The Setup


Active Member
Ok so my setup is like this:

I have a 4ft long and a 15 in high area that I will place one 4ft fluorescent fixture in with two of these bulbs
40 watt 48" T12 Gro-Lux Wide Spectrum Rapid Start Fluorescent Sylvania Light Bulb its 3400K. Underneath that area I will have the same setup. In the top area I will have the lights on the plants for 18 hours a day, when they reach about a foot tall I will put them in the bottom area where the light will be on the plants for 12 hours a day. And then in my closet most likely I will have the mother/cloning plant. Does this sound like a good plan?

Also where is a good place online for US people to shop for growing equipment.etc.



Well-Known Member
Just make sure when you induce 12/12 that you have complete darkness or you will get hermie's.



Active Member
He's not saying it will work, but with some effort, you can pull it off. You have to be CERTAIN that your plants in 12/12 receive ZERO lumens when they are in darkness. Also, flowering with t12s will not be very efficient. I recommend a 250w HPS from htgsupply. They are a great place for all your horticulture needs.


Active Member
Thanks man nice link. I am going to look into this site and the prices and such. I am still in the planning stages of my first grow, but its coming together.