I think that if everyone quit talking about race, part of the problem would be solved.
Another part would be solved if we truly treated each other as equals.
The final part would be solved if we came to terms with the history of racism and took steps not only to prevent it from ever happening again, but also to ensure both that those who are disadvantaged are made whole and everyone gets a fair shot moving forward.
These points may sound simple, but each masks a great deal of complexity and divisiveness.
@Padawanbater2 Thanks for liking this post so I could find it again.
@Fogdog @UncleBuck this is the original post, in its entirety. Chipping off the first statement is taking it out of context.
The point I was trying to make- poorly, it seems- is that a lot of people on both sides of any given racial divide deliberately talk it up to score points, rather than trying to solve anything. Y'all would be familiar with that tactic, considering how often you use it.
The sentence does not stand on its own in a vacuum. It only makes sense when the other two statements are also true, and we're certainly nowhere near there in this country.
I've had the experience of being eavesdropped upon by someone whose only interest is to twist something said out of context to try to accuse me of being racist without being involved in the conversation- when nothing of the sort was being discussed! It's shit like that I was referring to.
In no way do I advocate telling everyone to 'just shut up' about race. By itself that tactic would only serve to cement the divides that already exist.
Now, let's see if you two are men enough to accept your part of this manufactured misunderstanding- or if you'll just continue to prove the very point I was making.