The Stinkbug Epidemic & Our Outdoor Grow

Brother Sweetleaf

Well-Known Member
Rella-99 w Stinkbug On Grow-Tent.PNG They're annoying, they're relentless, and they stink...

But are they harmful to marijuana plants???

Somehow, a couple made it inside my outdoor grow-tent's insect-netting. I don't know them to be a nuisance to cannabis, so thought I'd ask here what you guys have seen.

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Well-Known Member
They suck fluids from stems, but I rarely see them attacking my outdoor plants, more they like the big bush to flock onto, then they move on and the plant is fine.


Well-Known Member
Was kind of wondering the same. I've seen a few here and there, and i usually flick them off the leaf they are sitting on. I'm also dealing with fungus gnats and just found a budworm. I'm thinking a simple Google search to find out if they eat other bugs or if they eat leaves. that would give you your answer. Google is your friend lol I haven't been bothered enough by them to care


The stink bug will lay waste to crops in veg stage and early flower they are large smart highly invasive obnoxious no real predators other than
Samurai Wasp (Trissolcus japonicus)
you must be dillagent in finding them as they are strong and hide on undersides of leaves (if you see black spots on to of your leaves this is their shit.) and do so if they detect a predator namely you. Safer soap will kill them but takes a direct spray and 1-2 min to work best to grab them as quickly as possible a light crush with your foot so they don t have time to spray and disposal. Constant patrolling is necessary if you have open room they will seek your plants once they do they mark them so others come they must be terminated with extreme prejudice.


Well-Known Member
I hate these Mofos, i found em and in my grow room too. take a water bottle and put some soap water in the bottom, they drown in it.

When you see one just hold the open bottle up to them and coax them in, theres a bit of an art to it but they almost jump into the bottle sometimes.

Then just put bottle cap back on. Ill have 30 in a bottle before i make a new one.

I will also grab them and just squish em w my fingers sometimes.


Well-Known Member
You know I've never seen them out side of the country or the burbs but the last 2 years I've seen them even in the city! They are nasty little things and starting to really take a hold in my area.

I was going to say to put some netting around your plants as it will help keep other buggers away but it looks like you have got that covered!

They love moisture and light. Not sure how to kill them with out squishing them which stinks. You could use DE but out side it will just blow away. That net is your best defense! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Netting wont keep them out of anything they want in. I swear they can squeeze through just about any gap. They squeeze themselves between my screens and windows somehow, cant make it by the window though.

Best trap ive used is the 2 liter bottle with soap water in bottom, and then you set a puck light underneath it. They will swarm these things.



Well-Known Member
I bought one of these too and have layed to waste many a stink bug and other insect....took a couple years of use, but i can knock bugs out of the air with it now. Bugs crawling or sitting still are easy game Bug a Salt Gun


Well-Known Member
I had Harlequin stink bugs at a new spot 6 years ago. I read that they are attracted to plants in the Bassicae family.
Sure enough i found a wild asparagus plant about 10 feet from grow area infested with them.
Found them again last year at my newer spot and i found several broccoli plants infested just south of my grow.
Get rid of wild broccoli, asparagus and other Bassicae family plants for starters


Well-Known Member
I had Harlequin stink bugs at a new spot 6 years ago. I read that they are attracted to plants in the Bassicae family.
Sure enough i found a wild asparagus plant about 10 feet from grow area infested with them.
Found them again last year at my newer spot and i found several broccoli plants infested just south of my grow.
Get rid of wild broccoli, asparagus and other Bassicae family plants for starters
I had Harlequin stink bugs at a new spot 6 years ago. I read that they are attracted to plants in the Bassicae family.
Sure enough i found a wild asparagus plant about 10 feet from grow area infested with them.
Found them again last year at my newer spot and i found several broccoli plants infested just south of my grow.
Get rid of wild broccoli, asparagus and other Bassicae family plants for starters
Cauliflower was the first plant/spot. They love that stuff and i had two plants near my grow