The real racists.

Are you one?
“Poor black kids trapped in failing neighborhoods schools, that’s the biggest race problem of today,” Rice said. Her comments were in response to a recent court ruling in California that said teacher tenure violates children’s civil rights.

According to Condi Rice, real racism is being perpetuated by contemporary liberals who defend teachers’ unions that keep minority children trapped in failing schools in predominantly poor neighborhoods.

“That’s the biggest civil rights issue of today. Anybody who isn’t in favor of school choice, anybody who isn’t in favor of educational reform, anybody who defends the status quo in the educational system, that’s racist to me,” said Rice who is currently a professor of political science at Stanford University.
This would be funny if you weren't serious
Just as Condi is suggesting, give parents vouchers to be used to educate their kids in schools that produce.

What is your solution, give teachers a raise and more time off?

Better yet get coercive government out of it entirely. When they "give" a voucher, that is a misnomer, since they don't own the money, they don't own the right and they shouldn't own other peoples children.

Free market competition will reduce education costs and improve the product. Any system that purports to be doing a good job should not have to rely on ransom to ensure payment.
Home schoolers self select who takes the test.

Speaking of self selection, you do admit that the Public school system isn't funded voluntarily and that most service providers don't have to use threats in order to acquire "customers" ?

How much do you know about the Prussian School system and why it was brought to the USA?
Not anymore. Still good schools though. Very under funded for the most part due to declining church attendance

Mount Carmel high school, Chicago, Il.

Tuition and Fees

  • Tuition for the 2014-15 school year is $10,200.00

  • Registration fee is $400.00

  • Activity fee is $300.00 for underclassmen, $600.00 for seniors

  • The cost to educate each of your sons will be approximately $13,800; the McCarthy scholarship, which every student receives, makes up the $2900.00 gap between your tuition & fees cost and the cost to educate your son.

  • There are three payment plans available for tuition: full payment, three-payment plan, and ten-payment plan.
Just as Condi is suggesting, give parents vouchers to be used to educate their kids in schools that produce.

What is your solution, give teachers a raise and more time off?

maybe we should try to replicate the models of more successful nations before we toss our hands up and just do whatever the GOP tells us we need to do.

nah, that would never work. republicans are incapable of learning from success. they strive for failure.

you are a perfect example of this.