The Sausage Kings 630W LEC 5x5 2LB Challenge


Well-Known Member
Plnts1 - Copy.jpg I have never done one of these before. I typically do a run once a year in my medical legal state for my wife that is sick. Growing has become a hobby of mine for quite some time. I am really happy with my current setup and was blessed with enough girls for a full house inside the tent this time around. So I thought it would be fun to see how far I can push it since I love challenges. I'm not sure if 2lb has been done off of a single 630 LEC before but it seems like a serious challenge to me. I think I need about 25-35% increase from any other runs I have done int the past, so not easy. A lot will likely depend on genetics as well, since i have never run these strains except gorilla bubble and don't know what to expect. Feel free to call me an idiot for even implying it can be done or just hang out if you want. I'll try and update when possible and answer any questions if anybody cares.

Plants (All started from seed) :
Insane Chem 91 x 2 (ISP)
Cookies n Chem (GreenPoint)
Diesel Dipped Cookies (Connoisseur)
Gorilla Bubble (Tony Green)
Tomahawk (GreenPoint)
Bandits Breath (Greenpoint)
+ The straggler bucket of a couple runts, Gorilla Bubble and my own cross (Alien Fire x SourD)

Medium: Coco
A Bunch of stuff. Basically Flora Nova bloom with some H&G supplementals. I was given a few Nectar of the Gods additives to try as well.

Here is my starting point, 6 days into flower. I made a few adjustments with mixture and EC tonight since the foliage was getting a little dark from likely to much N or Mg.

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Well-Known Member
Hope u get it
Sweet. I haven't heard of many people running it. I tried once before and got all males. I'm assuming it came out good if you did it again. Was it a producer? How was the smell?

Thanks for stopping by


Well-Known Member
Try an get them temps and rh right..use a net trellis and definitely try and gas the tent with co2. If you can keep a consistent supply of co2 at 1000 to 1200 ppm during lights on without it escaping....there is your 20 to 30% increase right there in yield. Your chances of hitting your goal becomes much greater. Even if a co2 setup is subpar..your likely to see some kind of gains. Any little bit helps. I will be checking this thread. Cool setup. Be sweet if you nailed a 2 pounder or more with 630 watts.


Well-Known Member
Try an get them temps and rh right..use a net trellis and definitely try and gas the tent with co2. If you can keep a consistent supply of co2 at 1000 to 1200 ppm during lights on without it escaping....there is your 20 to 30% increase right there in yield. Your chances of hitting your goal becomes much greater. Even if a co2 setup is subpar..your likely to see some kind of gains. Any little bit helps. I will be checking this thread. Cool setup. Be sweet if you nailed a 2 pounder or more with 630 watts.

Thanks for the advice and welcome to the thread! I have been keeping the temps under control as best as possible. Its usually in the high 70's to low 80's with the light(s) on. Ionly run one bulb on for the first few hours of light until ambient conditions outside go down since my room fluctuates from them. I have a net trellis I was going to put up in a couple days. I didnt want it to sit to low.

CO2 is a good idea but I dont have a sealed room so I might buy something cheap and see if it helps at all. Im worried it will just be evacuated


Well-Known Member
you've got all solid stuff I'm a fan of floranova bloom as a stand alone nutrient & with an additive here & there if you don't mind me asking what kind of harvest has the 630 given in the past? ..pulling up a chair


Well-Known Member
you've got all solid stuff I'm a fan of floranova bloom as a stand alone nutrient & with an additive here & there if you don't mind me asking what kind of harvest has the 630 given in the past? ..pulling up a chair
I haven't used FN in quite a few years. But I am trying to add more organics to my mix and try something new. So far I am really happy with the response the plants are giving with my feeding.

This will be my third run with the 630W. The most I got was around 1.25lbs, the same as my best 600W HPS with a full house. In the case of the previous runswith the 630 I had bad luck with a high number of males which led to a lot of open air in the canopy. The density and quality has been significantly noticeable between the HPS and LEC so I'm optimistic about the 2 lbs if I get a few decent producers out of the gene pool i have in there.

Here is a few shots from a plant I grew a year or so ago. The trich production I was getting under the LEC was remarkable and this plant would have likely benefited considerably if it had been vegged as long as my current run.

Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans


Well-Known Member
I haven't used FN in quite a few years. But I am trying to add more organics to my mix and try something new. So far I am really happy with the response the plants are giving with my feeding.

This will be my third run with the 630W. The most I got was around 1.25lbs, the same as my best 600W HPS with a full house. In the case of the previous runswith the 630 I had bad luck with a high number of males which led to a lot of open air in the canopy. The density and quality has been significantly noticeable between the HPS and LEC so I'm optimistic about the 2 lbs if I get a few decent producers out of the gene pool i have in there.

Here is a few shots from a plant I grew a year or so ago. The trich production I was getting under the LEC was remarkable and this plant would have likely benefited considerably if it had been vegged as long as my current run.

Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans
Jeezus!!! Land of the frost giants right there. Nice!!! Yeah...single ended sixers give up about a pound to a pound and a quarter if you know what your doing.


Well-Known Member
I've been considering a 315 for one of my 3x3 tents
I would recommend it it, plants love them. You should get plenty of coverage and even more than I'm getting with a 315 in a 3x3 area. In my case its been a little more difficult to keep temperatures under control since the hood isn't cooled. Plus I keep quite a bit more distance between the canopy and the light, which is why I train them the way I do in the picture. I also even got shorter and wider 5 gallon tubs.


Well-Known Member
Just a small update. Things are coming along. 13 days into flower and its turning into a jungle and getting TALL. This is the most packed my 5x5 has ever been. I would say things are heading in the right direction. I just hope they don't get to tall. I like keeping good distance from the LEC light to reduce the chance of stress

13 days - Copy.jpg

Kp sunshine

Well-Known Member
Just a small update. Things are coming along. 13 days into flower and its turning into a jungle and getting TALL. This is the most packed my 5x5 has ever been. I would say things are heading in the right direction. I just hope they don't get to tall. I like keeping good distance from the LEC light to reduce the chance of stress

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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warning. I have been keeping a close eye on things, especially the lower areas where nuts are known to show up but it looks good so far.

I grew gorilla bubble a while back and had a few danglers, and i just picked them off. The final product was worth it.

Kp sunshine

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warning. I have been keeping a close eye on things, especially the lower areas where nuts are known to show up but it looks good so far.

I grew gorilla bubble a while back and had a few danglers, and i just picked them off. The final product was worth it.
I’m running IC91 and one had a few at the base of the bud. My 5x5 is filled like yours but with ISP orange diesel and IC91. I’m pumped to see all your plants finish out. Hope it’s a solid run!!