to violate the rights and liberty of others.

Uhh, I think in the capitalistic world it does. Without constraints by government or unions, the rulers would do what the fuck they liked to do regardless of others rights, remember child labor? Remember 80 hr. work weeks. The Capitalistic mantra is: Make as much as possible without any regards for other entities, like the environment, the employees, the community, pretty much sounds like fucking over others to me.


New Member
And by the way, individual liberty doesn't mean that one has the liberty to do anything one wants to do. For example, individual liberty doesn't include the right to violate the rights and liberty of others.

Uhh, I think in the capitalistic world it does. Without constraints by government or unions, the rulers would do what the fuck they liked to do regardless of others rights, remember child labor? Remember 80 hr. work weeks. The Capitalistic mantra is: Make as much as possible without any regards for other entities, like the environment, the employees, the community, pretty much sounds like fucking over others to me.
rep+++ for you med...I have a picture of my grandad and his brothers and they ranged in age from 9-14...there were six of them and all of them were missing fingers from working in a sawmill...that shit would have never changed if not for the government...and do you think that the thousands of people that died in coal mines would have changed if Mr. Peabody had his way...??


New Member
rep+++ for you med...I have a picture of my grandad and his brothers and they ranged in age from 9-14...there were six of them and all of them were missing fingers from working in a sawmill...that shit would have never changed if not for the government...and do you think that the thousands of people that died in coal mines would have changed if Mr. Peabody had his way...??
And advancements in technology, developed by capitalists, industrialists, and thinkers, have had nothing to do with improved industrial safety? Only union rules and government regulation has done that?

Again, thank you Mr. Marx and Mr. Engles for your input. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Technology drives the laws and the laws drive technology. But that is not the issue of this thread. The question is when will the real Barrak Hussien Obama stand up?

Right now both candidates have started in their corners of the ring and wooed the crowd. But, now they are both moving to the center and trying to pull the undecided and swing voters. The sparing and position flip-flops will continue till the convention speeches. And then we hope, both candidates will give us a real position statement.


Well-Known Member
This man is our next prez no doubt about it I just wish Ron Paul could have a shot then we would have at least decrim of pot.


Well-Known Member
This man is our next prez no doubt about it I just wish Ron Paul could have a shot then we would have at least decrim of pot.
This horserace ain't over for almost four months.

With the advantages he enjoys: plenty of money and being the media darling; Obama should be killing McCain in the polls. Yet they run neck and neck right now.

Obama is ACTING like the President now, and he's only the presumptive nominee. He's got until November to fuck it up.